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What is it so important to resolve kashmir issue..
by Bhushan on Jul 09, 2007 10:48 PM  Permalink 

you have many issues there back in pakistan... set your things right then talk about the world.

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to solve kashmir problem
by Sivaraman Srinivasan on Jul 09, 2007 10:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hey Pakistan, If you really want to solve Kashmir problems. Just do

- handover POK to India
- Close all terrorist training camps
- Withdraw all the terrorists from J & K and from other parts of India.

till such time, you do this, we do not recognise that you are sincere in solving kashmir problem.

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RE:to solve kashmir problem
by meindian on Jul 09, 2007 11:59 PM  Permalink

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china conducts its nuclear testing in muslim province
by inkypinky on Jul 09, 2007 10:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies



Contact: Erkin Alptekin, Munich, Germany Tel:(89) 930 39 09

MUNICH, 7 October 1994 - The peoples of Eastern Turkestan strongly

condemn the Chinese nuclear test conducted at Lop Nor, Eastern

Turkestan, mostly known as Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, on

October 7, 1994

Since October 16, 1964, 41 nuclear tests, 22 in atmosphere and 19

underground., have been detected there. The last test was conducted

on June 10, 1994.



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RE:china conducts its nuclear testing in muslim province
by inkypinky on Jul 09, 2007 10:42 PM  Permalink

China's nuclear test in Eastern Turkestan for almost three decades

have produced an ecological disaster, not only endangering human

life but also polluting drinking water, food supplies and affecting

millions of animals throughout the country.

There are no official figures of the nuclear victims in Eastern

Turkestan. But it has been reported by our countrymen living in

various parts of the country that almost 210,000 people in Eastern

Turkestan have died because of radioactive fallout.

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by deep rain on Jul 09, 2007 11:06 PM  Permalink
funny they cant solve their own small problems, they cant manage their small state which is of course a failed state what will they do with kashmir it is well said Langoor ke hath mein Angoor. Guys u take care of urself then think of kshmir if u dont receive illgottten mony from US and the Sudis u will starve next day what u will do with kashmir dont waste ur time and energy it is not ur cup of tea mush is looking for Americans and America is looking on Benazir and Benazir is looking for Nawaz com on guys be realistic. genral

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kashmir solution now
by deep rain on Jul 09, 2007 10:44 PM  Permalink 

this is amazingly stupid now who is musharaf now he is at war with lal masjid and no one listens to him it is very embrassing situation for him he has been fired during his flight.There is total chaos in Pakistan on one side jehadis are trying to capture the govt and on the other side justice chaudrey is becoming next hero of pakis now i dont know poor mush has any thing to do. that is why he has called his foreign office lady to do some magic by her charming personality and with her good sense of humor. she has called on India to settle kashmir issue now.Simple so that the attention of pakis is diverted from Lalmasjid and judiciary crisis to India pak relations. Can any one in pakistan tel me ok if the kashmir issue is setteled now and for once and when the internal crisis in pakistan rises again then what they will do. It is madnatroy for u to keep the kashmir pot boiling guys and it is for both of u that is pakistan and india as well so that your internal crisis can be diverted at the time of need to india pak relations. Otherwise there is no dispute in kashmir. yes u have not to exploit poor kashmiris that u have been doing and leave them to their fate. If u really wan to do your best just create few lakh job oppurtunties in kashmir secondly bring back all kashmiri hindus to their mother land and alow all the kashmiris live in peace without corrupting their kashmiriyat for which both pakistan and india are insenstive. LEAVE KASHMIRIS ALONE FOR GOD'S SAKE ENUF BLOOD IS SH

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First resolve Lal Masjid issue
by True Indian on Jul 09, 2007 10:40 PM  Permalink 

First resolve Lal Masjid issue then worry ab outside world

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by Arjun on Jul 09, 2007 10:42 PM  Permalink
what the hell is your problem dude. go do your work.

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