The reason is that Christian propagandist, liars and others have done a lot of good job against Hinduism.
These Christian missionaries were completely shameless liars and their propaganda against Hinduism is best to understand how frightened Christianity was of Hinduism (I can give you some site links to know how frightened they are of Hinduism even now, despite the fact that Hinduism doesn%u2019t convert people). Sanskrit is not Arabic, it is not even English; it is a much more syntactically perfect language compared to all others. I can read and understand Sanskrit and can write a little bit (but writing will be difficult), its sentences are written using best possible grammar and its words have one of the most refined generative etymology. Still Christian missionaries deliberately translated a lot of Puranas and some part of Vedas like total fools (it is not possible to give them the luxury of unintentional mistakes, their preface and the tone of translations will further confirm it).
RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 12:12 PM Permalink
My dear Orion Arhan. It was response to earlier post by Thomas.But this message was reported as abuse. Tell where i have used any abused word.
RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by on Dec 24, 2007 12:12 PM Permalink
its not them, its us who do not properly propogate our own religion. do not ever bring any religion into such dirty politics, they have nothing to do with but you brain washed!
RE:RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 12:15 PM Permalink
I appreciate your views. I am not propogating our religion to everyone. If you scan earlier message at different boards, u fill find what these people are talking about. I have posted this message in response to that only.
RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by on Dec 24, 2007 12:20 PM Permalink
just forget them and forgive them. they actually need proper education, else they are as good as animals they (my bros) forgot lord rama, lord krishna, lord shiva...... they are only behind like lord modi / lord saddam
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:30 PM Permalink
and I wish to remind u that people of india has choosen to remain in "fools paradise" for over 50 years now. And who know they will again decide to do the same in 2009
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:20 PM Permalink
I never said 2 crore voted for cogress. had that been the case it would hv won the election. But it is vote against Modi or BJP as u say
RE:Other view point
by Cutlet Gravy on Dec 24, 2007 12:59 PM Permalink
To me it seems that Rediff deleted your message because they wanted to avoid embarrasing you, big man that you are.
But if you insist on taking my place and playing the joker in the pack ... so be it.
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 01:08 PM Permalink
Why should I be embrassed. I also talk of gujratis. and I donot think only Modi ji has the licence to talk about them. People who dont endorse moditav brand of politics are alos gujratis and they form substantial portion of population.
RE:Other view point
by Philo on Dec 26, 2007 12:50 PM Permalink
Kapil Pa ji:
In year 2000, 103 million voted in US Presidential elections. BUsgh won by electoral votes, even though Al Gore "GOT" more votes tan Bush. But we respect the constitution on Electoral votes. The one state that won it for Bush, Florida, gave 538 votes to Bush than Gore. 538!!!!! out of 103 MILLION. And you think Bush gave a cohote creek to almost 51% who voted against him? He did what he wanted and thats because he WON. End of story. Have a good night. Modi is in your dreams. I understand. Ask Mama to sleep next to you.
RE:Other view point
by Orion Arhan on Dec 24, 2007 11:49 AM Permalink
The same happened in two with bjp in paraliamentary elections as well as in karnataka What happened then this rule?
RE:RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 11:53 AM Permalink
That's what preciesly my point is. Cogress has won election with 45% and even lesser votes. But in democracy u need to respect other view point also. It is not about abusing others
RE:Other view point
by Vijay urf Teesmaar Khan on Dec 24, 2007 01:04 PM Permalink
not 45%. Congress is mostly winning elections by just 33 to 35% votes. This is our election system. Suggest a better way.
RE:Other view point
by Upadrasta PardhaSaradhi on Dec 24, 2007 12:45 PM Permalink
fortunately or unfortunatel, in INdian democracy, the percentage of votes dont matter, but wt matteers is who stood first. This is the reason why we have seen parties who got 28% of the whole votes ruled the states.
RE:Other view point
by Gautam Mudbhatkal on Dec 24, 2007 11:52 AM Permalink
This rule applies to the nation as a whole too. Dont think Congress garnered the majority votes as a percentage of total votes, yet they rule us swith 'MONEY' as their only ideology.
