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american forces mobilized to support the general
by Mikkey Moouse on Jul 09, 2007 01:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the general is 3/4 american and his father & brother are american citizens.

in case the general is faced with failure, american forces are mobilized and on 2 hour standby to intervene.

the 101st, 72nd, 54th airborne divisions, 75th, 33rd, 42nd & 54th heavy armoured divisions, 55th, 56th, 57th, 59th & 77nd, 83rd, 98th infantry divisions, 77th & 45th mountain division, 65th, 67th, 75th marine divisions and 15 other reserve divisons are on standy at edwards, patterson & anderson airforce bases with 2 carrier-strike groups in support to capture pakistan to prevent the taliban grabbing the nukes.

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RE:american forces mobilized to support the general
by Mikkey Moouse on Jul 09, 2007 01:54 PM  Permalink

in case the above forces are not enough and the taliban give a tougher fight than expected, the american 1st, 2nd & 5th & 8th armies (each comprizing of 85 divisions) will be mobilized for the first time since WW II (for the invasion of germany & japan) as well as 8 carrier strike fleets, 5 battleship groups and 15 amphibious assualt groups.

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Please remove these forums
by shishir agarwal on Jul 09, 2007 01:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please remove these forums. What purpose are these forums fulfilling? These are just helping in spreading hatred.
It is a sincere request.

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RE:Please remove these forums
by Ayaz on Jul 09, 2007 01:57 PM  Permalink
You are right there is nothing positive about the fourm it all about persons with specific mindset removing their frustration and spreading more hatred and poison between ppl, communities & coutries. They are no different then the terrorist.

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RE:Please remove these forums
by Amaresh on Jul 09, 2007 02:10 PM  Permalink
yup.. true

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RE:Please remove these forums
by Arnab on Jul 09, 2007 02:07 PM  Permalink
I agree. Whatever be the topic: Sports, politics, movies or Terrorism, invariably it is exchange of abusive messgaes.

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RE:Please remove these forums
by venkat ramana on Jul 09, 2007 01:57 PM  Permalink
Good Advice

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RE:Please remove these forums
by Mikkey Moouse on Jul 09, 2007 02:01 PM  Permalink


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RE:Please remove these forums
by prafulla bagwe on Jul 09, 2007 02:59 PM  Permalink
I fully agree with you.Yes Rediff must remove all these fora at once. They serve no purpose except spreading hatred.

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In Pakistan They Exploit Immature Children ... In India Let Us Bring Change Thru Age 51 Plus.
by Indur Chhugani on Jul 09, 2007 01:54 PM  Permalink 

Now in Pakistan, they are trying to bring about a change ... While they are trying to do it there through young immature children ...many of whom have been killed ... Let us bring about a change in India PEACEFULLY, by organising YOUNG ELDERLY PEOPLE ABOVE AGE 51.

It's a mad proposal for India, but sure to succeed.

It is time the citizens of India, shed their timid attitude towards, disgusting conduct of the Politicans, police, the bureacrats and the judiciary ... the confidence being felt within Indians, due to rapid economic progress, should also be felt in other areas... like
confidence to usher in change

What we require is a strong peoples movement to take on the arrogant, corrupt Government officials and politicians, Rogues in the Police force and the Judiciary... JOIN IN NOW. CITIZENS POLICING THE CORRUPT AND POLICE IS A MUST TODAY.

Visit ... www.RoguePolice.com/policing.htm

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Lets support LAL MASJID People for they are being killed
by JAVED on Jul 09, 2007 01:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the Musharraf Govt. wants to kill the Lal Masjid occupants because they did not obey its diktat he is doing all this to stay in power.

People on the internet support the Lal Masjid people who are surrounded from all sides

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RE:Lets support LAL MASJID People for they are being killed
by Mikkey Moouse on Jul 09, 2007 01:49 PM  Permalink
Kindly keep your petty religious fights to yourself. If you want
to attack the West, renounce your Indian citizenship and go to
Pakistan, Afganistan and launch your Jihad.

