Panchkula Jan.4, Thursday , 2007. Well it is very terrible way of running a big Indian State if one is to take it that what has happened in Nithari NOIDA is nothing unusual and such serial killing ,Paedophilia and related sex orgies are common place under our Socialist Party 's dispensation over years , now.Shivpalji should be a little more cicumspect in overdoing the Politicians's disease of putting his bloody foot in between his teeth.This sort of smug complacency ,glossing such inhuman outrages on poor hapless children belies any hope that U.P.under Yadavji and brother Mulaym Singh ji shall do anything to stop such misdeeds of ruling policemen and their collusion with Sex-Perverts like Moninder Singh of NOIDA.GOI of India has to rescue India's stakes ,here with firm handling of this miscarriage of Administration of Law & Order,immediately. D. Goel
I feel really sorry for our own state where the Minister like (chief minister) give such a irresposible statement.i wanted to say to Mr.shivpal singh you can't buy emotions from money.1st you coming so late to the accidental place now your this statements was really hurting to mothers/fathers/bro/sis who lost their sons/daughters.