I'd suggest India immediately and secretly develop "minimal" weaponry that has potential to destroy the earth, because
1. It is very inexpensive to develop such technologies. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Al3v6.A4mqWdi2Tqq5Lu7bHsy6IX?qid=20070221103527AAOxlqJ
2 . India can use it to negotiate with superpowers. Sounds strange but current superpowers bully during negotiations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullying#Political_bullying
Well if everyone gives up Nuclear weapons including the P5 ,nothing like it. But it depends on whether everyone possessing nuclear weapons gives them up. Otherwise it is just high talk which has been taking place throughout the Nuclear age with no concrete solutions except for extremely biased ones. But well who knows, someday it might really happen.Good initiative on India's part, lets see how far we achieve that task.
by Happy Freak on Feb 24, 2007 02:40 PM Permalink
I think even though this would not eliminate all nuclear weapons, it would drastically reduce the no of weapons, and more importantly it would be a good reason to prevent/reduce new weapon states.