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The Story So Far
by shibu james on Feb 24, 2007 01:34 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Some Fool/Vested malafide interests among muslims caused the Jogeshwari incident after the Babri Demolition. Vested malafide interests among hindus touted the hindutva bogey and caused the bombay riots. Again vested malafide interests among muslims instigated poor muslims to carry out the Bombay Blasts.
Thackeray & his clan are safely ensconsed in their political rocking chair.
Dawood & memon families are enjoying the hospitality of their in laws in Pakistan.
The poor & ignorant are running from court to court ... date to date ... unsure of their future.
Let the dead of the past bury themselves. If we have the courage we should get dawood & other fundamentalists are do a trial & judgement on them.

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RE:The Story So Far
by Baba Bengali on Feb 24, 2007 05:32 AM  Permalink
Dont blame Shiv sena ...U were not living in Bombauy at that time i guess...Shiv sena protected non muslims from Muslims......

U will undertand this when Malapuram muslims take over ur Kerala

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RE:RE:The Story So Far
by chaitanya kumar on Feb 25, 2007 03:15 AM  Permalink
shibu james is pitting one against the other(hundus and muslims),while evading the issue about threatening missionary presence which desires to make India a christian nation this century. Kerala, her home state, is a dead case and Hindus there are treated like scum by the commies, christian messiahs and muslims. A a very ancient civilization being targeted to impose foreign rules and divide the nation. Hindus will rise up. Make not mistake. They will do in your Kerala too. The last thing we want is India pushed into bigoted one god worship and wiping out of our cultures.

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