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RE:Lets support LAL MASJID People for they are being killed
by muneer abidi on Jul 09, 2007 01:57 PM  Permalink
the people who are inside masjid are hard core terrorist, if they will let free, they will kill innocent peoples. they are shame on Islam.
they should not let free to crime against humanity.

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RE:Lets support LAL MASJID People for they are being killed
by on Jul 09, 2007 02:39 PM  Permalink

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RE:Lets support LAL MASJID People for they are being killed
by jim on Jul 09, 2007 02:07 PM  Permalink
well said mr. abidi,

may god create more muneer abidi's among the muslims.

we will all live in peace

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Go on Musharraf
by sumit dey on Jul 09, 2007 01:50 PM  Permalink 

Killing of Extremism is very beneficial for India. If ones neighbours house is in fire, One is also not safe. Like Pakistan who was setting Fire in India and now is facing the heat. But Indians should not be happy about the Extremists capturing and trying to rule in Pakistan.
Actually India needs people like Musharraf who can put a stop to extremist organisation like MCC, PWG, SIMI, Bajrang Dal , BODO ......

Lets look at India, we still lack the guts and political will power to crubs these organisations.

It is the time that Indian leaders learn from Musharraf . Musharraf may not be correct in all the things he does but this surely is a great Deed.

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Khalwat in Lal Masjid
by Subrata Das on Jul 09, 2007 01:48 PM  Permalink 

The Jamia Hafsa and Jamia Farida girls are guilty of khalwat or close proximity to the guys of the lal Masjid
Lets see what the Maulanas have to say about this fellowship marvel in the Lal Masjid complex.
Or will it be different strokes for different folks!!!!!!!!!
Who Knows?

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what a hypocracy
by mihir on Jul 09, 2007 01:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

muslim state bombing their own masjid. and here in india muslim fighting for babari masjid

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RE:what a hypocracy
by Krishna on Jul 09, 2007 01:48 PM  Permalink
Our country is secular. Here Hindus and Muslims and people of all other religions are recognised citizens and equal citizens. We have to respect other religions worship places. If the pakistanis are not doing that, that is not our problem. Babri masjid is as much to hindus as it is to muslims in india. Muslims doesn't mean Pakistanis and Pakistanis doesn't mean Muslims. u get this thing right and don't post negative comments.

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RE:what a hypocracy
by Ranjith on Jul 09, 2007 01:52 PM  Permalink
both incident is not same dear. In babri masjid case terrorist distroyed the masjid. Lal masjid case Musaraf destroying masjid to catch terrorist or lawbreakers. How can both incident same?

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RE:what a hypocracy
by PAL on Jul 09, 2007 02:17 PM  Permalink
You are a big shame on Indian. You call musharaff a patriot? Have you forgotten that many army officers were killed during kargil because of this paki army general without any reason he went for war.

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RE:what a hypocracy
by Ranjith on Jul 09, 2007 02:56 PM  Permalink
pal, i not giving certificate that musaraf is good or not? read my reply clearly. I am comparing the between the two incident which is babri masjid & lal masjid.

again i am repeating my words.

both incident is not same dear.

In babri masjid case terrorist distroyed the masjid.

Lal masjid case Musaraf destroying masjid to catch terrorist or lawbreakers.

How can both incident same?

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RE:what a hypocracy
by zaqs on Jul 09, 2007 01:54 PM  Permalink
both the things are different....they r bombing lal masjid to kill terrorist.....

but in india BJP & allies demolished the babri masjid to gain political power....

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RE:what a hypocracy
by Tinku Baidya on Jul 09, 2007 01:57 PM  Permalink
A terrorist country killing their own terrorists??

U muslims are comiting 'HARAKIRI'!!!

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RE:RE:what a hypocracy
by Ranjith on Jul 09, 2007 02:51 PM  Permalink
dont be joke ya

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RE:RE:RE:what a hypocracy
by Ranjith on Jul 09, 2007 02:53 PM  Permalink
lol aaras

better claim all the masjid & church belongs to hindu

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