Pakistan's foundation lies on the messacres, blood shedding and extremist views. It's just that for long time they were busy messing around in India but in the changed world they don't have much support and hence doing the same thing inside pakistan now. If you believe in violence it will come to yourself. That's what is happening in pakistan. There can not be a Peaceful Pakistan. You don't know what is called peace.
Didn't Benazir Bhutto told an English Newspaper that when this terrorist was the Army chielf he told her, Madam give me permission and we'll be in Delhi by next day morning (cause he knew our PMs were writing Urdu poems). But Benazir asked, what will come after we reach Delhi:)
terrorist Paki Motherfudger..shut up..I thought US govt gave you the ultimatum to support the war other wise US will bomb you to stone age. see the power of Bunker busters over Urdu poems
"I am totally, ruthlessly, unequivocally and unshakeably against terrorism. But, what I am doing in Kashmir is not terrorism, that's a freedom-fight, you see" - Musharraf
Itis ISI & Goverment of Pakistan they have created terroism. with the help of USA to remove Russia from Afghanistan and the same has been used by Pakistan to remove Indian administration of Kashmir. Even today all the mass media every news papers of Pakistan USE THE WORD AS OCCUPIED KASHMIR TO THE Indian side of Kashmir. How India can talk while Pak use THE WORD OCCUPIED KASHMIR IN their newspapers? On the other Indian newspapers use the word IOC Kashmir in the Indian papers. Think the word OCCUPIED KASHMIR for Indian side of Kashmir . They all the time show to the world that part is occupied kashmir so that world begin to think that India has occupied part of Kashmir which is their part of land
Jinnah believed that no minority can live a majority else the culture and way of life of minority will be lost. If Mushy follows these ideals of Jinnah then shouldn't he allow Pashtuns and Sindhis to partition away from Pakistani Punjab? Don't they have a separate culture and way of life far different from mainstream Pakistani punjabis? Mushy... why don't you bring your national idealogy to the logical conclusion and divide Pakistan into Balochistan, Pashtunistan and Sindhistan? Then India will hold talks with you to decide on what should be done with the Northern province and POK.
Problem with Commando Sahab is that he doesn't recognize those sent by ISI for blowing bombs and killing innocent people in India as Terrorists. So they don't count. Ok, who will Mushy fight? Possibly those who are running their own governmnent in NWF and Baloch province. Mushy calls them terrorists not because they kill and terrorise but because they don't follow his orders about whom to kill and terrorise. There is a difference between those two .. you see. Now Mr. Mushy if you need money to stay float ask that straight from the US.. don't make laughable statements.
I always say "My commitment to MIGHT terrorism is unshakable". But, these media people always take it wrongly. I hope they understand and print it correctly hereafter : Musharraf