RE:It is hoped it would not spill over to India.
by vishal sharma on May 08, 2008 12:49 AM Permalink
No Brother, Karan Thapar should not be arrested, he must be given Thappars on both cheeks without stoppage whole day n night.
If Terror is spilling over to India, what is the President and prime Minister and their Govt doing ? Hope they are gearing up not deciding what to decide.
Ismail sayeed the huji operative was arrested in Kolkattah. He confessed he was issued orders by Salman Khursheed to carry ou the fatwa on MF Hussain for painting the "Garden of Eden" wherein he spainted Prophet and Mary with Gabbriel and other "ministering" in poses that MFH was known for. A rare skill for a person incapable of such acts!
Prannoy, Rajdeep, Burqa, Arnab and other assorted fifth columnists, traitors like Yechury, Chinese representatives like Karat were also seen protesting outside MFH house for the same deed.
RE:Protests outside MFH house
by Ekalavya Krishnan on Jan 01, 2008 08:33 AM Permalink
Vatican's permanent rep in India from Turino and a from the card holding parivar of Mussolini's Fascist party of Italy in retaliation commisioned John Dayal to paint Joseph (the seed of David) in the same pose with 8 year old and "spoilt' ayesha with Khadijah ministering this time.
Karan Thapar in HindustanTimes seems to be calling for Modi's assassination:
"Only the sudden removal of Narendra Modi can stop this."
I don't think there's a whole lot of different ways to interpret that statement. I guess the Left are allowed to get away with openly calling for a politician's murder.
Hope people concerned note this and either lynch Karan Thapar in day light or assassinate him........
RE:Karan Thapar of CNN/IBN calls for Modi's assassination!
by Ekalavya Krishnan on Dec 30, 2007 02:08 PM Permalink
Like father like son. His fathered was cashiered from the Army for running away in the battlefield during the Chinese war and lodged in Tihar Jail. How can he countenance brave soldiers?
RE:Karan Thapar of CNN/IBN calls for Modi's assassination!
by chanakya maurya on Dec 31, 2007 04:44 PM Permalink
Karan a traitor; must be arrested immediately.
Bhuttos' death is problem of Pakistan. Indian Muslim must not have any thing to do with it. If they create tension,its Govt's duty to protect its citizen from anti social elements. Anybody who hits the road with intention to cause damage to life and property of others had to be dealth with iron hand, irrespective of religious or petty political considerations. Whatever happens in other countries, no one shall be allowed to go on rioting.
Currently so many Hindus are being targetted and harrased in east asian countires. but there had been no such reaction/ fear of violance against muslims in India. Muslims needs to do the same.
Everybody knows that UPA government is for Muslims and not for other people. But atleast we will give once and last chance for our PM to prove his leadership qualities in this hour of crisis. Let us wait and watch what these guys are going to do. They have conducted some meetings and they would have had good samosas and hot tea during the meeting. So lest us wait and see what these jokers are going to do after eating the samosas i mean after meeting whether they are going to go for toilet and punish the samosa wala that it was made in old oil or whether they are going to go back to work to protuct us.
These guys are talking like UP/Bihar is any less of a problem now? If FATA provinces are bad what about UP and Bihar? They are even more worse. Not to mention all the criminals that are spewing out of those states into other states. Deal with UP and Bihar first..
It is better for the Congress to send Afzal Guru to attend the funeral of Benazir on behalf of Indian government that will leads to great sympathy in muslims in India and we can gain votes with out any effort. Pranab is most waste than Afzal guru atleast he was either to one side of the court. Pranab is likking on both sides for benefit since, it is the system of congress leaders.
Damn right with fifth columnists poas first columnist this will spread. Arosa Alam the 24X7 news channel sponsored agent of ISI is out to do this in return for exclusive 24 hour live coverage in NDTV/CNN-IBN/Times Now and Headlines today
You foolish Pakistanis just save your country first and don't ever think of destroying INDIA (Vandematram). You tried to impose terrorism against INDIA and see now whats happening in your own country. I don;t what sort of teaching you people get from Islam. If it says to fight against others then stop reading it otherwise you all will be ending soon. Vandematram -- VIKAS