Pak arms jihadis to harass and murder Indians, and now the jihadi chickens are coming home to roost in Islamabad. We should empty our jails and send all our captured militants over to Lal Masjid, where they can shoot back at Pak troops.
If Indian security forces attack on Masjid to get rid off these elements - our selfish politicians, Mulanas and team would have taken Government for a ride and created havoc in the society. Now all are mum. Can Mulay Singh Yadav, Lalu Bhai, Chamcha Amar Singh, Shahi Emam, Fatwa team, Clerics tell why they are keeping silence. Why they don't show their strength to condemn the Pak for attacking the Masjid. These people have ruined the society. Rajeev
RE:Masjid Politics
by kartik on Jul 07, 2007 02:16 PM Permalink
you missed the great human righs activists shabana asmi, javed the great, arundhati ...
by kraft on Jul 07, 2007 01:51 PM Permalink
With Votebank Politicians now manning the UPA you cann't fight Terrorism at all '[Because they want the Votes of the terrorists and their Sympathisers over the National Interests Otherwise how the PM can sympathise with the Terrorists of Glasgow Airport? No doubt Politics is the Last Resort of Scoundrels! Even supposedly decent people become totally Dishonest for VOTEBANKS!
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 01:58 PM Permalink
Stupidity is ignorance. Read the true scripture of any religion to make your judgement. Islam means peace. The colour of Islam is green. Islam means least disturbance to greenery (vegetation) to achieve peace & tranquility. Our artificial development is nothing but destruction of nature and ecosystem. One who understands the real theme of Islam either from muslim community nor from other communities never create or use weapons of mass destruction. This is against humanity, natural flora, fauna and the precious earth, soil, water & air and also against Islam (Peace). Whatever we see these days in the name of religion, caste, language or regions is not for the sake of human physical, mental or spiritual development nut for the sake of material development. Killing human or his natural sorroundings for the sake of material needs.
by Irshaad on Jul 07, 2007 02:14 PM Permalink
Why can,t Osama minded people understand you dear?
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 03:34 PM Permalink
Because they want to develop on par with the USA, THE FORMER MENTOR OF OSAMA
The clerics preaching Islam exploited the young childred, while many children died, they escaped death.
Now in Pakistan, they are trying to bring about a change ... While they are trying to do it there through young immature children ...and many died ... Let us bring about a change in India PEACEFULLY, by organising YOUNG ELDERLY PEOPLE ABOVE AGE 51.
It's a mad proposal for India, but sure to succeed.
It is time the citizens of India, shed their timid attitude towards, disgusting conduct of the Politicans, police, the bureacrats and the judiciary ... the confidence being felt within Indians, due to rapid economic progress, should also be felt in other areas... like confidence to usher in change
What we require is a strong peoples movement to take on the arrogant, corrupt Government officials and politicians, Rogues in the Police force and the Judiciary... JOIN IN NOW. CITIZENS POLICING THE CORRUPT AND POLICE IS A MUST TODAY.
RE:Clerics In Pakistan Preaching Islam Exploited The Childred ... In India Let Us Bring Change Thru 51 Plus age.
by san man on Jul 07, 2007 01:49 PM Permalink
You're some barely-literate Leftist, aren't you? Keep sniffing that glue.
RE:more of evil
by False on Jul 07, 2007 01:51 PM Permalink
Wrong. 1) They are English translations of Arabic as it existed 1400 years ago. Urdu is the closest you will get to understanding the verses. 2) You did what the terrorists do, pick things OUT OF CONTEXT and then proclaim. These verses were Guidance by the prophet during the "RELIGIOUS WAR " in SAUDI ARABIA. On On one side there were the believers who believed in ONE god - Ilahi or Allah and the other side were the Unbelievers who were PERSECUTING the believers.
Certainly the conduct of war in "those" times required Muslims to fight and kill the enemy.
RE:more of evil
by raghav bhatt on Jul 07, 2007 02:05 PM Permalink
that means quran(or part of it) was relevent only for that time. It is irrelevent now?
RE:more of evil
by The Bombay Boy on Jul 07, 2007 01:54 PM Permalink
All the above reference quoted are " COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT" Please revisit to get the context of the above references. Meanwhile Please note that "When a soldier is in the battle field, the instructions he gets is completely different then the lessons a student get in his class room.
Nothing will happen to all these discussions except boiling inside. All who are concerned if Muslims, talk to as many as possible for the better "Way of Life" than Jihads and stupid plots. Non-muslims, can resist themselves getting stressed and forget their better "Way of Life. Oneday the stress will lead to Freedom for Christians, "Vande Mataram" for Hindus. Each will target others eventually. One day we will all perish and no one will be there to say who has won and who has lost and which religion the dead belong to.
Nothing will happen to all these discussions except boiling inside. All who are concerned if Muslims, talk to as many as possible for the better "Way of Life" than Jihads and stupid plots. Non-muslims, can resist themselves getting stressed and forget their better "Way of Life. Oneday the stress will lead to Freedom for Christians, "Vande Mataram" for Hindus. Each will target others eventually. One day we will all perish and no one will be there to say who has won and who has lost and which religion the dead belong to.