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Mr Gopalaswamy -EC
by Ramanathan Umapathy on Dec 24, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink 

Modi accuses and EC answers.EC should hang his head in shame for his comments that rules are different for Sonia and Modi
Modi is CM Sonia is defacto PM!
Both to get same punishment
EC loves the warmth of his chair Poor Guy Retired IAS
The Rub off of past yaars do not wear off fast!!
He has to apply butter to keep alive his chances of earning his Coveted Bread!!
In dia should hang it's head for such brazen shameless actions by the most powerful independant authority!!

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fitting message
by vox populi on Dec 24, 2007 10:40 AM  Permalink 

Other than the election commission, the english media needs to do some serious introspection--this includes the print media esp TOI--all of them waged a sinister battle to undermine him--esp Pranoy Roy, barkha Dutt and the ever bitter rajdeep sardesai--the one who should hide his face in shame is that daru sopariwala or whatever his name is.
Jokers like yechury,lallu and kapil Sibal should keep their mouth shut--as regards Sonia and rahul they should understad that the country is not a fiefdom to try all their arrogant acts--its time that the hindu polity unites and throws the pseudo secularists out

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This is victory of true secularist
by Alhad Sadachar on Dec 24, 2007 10:39 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Inspite of all the organised efforts by congress and pro congress media of this country to malign image of Mr.Narendra Modi ,the iron man has emerged victorious.Hinduism belives equality for all religion and this true secularism and not the one projected by congress,media,communists etc.

Bharat mata ki jay.
Vande Mataram

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RE:This is victory of true secularist
by patriot indian on Dec 24, 2007 11:09 AM  Permalink
They did the same in UP and succeed. Election Commissiner connived with Congress and used all his resources to prevent Mulayam from coming to power. But Modi learnt the lesson from UP he challenged EC. and that is the only way to deal with this Sonia's slave.

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You are our inspiration
by Ninth Wonder on Dec 24, 2007 10:38 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Modiji, many many best wishes & congratulations on winning election. We look at u as our inspirations. You have given a tight slap on Psedo Secularists like Rajdeep Sardesai, Barkha Dutt, NDTV, CNN - IBN, Congress Party & Left parties. They are the one who divides this contry under the name of secularism. Secularism is the worst curse Indian Public has got. We need you at center politics & We hope One day you will be the Prime Minister of this country. We wish that day to come soon in our life.

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RE:You are our inspiration
by Alhad Sadachar on Dec 24, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink
If media of this country, especially news channels are banned it will work in the interest of the society.Media has only role to create systematic divide amongst different sections of society as all the guys and girls mentioned in your comments have been doing over the years.People of Gujrat have answered them in proper fashion and same needs to happen in rest of the country.

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RE:RE:RE:You are our inspiration
by vimal singhai on Dec 24, 2007 10:47 AM  Permalink
YOU are correct
NDTV,Vinod Dua,IBN-7 and Congress is real pseudo secularists.

Well Done Mr. Modi

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RE:You are our inspiration
by your friend on Dec 24, 2007 10:54 AM  Permalink
also add javed akhtar, shabana azmi, mahesh bhatt, tista, zee news

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EC notice and caution to Modi. Differential treatment for Sonia
by Rajendra Tandon on Dec 24, 2007 10:35 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

EC's differential treatment is highly immoral.It is deferential to a person who never deserved her post. Congress has a mole woprking in the EC. Notthing will come out straight till he is there. He was a toady of Sanjay. NOW HE IS A TOADY OF sONIA, ALL HIS MISDEMEANOURS FORGIVEN. How do we expect impartiality?
The congress dances to the tune of one family because all the other leaders do not want one of them to succeed. That is how Pranab Mukherji has been side-lined again and again.
High time the Congress dumped this Family and friends of the likes of Quatrocchi. Otherwise, the so called young genaration MPs will spend their life time sweeping the floors of the userped bungalows of Sonia., Rahul, Priyanka and the Vadra children, just like Zail Singh.
I request my Indian Muslim brethren to look beyond their mohallas, educate their children and join the mainstream. You are so brilliant. You can reach any heights.Come. Let's stand together.Please do not look outside India for inspiration for you way of living.India is your motherland. India is your fatherland. Make Bharat proud of you and of your contribution and achievements.
Rajendra Tandon

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RE:EC notice and caution to Modi. Differential treatment for Sonia
by Daddy on Dec 24, 2007 10:55 AM  Permalink
Indian Muslims are always committed to developing india but the first thing is that these anti social elements shall be kept quite whenever something happens all community comes under rage...whenever government try to do something for muslims eye brows are raised...why this double standard for one community?? this is not motivating at all..we are also proud to be indian but the thing is that few anti social elements dont want us to be called as indians they think that they are the most partriotic but thats just hypocracy

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RE:EC notice and caution to Modi. Differential treatment for Sonia
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 12:29 PM  Permalink
Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.

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RE:EC notice and caution to Modi. Differential treatment for Sonia
by pradeep singh on Dec 24, 2007 12:52 PM  Permalink
Bhagat singh never indulge in any conversion. Don't bring his name. Ur hand has blood of lots of Balck people, Whom u made slave and tried to convert. Abolish the religion that is the best option ot get peae in this world.

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Election commission's double standards
by bharati chatti on Dec 24, 2007 10:31 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

1. The Election commissioner Mr Gopala Swamy has to explain his stand "We felt there should be a difference. Can't go into the details of the discussions but we felt there was a need for a slight distinction,"
2. If he cannot be fair minded, we donot need such an election commissioner.
3. It is not enough to wear a large Tilak on the forehead and show up in public.
4. After wearing such a symbol, one has also to show that the wearer has something like fairness inside his head.

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RE:Election commission's double standards
by ajay pathak on Dec 24, 2007 10:40 AM  Permalink
election commisionioner to be put in jail for such inti national act for protecting foreign citizen.I think it has given decision in fear of congress govt other wise his job will be go

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RE:Election commission's double standards
by Deewaker pandey on Dec 24, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink
to hell wid Election commissioner Mr Gopala Swamy

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RE:Election commission's double standards
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 12:17 PM  Permalink
Now the Left must get strength in the entire India, so Sangh Parivar loses the strength to do....

They lose the strength to do violence to change the direction from poor people's basic rites.
They lose the strength to attack on artists
They lose the strength to attack medias
They lose the strength to attack Communists
They lose the strength to Muslims
They lose the strength to Christians
They lose the strength to Dalits
They lose the strength to escape from corruption charges

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by krishna ramesh on Dec 24, 2007 10:30 AM  Permalink 


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