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You deserve
by Mahadevan Dev on Jul 09, 2007 12:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

You bloody cheat, you are reaping what you sow. You deserve even more. Atleast other countries should wake up now and know the true colour of pakistan.

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RE:You deserve
by Aadi Manav on Jul 09, 2007 01:11 PM  Permalink
we have also done no good. We indians demolished the mosque in Ayodhya.Whatever happening in pakistan is the culmination of politicizing the religeon. We have reaped and in fact reaping it even now with the Punajb and the Ayodhya issue.

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RE:You deserve
by ramesh pandey on Jul 09, 2007 01:49 PM  Permalink
Adi Manav

Grow up R u still Illiterate as per ur name??

Go through History. That place was never a Mosque from starting. It was only Auragzeb/babar who made maximum temples domes broken N converted to Mosque

History is like this MIGHT IS RIGHT.

If U r strong then its duty to correct History

U should first learn history B4 showing ur stupid Secularism gained from Congress.

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Just keep watching
by Jonas DSouza on Jul 09, 2007 12:54 PM  Permalink 

Pak is using (on her own people) the tacticts that could have been used on any of her enemy nations.

Time for the neighbours to just watch and observe the situation/move.

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Storming the Masjid.
by Neo on Jul 09, 2007 12:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Here are a bunch of muslims (read Pak Army) attacking a Masjid to storm out militants. If it were done by Indian Army in Kashmir, it is this very entity called Pakistan that shall go overboard in its criticism that Hindus are destroying Muslim holy places.

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RE:Storming the Masjid.
by Vijay Beleri on Jul 09, 2007 01:03 PM  Permalink
Absolutely.. in fact we cowards (indian govt) wont dream of doing such a thing..

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RE:Storming the Masjid.
by Jonas DSouza on Jul 09, 2007 12:57 PM  Permalink
Waqt-Waqt-ki baat hai. Even India stormed the place of worship at one time. i.e. the Golden Temple.

A nation cannot let a group of millitants to blackmail the governance; this might eventually lead to playing with the life of civilians of the entire nation.

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RE:Storming the Masjid.
by ashok chavda on Jul 09, 2007 01:14 PM  Permalink
not only Golden Temple. How old were you in 1960 when Goa was forcibly merged with India? at that time we had bombed the churches too, and the pilot of one of the fighter plane was a Christian.
The Squadron took part in the 1961 operation for liberation of Goa. Commanded by Sqn Ldr S Bhattacharya and equipped with Mystere-IVa aircraft, the Sqn operated from Santa Cruz airport. Also known as Op Vijay, this was the first battle for the Tigers after Independence. The Squadron carried out fighter sweeps and strike missions over Goa, Daman and Diu. In the face of relentless offensive air strikes, the Portuguese capitulated. Liberation of Goa was a swift operation. The Squadron not only provided air superiority but also became a deterrent to force the Portuguese for an early surrender. A four aircraft mission against the Daman fort on 10 Dec 61 found the traditional surrender signal fluttering on top. Inspite of the short operation, Tigers had fired 586 Rockets and released 176 Bombs during Op Vijay. Sqn Ldr S Bhattacharya was awarded the VM.

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RE:Storming the Masjid.
by Shagun Varma on Jul 09, 2007 12:57 PM  Permalink
I completely agree. In any case, if this was in India, I doubt the secularists leftists would even allow such a thing to happen as they dont have the balls to hurt the sentiments of a supposedly very important minority community. Hats of to Mushy for taking a no nonsense approach.

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RE:Storming the Masjid.
by Nandish on Jul 09, 2007 01:04 PM  Permalink
U R 100% right, Not just the so called leftists and secularists even the community by themselves would have created so much of halla gulla.

Now let the minority community create ruckus. Do these guys have ploys for each nation.

It's absoultely disgusting to note what's happening at Pakistan. It's truly a ROGUE STATE by all means.

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by chandan sarma on Jul 09, 2007 12:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the monster u created has grown up man.......plz bear!!!

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by roopesh kumar on Jul 09, 2007 12:58 PM  Permalink
Good..now pak will come to know what will be the feeling and pain when your house is burning infront of you...
all this days you were laughing at a sideline seeing some others house burning...
Mia mauka sabiko miltha hai....

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