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by RAKESH RAINA on Jan 04, 2007 04:04 PM  Permalink 

This is eyewash. CBI probe should be ordered.
It seems top govt. officials even from bureaucracy may be involved. It is a Big Scandal.
Anyody involved with such heinous crime deserves DEATH. And the trial should be SPEEDY.

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Noida Murders
by Rajeeb Banerjee on Jan 04, 2007 04:01 PM  Permalink 

The Indian politicians have become so dehumanised. They are just interested to make political capital out of such a ghastly incident.

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yes---it is language of criminals
by lalitkumar on Jan 04, 2007 03:58 PM  Permalink 

yes rediff---pls believe it is a language of criminals only and everyone in this world is aware of activities of Mulayam and his family,friends,well wishers.u take any case and may find someone having links with them directly or indirectly is involved in crime.above all they even never spared educational institutions and parents,students suffer for ever

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CM's brother's remarks on NOIDA serial killings
by Pinaki Chakrabarti on Jan 04, 2007 03:36 PM  Permalink 

I am really ashamed to be living in a state whose minister accepts such incidents as "common." I am, in fact, ashamed today to be an Indian, in whose country such things are acknowledged to be common incidents by a senior minister of a state who should know what he is saying and the full implications of his statement. Perhaps he has knowledge about more such incidents which the average man does not know. Can the media ask him to share the information, so that others can at least know him better ? Or perhaps he has been wrapped on the knuckles by this time, and has been told to deny the statement or he may say that he had been quoted out of the context !! All said and done, UP apparently is a place only for the VIPs (including ministers, MNC honchos, IAS and IPS officers etc), maniacs (read rapists, murderers, cannibals and body parts traders) and media persons (else who will know which one is what).

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Sri ShivPal Yadavji's Thesis of commonality of NOIDA Horrors!
by Dharmendra Goel on Jan 04, 2007 03:25 PM  Permalink 

Panchkula Jan.4, Thursday , 2007.
Well it is very terrible way of running a big Indian State if one is to take it that what has happened in Nithari NOIDA is nothing unusual and such serial killing ,Paedophilia and related sex orgies are common place under our Socialist Party 's dispensation over years , now.Shivpalji should be a little more cicumspect in overdoing the Politicians's disease of putting his bloody foot in between his teeth.This sort of smug complacency ,glossing such inhuman outrages on poor hapless children belies any hope that U.P.under Yadavji and brother Mulaym Singh ji shall do anything to stop such misdeeds of ruling policemen and their collusion with Sex-Perverts like Moninder Singh of
NOIDA.GOI of India has to rescue India's stakes ,here with firm handling of this miscarriage of Administration of Law & Order,immediately. D. Goel

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