Lal Masjid and Pak politics interest us so much that we fail to notice that the centre of terror is shifting to our own place, Bangalore. Hope there is some leaders who has the capacity to think and act to kill this in the first place.
father of terrorism in indian sub continant was zia ul haq who created taliban in afghanistan with the help of US, and same type militants in PAK to use them against India. there is no relation with Islam and Terrorism, only terrorist are showing themself that they are Islamist just to get sympathy of muslim population. first example was saddam husain, when he was sure that he can not fight with US, he fired some missiles to Israel to get some favor of muslim countries, secondly in iraq where now militants are kidnapping muslims to get the money otherwise killing them. one most important thing is that you will find US support to all terrorist groups before or after, it is taliban, saddam ( weapon of mass destruction), saudi arabia, pakistant, chechaniya etc etc. India also should take some strong action against fundamentalist either they are muslims or hindus, otherwise we may face same situation by by RSS, Bajrang dal, shivsena , bharat sena etc etc.
RE:father of terrorism
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 02:11 PM Permalink
Come on I think I will have to find the answer that someone gave to you...ok I will find that answer for you ... but how many muslims have you been able to convert.... leave some future for your kids.....convert them if you can ...hahaha
RE:father of terrorism
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 02:20 PM Permalink
Then wait till Islam becomes the most followed religion in 20 yrs and by 2050 it will be almost half of world population...
RE:father of terrorism
by muneer abidi on Jul 05, 2007 02:11 PM Permalink
10000 muslims were killed by RSS branch in gurat and then it was said that it is an EXPERIMENT, and it may be repeated in ther sates as well. since 1990 how many peoples are killed in muslim-hindu riots? and who is responsible.
RSS camp is giving training to use the arms, if muslims will do same, shall it be acceptable.
RE:RE:father of terrorism
by Mahesh Jagga on Jul 05, 2007 02:42 PM Permalink
Please stop spreading lies.
Total deaths in Gujrat riots were 950, out of this 730 were muslims.
These figures were stated by minister of state for Home, Prakash Jaiswal in parliament in response to a question from Muslim league member. The minister concerned, before you start trashing him too, belongs to UPA government.
No one has ever answered the question, "Who killed 200 Hindus"
RE:father of terrorism
by ravi singh on Jul 05, 2007 02:18 PM Permalink
No Muneer, You are wrong.Hindu religon never supports extremism but tolerance. These Hindu outfits raise the issue of Hindutva because uneducated(Unfirtunately most of them) people belonging to your community creating a threat to other religon by their dirty activities. When the whole world is looking forward, you people are heading towards two centuries back.
RE:father of terrorism
by atul chavan on Jul 05, 2007 02:04 PM Permalink
Have you muslims, ever learnt to question ur religion. You people are nose deep in terrorism, but still you people want to criticize various Hindu organisations.
Just watch Rediff or any other website and chekc how many headlines you get of Islamic people killing others, and that of Hindu organisations and compare.
RE:father of terrorism
by Manish Kumar on Jul 05, 2007 02:56 PM Permalink
Muneer I have a similar question for you .When pakistan was created -what percentage of population belonged to minorties ?and what is the percentage now ? In india at the time of partition what percentage of population belonged to minorities ? and what is the percentage now ? This will clearly answer your question about security and your admiration of pakistan .
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 01:47 PM Permalink
by Ramandeep J on Jul 05, 2007 02:00 PM Permalink
I remember same being saind about Gurudwaras in late 80' and early 90's. Its disgusting and shameful.
by naveen on Jul 05, 2007 02:09 PM Permalink
hey abidi u know the reality evry terrosrist caught is muslim . Every bomb is blasted by a muslim so what the f**k u r discussing
by Gentle Man on Jul 05, 2007 02:04 PM Permalink
You guys dont have the courage to accept the fact that some hard core fundamentalist are spoiling your religions name as well as brining it shame. As muslims in other countries why are you hesitating to condemn those who wage war against inocent civilians in the name of Islam. As long as you don't do that you don't have the right to questions any others.
RSS is been alive for the last 75 years not even once it was remotely connected with any bomb blast. All it is doing is to inculcate discipline & nationalism. I can understand a true muslim will have difficulty in accepting this. So be it. But dont fool yourself as well as others by diverting the attention.
by Gentle Man on Jul 05, 2007 02:11 PM Permalink
I dont need to do. The world is doing it. We all are seeing it before our eyes. No where in the world you can see a AK47 carried inside a temple. No were you can see a Hindu priest trying to escape law by running under a burqa - after instigating poor & young people in the name of religion.
I am PROUD to be a Hindu. Come whatever may i will remain so till my last breath.
by rajat saboo on Jul 05, 2007 02:38 PM Permalink
well said gentle man and i think you are a true gentle Man a patriot of our beloved Motherland like many of us hatts off.
