As much as one person does not have the right to kill another in the name of justice, so does guys like Afzal have in the name of freedom. We certainly don't want another episode like the Nepal hijacking ; imagine what happened when the terrorists wanted the release of omar for the passengers. So it's anyone's guess if the same thing happens to Afzal.
Just leave him and then very soon we will see him contesting for member of parliament seat of MLA seat. THE ONLY TRAGEDY OF OUR NATION, why it cant rise. There he will tell the true story
RE:Just leave him to become an MP
by Rahul S on Feb 13, 2007 09:50 PM Permalink
Yes, the basic qualification to be an MLA/MP is at least one murder/rape/kidnapping in his name.
Hi All I think Mr. President is an able man & worthy of his chair.Let hime decide how he has to decide.I very well understand the pain & suffering the families or Martyrs may be feeling,but unnecessary emotional pressure will vitiate the atmosphere even more.Its easier said than done,but the ball is in President's court & we shall be serving the best of our interests by waiting for him to take right course & hit the ball well.
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:56 AM Permalink
If he really deserves the chair, he should not be defeated by pressure. But at the same time, he should face the public with an explanation on why the delay is occurring.
I have no idea why it is holding the officials to carry out the orders and why on earth is Afzal is now trying to save his neck now. He should have thought of it when he was planning to carry out the attack and kill those people. If the court has enough proof against then just hang him and just end this matter.
Hang him ,let his family feel and suffer for what he did .As these terrorist make our families sister's husband was killed protecting our nation from the terrorist across the border ---her children should not grow up thinking that mother India did not acknowledge their father's sacrifice...
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 06:02 AM Permalink
From the same page that you ahve mentioned, Salleem: Ayesha's own quote: "%u201CMy mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was brought in while Muhammad was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. The other men and women got up and left. The Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old. Neither a camel nor a sheep was slaughtered on behalf of me"......(The Prophet) married her three years before the Emigration, when she was seven years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine years old, after he had emigrated to Medina in Shawwal. She was eighteen years old when he died.%u201D al-Tabari vol.9 p. 131."
by Rahul S on Feb 13, 2007 10:07 PM Permalink
Thanks Salim for providing me the link to this wonderful website ( I think every one reading this should visit this website. It will really give you all a great insight on this barbaric religion.
by Ravi Sastry on Feb 14, 2007 01:22 AM Permalink
Mohammad raped Azrat when she was 9yrs old and inorder to save his a**, he elevated himself to become prophet. A smart move :)
Congress in playing politics in the name of minority appesing and our no. one person becomes dummy and is he ever checked the progress with ministry after forwardign the petition. it means he is not interested in hanging him and that is a shame to his position and demoralising a nation and all good people. but I never see most of muslims support of hanging a terrorist. after all we ruled by so called minority who can rape, kill and still escape
by Rahul S on Feb 13, 2007 09:45 PM Permalink
Congress has been playing a dirty game in this matter. They publically say that its up to the president to decide, but privately they pressurize the President to pardon Afsal. Our noble president is in a delemma. He will be blamed no matter what action he takes eventually.
Pl's dont hang him ...Hang-on him! he is enocent!!!just only masterminded to demolish Indian parlament and kill top indian politicions. pardon him..he is a muslim.. and make him Congress MP of Rajya sabha give him a minister ship as terrorism Ministry. wait until some more good things happen. like plane hajacked or mass killig of enocent people..sell the emotions to muslims in the name of Afsal..and dream to gain their votes. Shame on you UPA.
The majesty ofthe Indian laws have to be appreciated to the utmost.It is not for the layman to understand the importance that our system places on human life and liberty,hence calls of 'hang the traitor'will prevail.This notwithstanding,the Hon'ble President is expected to dispense justice in a becoming manner,and knowing the present incumbent,we may rest assured that'what is right'will be done.