Are they trying to tell that the perpetrators of these Bombings are peace loving people?
What if they are found to have committed these crimes?
Nothing is going to happen after all.
And if some bold police officer kills them in an encounter, the police office will become a culprit and these bombers will become Martyrs, a la Sohrabuddin, eh?
Or even some Secularists in the Message Board can even RSS for the bombings.
I agree with everyone here, it is wrong to speak against a religion. I am a Hindu myself, but from what I have read and studied of the Holy Quran, it is a beautiful religion with a deeply spiritual and beautiful core. The criminals like someone said, have no religion or creed. So please, I request everyone, please do not speak against a religion. Speak against the wrongdoers. Think about saving life. Not about hating Islam. It is a sacred, powerful religion, if you see it with faith and an open mind. Thank you. May peace reign in this world.
RE:Don't fault a religion, Please.
by Sami on Dec 27, 2007 04:54 PM Permalink
you may be correct. blind man can not see. deaf man cannot hear and and dimb cannot talk.
RE:Iron Leg Rahul should comment on terrorism
by Sami on Dec 27, 2007 04:56 PM Permalink
you mean to say that there are no other people who learned about terrorism. how do you know that he is iron leg?
RE:What's wrong with Islam?
by Shastri Akella on Dec 27, 2007 02:50 PM Permalink
I agree with everyone here, it is wrong to speak against a religion. I am a Hindu myself, but from what I have read and studied of the Holy Quran, it is a beautiful religion with a deeply spiritual and beautiful core. The criminals like someone said, have no religion or creed. So please, I request everyone, please do not speak against a religion. Speak against the wrongdoers. Think about saving life. Not about hating Islam. It is a sacred, powerful religion, if you see it with faith and an open mind. Thank you. May peace reign in this world.
RE:What's wrong with Islam?
by Rash on Dec 27, 2007 02:53 PM Permalink
Right Shastri The best thing is not to judge religion by its followers - judge it by its religious books. There are few bad elements in all religions.
RE:What's wrong with Islam?
by R D on Dec 27, 2007 02:45 PM Permalink
Blast happen in Congress states because it supports Terrorists and turn blind eye towards their activites, whereas in Gujarat Govt. kick their asses before they think of doing anything.
RE:root cause of terrorism...
by deepak agrawal on Dec 27, 2007 02:38 PM Permalink
My dear friend, in almost all the terriost attack in India and on Indian, 95% of the people who have lost their lives are Hindu and 5% mere Muslims. Go thru all the name of the terrorist on any of the activity done on India, or to the matter on Western countries are muslim. We are also not is a favour of Bush activity at Iraq or Afganisthan. If you guys have gots a ball come in front and let the world know the truth instead of killing innocent people, who are fightly daily with lives. Let them live peacefully. Lets fight the wrong, be it anyone.
RE:RE:root cause of terrorism...
by Farooq on Dec 27, 2007 04:01 PM Permalink
deepak you are very hard working man you calculated all the dead bodies haaa ! and also you took out the percentage, you are very sharp man..good !
RE:RE:RE:root cause of terrorism...
by arp on Dec 27, 2007 04:17 PM Permalink
here i agree with farroq.mostly muslim are killed by taliban in afganistan,only muslims in pakistan[sia and sunni] same in iraq,mostly muslim in j&k by their own extremist india muslim and hindu both suffuered.many hindu died by naxalite etremist in india.these extrimist have no religion.
The main problem among muslims that whenever a terrorist or anti national is revealed by cops then they take it personally. Dont take it as personal.Think broadly my dear friend.Reporter is talking about terrorist not muslims.
A terrorist is only terrorist.Their religion is terrorism. If they are muslim then why are they killing innocent people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or other Islamic countries.
RE:Terrorists have no religion
by R D on Dec 27, 2007 02:49 PM Permalink
If you feel so offended then please dont read the messages. In fact its diificult to digest the truth and mydear its a democracy....majority wins.
RE:Terrorists have no religion
by Rash on Dec 27, 2007 02:08 PM Permalink
Killing of any human being is the greatest sing of mankind. You all should understand that. Then whoever is killing them whether it is Hindu or Muslim should be brought to Justice. Instead of giving justice to people you idiots are discriminating them on the basis of cast and religion. People you should be hanged first to bring justice to innocent
RE:Terrorists have no religion
by ravi kumar on Dec 27, 2007 03:25 PM Permalink
u r right Rash. Terrorists doesnt have religion and caste. They just blast mandir, mosque, church or public places. they dont care n spare anyone, v people un-nec. think about religion etc.... and fight.. India is still a peaceful country compared to other nations, v give more freedom to expatiates. Even indian muslim will hv no spl. appreciation or treatment in PAK, becoz they say u left us and stayed back in India. All political leaders just uses public as their vote banks and promises so many pacakages man.. nobody helps... vajpayii ji used to say against pak, later after he won, introduced buses etc. to both the countries..... congres is highly polluted and corrupted ..sply,. in Hyd... no law and order..this time people r expecting a different party to come and HELP chiru or KCR or even a new educated person..
RE:Terrorists have no religion
by Farooq on Dec 27, 2007 02:32 PM Permalink
are you blind to the hindu comments ravi??? they are talking about whole the way when proofed terrorist give muslim a gun to shoot them we will not hesitate but only one favour we want that there should be transparancy in the this kind of anti muslim environment we trust no one...
by Rash on Dec 27, 2007 02:21 PM Permalink
Evey political party is utilizing Hindus, Muslims for their vote bank so you cant expect them to be cleaned in terrorism