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do we need ties with our neighbors
by ShivSena on Feb 19, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink 

neither congress nor bjp did enough against terrorists. BJP was all talk and no action and congress is no talk and no action. this means the common man takes the brunt of these attacks while the politicians are well guarded.

Some of our security people are plain stupid. Recently, funding and manpower was increased to check LTTE infiltration into India. The same security person in the same interview said that LTTE pose no threat to India but only to SL. Since Pakistan terrorists are a threat to India, shouldn't we not put more manpower near Pakistan and use our manpower more intelligently.

SL abuses its own people and we use our manpower and money to protect them while we leave our common man to die of these type of carnage. Where is the logic in this.

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