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Noida Killings
by Devi Priya on Mar 03, 2007 01:27 PM  Permalink 

Do not wait till the investigation, should be punished immediately. They should realize they should be killed immercily. They are not psycopath, they are man eating cannibals

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I don't support hanging for them as of now
by on Feb 13, 2007 06:00 AM  Permalink 

1. We still need to know identities of all the people involved. We've just learnt few cops were on his payroll. They should stay alive till we pick up every one of them.
2. Hanging is the easiest type of death. I think they should live for 100 years in a Taliban village as women.

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Noida Killing
by Habee Muddassir on Jan 06, 2007 08:11 PM  Permalink 

Its waste of time looking for evidence just set a date and give them a verdict and hang in public or just let democratic people and victims family deside had over to them...

SHOULD BE PUNISHED More than what they did.

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by ramprasad on Jan 06, 2007 04:07 PM  Permalink 

why are we wasting our time in discussing without proper punishment for the culprits in time. the culprits are given vip treatments and protection, at least if the eyes are plugged by now a meesage to others that they must also suffer if they commit crimes.

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by B.Singh on Jan 05, 2007 10:35 AM  Permalink 

Human beings are killing innocent animals since begining. Animals in any form are being killded with diffrent method & are beings eaten by human beings. There is a man made low that Human being can kill & eat any other creature whom he can finds easy.but he does not allow any other creature to kill & eat him.If any other creature dare to do so the punishment is death.

Present Noida killing has once again proved that human being is cruialiest creature in the world & there is no limit for him. What will be the output of this killng, relatives of killed childern will get justice or not god only knows. But like this many other crime are taking place daily. There are thousand of cases of crime are pendig with courts. We have thousands of crimal in jails. we are very much careful about there health,entertainment so they they can enjoy even after doing crime.
We have good experince of crime & crimanals. We have leaders who thinks we are second God on earth. We have a long list of intulectuals. we have president, prime Minister, Ministers, governor, cheif Minister in state. We have cheif justice in supreme Court besides of this have heades of all religon.Can,t we think to control

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