Its high time we people unite and kick out terrorism in all forms. Terrorists will fail if they failed to get the support of people. So lets unite and stamp out terrorism. I have heard there is a mini pakistan in Hyderabad. People hoisting Pakistani flags and terrorising traders by collecting money for terror fund and even cheering pakistani cricket teams. If these people as so obsessed with that country they should leave India and go there. We should kick them out. These are the people who enjoy the freedom, subsidies and benefits given by vote bank politics and involve in anti india activities. Its high time our people realize this and kick all those out of our nation.
God save India for selfish politicians and terrorists.
govt should never allow any terrorist to move freely. all govts should gun down all terrorists the way naredra modi had gunned down sharbuddin-drug smugller.
all secular parties and karunanidhi,jaaved,teestaj also supporting the terrorists. we should eleminate all these people.
RE:Andhra needs more bomb to get rid of Fake experience CVs in IT field
by vu basic on Dec 27, 2007 05:17 PM Permalink
It shows your frustraton against the eligible south indians. norhties can only talk hinglish no body else can beat you in that. Stop screaming about andhra. Talk about india you fool