Pakistan will never learn from its mistakes.They are used to this. How it came into being was also the handiwork of radicals. And history is spread with incidents what forced Jinnah to ask for a seperate homeland . He was simply ambitious, just ambitious. Can anyone ever say, how much time did he spend in jails for the freedom? None !! All his efforts were to become the first Prime Minister of independent India. And if not then ask for a seperate country. Failing his ambition here, he resorted to blackmailing. He succeeded eventually. But while India learnt the art of Satyagrah, Pakistan learnt 'blackmailing'. And the susequent courses of its history, this form has become more prevalent.
Army blackmails politicians.Political parties do it on people. Mullahs do it on Government. Each one is out to eat up the other. Result is a failed state like theirs.
How long will they remain on the map, has to be guessed. Let there be no doubt, that time is now moving fairly fast where Pakistan will have to prove whether it is really all that 'Pak ' as was coined.
We should not feel happy on this. Do we elate when your neighbour is dying ? We pity. But they chose the path of blasphemy, wrongs, perfidy and fundamentalism. They hv to pay. Amen !
RE:Lal Masjid
by sarang mehta on Jul 05, 2007 01:42 PM Permalink
Boss, u need not fill your heart with sympathy for their mullahs and a renegade army general. It is a match made in heaven. Let them do what they want....India should smarten up to their designs and pre-empt their next move. Musharraf has not been able to contain terror in his time. He's turning a blind eye to ISI's activities. Mullah's are no better. Lets hope our rulers can do more to prevent terror on our soil and against our citizens.
RE:Lal Masjid
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 01:40 PM Permalink
do we worry about the neighbors when our own home is burning...50 policemen are butchered in one night by naxals and it is not even worth the headline....shame...
RE:Lal Masjid
by rrfashion fabrics on Jul 05, 2007 02:31 PM Permalink
i think you marigold are quiet close to isi and pakistan and i think your right place is there in paki not here in democratic and developing India please leave our country because here we don't follow jehad and terror we are and will always fight them.
Now pak should learn something. Pak is fully involved in each and every case in india. Everyday hundreds of people dying only for the border terrorisim by Pak. Now what happening. Pak is suffering. Now this is bomerang for him.
Pakistan will never Improve . It is like a Dog's tail. It will always remain "Tedha". Whether Musharraf goes or Benazir Bhutto comes, it will remain the same. Its ideology is never going to change. It will continue to be a TERRORIST NATION with a home for all Terrorist Groups like Jaish-e-Mohammad , Al Qaeda, ISI, etc. The people of Pakistan have a lot of violence in their mind and are uneducated. This will always result in Mismanagement of Pakistan and consequent Headache to India.
RE:Mismanagement Guru - Pakistan Nahi Sudhrega !!!!
by ashok pai on Jul 05, 2007 01:50 PM Permalink
unless the heart of the people AND the establishment changes we will continue to see them foment trouble in india, and world over. they are the R & D capital of the terrorists. funding comes from saudi & america (ironically). weaponisation is by the pakistani army, logistcs and training by them again. and the results are borne by the people world over and also pakistani people.
wonder when the pakistani people realise that they need to live a normal life. not this chaotic life (which they will promptly deny and say everything is fine and dandy, while in secret, they'd like to have a normal life like any other country. they want to normalise with india watch hindi movies etc)
The last 50 yrs has shown us that Pakistan perpetually moves from a facade of democracy to a military rule.
It just cannot move permanently away from military because of their constitution and people at large.
In this background, it is debatable whether Mr. Vajpayee's initiative of talks with pak, with the associated expenses, time, almost zero yield, continuing of terror attacks (recently there was an attack on Mr. Nabi azad), was worthwhile.
A more pragmatic approach of sealing of borders, stringent measures to prevent terrorist attacks, is recommended.
Notice that as it is becoming increasingly difficult to conduct attacks in US, terrorists are now on UK.
While Paks dream of raising banner in Delhi is downright hilarious, India's quest for peace with Pak is no less.
RE:Have we not heard of this before...?
by ashok pai on Jul 05, 2007 01:52 PM Permalink
we should set a timeframe of 10 years, give them a chance to improve (the whole world) if not dig a deep trench all around pakistan, ban them from any entry. its been tiring to hear the din. we are better off without them ! ignore them.
but give a chance for the peace process. a stable and peaceful pakistan leading thier own prosperous life will be great for them as well as for india.
At last wisdom has dawned upon Pakistan to take some meaningful action against religious fundamentalism and religious terrorism. If Pakistan has learnt the lesson in this regard, it will desist from cross-border terrorism into India, in J&K.
RE:Lal Masjid - Pakistani authorities swing into action
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 01:23 PM Permalink
How strange... Wisdom came to Pakistan before India....
RE:Lal Masjid - Pakistani authorities swing into action
by ashok pai on Jul 05, 2007 01:53 PM Permalink
lolz. yeah ironically. the problem into stopping radicals in india is because of votebanks deeply entrenched for the congress and pseudo seculars.
RE:Lal Masjid - Pakistani authorities swing into action
by haroon rashid on Jul 10, 2007 01:52 PM Permalink
people are getting carried away by emotions, think cooly and try to undeerstand the reasons behind Islamic militancy , there are some very important contriuting factors , including the hypocracy of nations