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Hindus will become minority soon!!
by Srinivas on Jan 23, 2007 09:07 AM  Permalink 

If the minority appeasement is not checked asap, Hindus in India will become a minority soon.

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Hindus wakeup, its almost too late!
by prashant choudhary on Jan 23, 2007 06:52 AM  Permalink 

People lie Mahesh Sampat forget the kind of disdain with which Hindus are treated in the whole world outside of India, we are butchered in countires ranging from Pakistan, Bangaldesh to SriLanka, We are ridiculed in places ranging from Southern USA to Russia to Kazakhstan to Europe. Indian Government never shows up to support us, while they are always eager to support Muslims like those in Palestine. May more Hindus travel outside of India to see the reality.

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Why are you guys worried if u are clean.
by yadav on Jan 23, 2007 01:45 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why these people are worried about anti-conversion law. If these guys are not converting people then they should not be worried about the law. These bigots want to make India a christian country by conversions and they are requesting christian congress which is led by Sonia and her christian mates like Anthony, Ascar,YSR. These people even entered the holy Tirumala and tried to convert people. Anti-conversion law should be bought all over india.

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RE:Why are you guys worried if u are clean.
by Shahryar Pax on Jan 23, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink
Actually this evangelists would be better employed trying to convert people in Europe who have been leaving the church in droves especially since the 2nd World War.

Do you know that in the UK they can't find local people trained as priests and have to import priests from India? Another example of globalization!

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RE:Why are you guys worried if u are clean.
by Wiseguy on Jan 23, 2007 02:27 AM  Permalink
Why are you worried if your faith is strong
If your faith is strong, I do not see any reason for you to worry. Many a times, people misuse such rules and throw out the only people that actually care about the poor.

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RE:Why are you guys worried if u are clean.
by Mahesh Sampat on Jan 23, 2007 05:10 AM  Permalink
These guys are not worried about "converting"anyone my friend.They are worried that this law will be misused against the minority religions as was done in the past(all over the world!!) on several occassions.There are no such laws in western countries and of late westerners are converting to buddhism and hinduism including hollywood celebrities. Is america or the west crying foul about this.Grow up man! Why are you so insecure?

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RE:RE:Why are you guys worried if u are clean.
by Sundaram Vanka on Jan 23, 2007 05:22 AM  Permalink
the point that you're missing is that westerners convert to hinduism/buddhism of their own volition. however, christian missionaries in india convert poor hindus by a promise of money and jobs. what's worse - in many north eastern states non-christians are threatened into converting.

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RE:RE:Why are you guys worried if u are clean.
by Vas on Jan 23, 2007 04:32 PM  Permalink
The westerners take to hinduism, buddhism, and other spiritual practices out of their own free will. In India, the poor and vulnerable are coerced, bullied, and induced with economic incentives to convert to christianity. Most have never read the bible when they are converted, so how would they be able to even assess christianity. How would you feel if you or your loved one is lying very sick in a hospital and the band of christian doctors and nurses tell you that your only hope is christ, and NOTHING can save you except christ! This is NOT love but religious terrorism! Try being a poor Indian for a change, and see the way you get bullied, and pressurized into converting by your local christian pastor, evangelists and missionaries. These anti-conversion laws are badly needed to protect the poor and the vulnerable! Perhaps you and I, the rich pampered brats that we are, don't need the protection, but the poor man does!

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RE:RE:Why are you guys worried if u are clean.
by Vas on Jan 23, 2007 04:24 PM  Permalink
People in the west take to hinduism or buddhism or other spiritual practiced out of their own free will. In India, the christians use coercison, bullying, and economic incentives to push the poor and sick Indians towards christianity. How would you like it, if you or your loved one was lying sick in the hospital, and the swarm of christian doctors and nurses told you that your only hope is christ and that if you don't convert, NOTHING can save you! Thats how much of christian 'love' basically these religious terrorists show to the poor and vulnerable Indian, in order to get them to convert to christianity. Try being poor for a change, and you might just get the picture of the extent to which christian evangelists and missionaries are bullying the poor into submission. You call that brotherly love? Bah!

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