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by shamna mohan c on May 28, 2008 11:38 AM  Permalink 

We hope justice will be done soon - shamna

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Nitish Katara Murder
by Mukesh Dubey on May 28, 2008 11:31 AM  Permalink 

As per me Yadav has put all mussle power to see that judgement is in favour & his stupid son will go scot free.
Thanks to Judisery Mr Yadavs son should be hanged to DEATH.
Mukesh Mumbai

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A Prayer
by Dipta Chakrabortty on Feb 18, 2007 10:56 AM  Permalink 

We hope justice will be done soon. We need the world not to forget what has happened and learn a lesson from the move.

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Nitish Katara ..
by tribhuvan gaur on Feb 18, 2007 04:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Editor, In usa their is always email is printed to communicte with the family.
Pl. send this email to the mother of slain Nitish Katar to contact me.
It is urgent.

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RE:Nitish Katara ..
by Kumar, Neeraj on Feb 18, 2007 06:17 AM  Permalink
Hi Gaur

Are You The person with this statemant on one website....
"Hi, .............................................I am a advocate from Delhi bar ass. Located in Chicago, USA. I am also the 1st Indian who has been given license to practice Indian laws in USA. Pl. do consult me if u need any info. regarding Hague child costudy matter. Thanks.Gaur.t, 773 807 1397"

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