RE:Other view point
by candidreview on Dec 24, 2007 11:56 AM Permalink
Why don't you apply same 'twisted' logic to UPA government?. There are more UPA Government haters than Mullahs like you who support them. Shouldn't UPA govt consider and respect others view point
RE:RE:Other view point
by Ravindra Nath on Dec 24, 2007 12:02 PM Permalink
In process you are commenting against entire gujrati community, that shows how much respectful towards others view point.
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:05 PM Permalink
I hv not made comment on Gujratis. I hv stated few facts in my comment that too belong to gujaratis but are on the other side of devide
RE:Other view point
by Orion Arhan on Dec 24, 2007 12:05 PM Permalink
OK. Resign from rediff and goto china/italy and leave happily. Good bye. I dont want to see u again.
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:10 PM Permalink
That the whole problem U do not tolerate the opposite view. Do not u thik it is against Domocracy Your comments are more out of frustration
The Whole of INdian E-media and print media plotted against modi such that he should fall in the elections...but i dont know what is the magical power of Modi...he single handedly defeated the media of the whole country, allegations were made aginst him...aj tak even carried and sting operation to defame him just before elections . IBN7 seemed to have taken some sort of supari from congress to kill modi in media... BUT REMEMBER ONE THING YOU INDIAN MEDIA....MODI DID NOT REACH PEOPLE THROUGH MEDIA...BUT HE REACHED MEDIA THROUGH PEOPLE...what do you say???
"We felt there should be a difference. Can't go into the details of the discussions but we felt there was a need for a slight distinction..."
What Chief Election Commissioner N Goapalswami means is that he cannot talk about the pressure and influence brought by Congress to leave madam out.
This brand of Congress is a disgrace to the nation, pandering to the wishes of a whiteskin foreign waitress. Don't they feel ashamed? Don't they have a sigle leader left among them? Don't they realise that they are digging their own grave? Really tragic and shameful!!
RE:Best sellers from Congress
by rajesh on Dec 24, 2007 11:36 AM Permalink
U can add few more. 1) The Lost party - By Vaghela 2) Rahul Gandhi and Gujatrat Elections - Abhishek singhivi
RE:RE:Best sellers from Congress
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 12:16 PM Permalink
Now the Left must get strength in the entire India, so Sangh Parivar loses the strength to do....
They lose the strength to do violence to change the direction from poor people's basic rites. They lose the strength to attack on artists They lose the strength to attack medias They lose the strength to attack Communists They lose the strength to Muslims They lose the strength to Christians They lose the strength to Dalits They lose the strength to escape from corruption charges
only with spread of christianity - the religion of love can there be peace in india. otherwise communal politicians like advani and modi will continue to fool people. on this christmas let's all resolve to see reason and be united under one church and one god jesus
RE:unity needed for progress
by Sridhar on Dec 24, 2007 11:36 AM Permalink
i think John is not an christian,just hiding behind this name just to spray some hatred over christians
RE:unity needed for progress
by candidreview on Dec 24, 2007 11:42 AM Permalink
Look what Christianity is doing in USA. Republican candidates are mudslinging against each other saying you are 'Mormon', other says you are 'Catholic' and other is saying you are 'Baptist'. Same thing as caste system in Hindu India. republican candidates are trying to energize their base based on their faith rather than talking on real issues. How can you say christianity is better?. First you try to keep you house in order and then bash others.
RE:unity needed for progress
by Gautam Mudbhatkal on Dec 24, 2007 11:56 AM Permalink
By saying nonly christianity can save us - this also a communal statement. U r as fanatic as the people who u r trying to denounce. Get ur thoughts straight. U seem to be drunk
Further more there should be any confusion that the peace phinominon is merely goes upto belly filling. In Kerala this peace and faith is an open book. xian priests are now removed the seath of goats and they are before the people as wiled animals. In Irack and many other countries are before the Wold and in those countries xians are flowering with peace.
RE:unity needed for progress
by Raju Puducode on Dec 24, 2007 11:30 AM Permalink
X-nity is cancer on Indian body. The Vatican on Friday defended the "ight and duty of Catholics to do missionary work aimed at converting people from other religions and other Christian denominations. The assertion came in a document titled doctrinal Note on some aspects of Evangelization, issued by Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, the Vatican's department in charge of matters of church orthodoxy. Lamenting what it said was growing confusion about the Catholic Church's missionary mandate, the document stressed that that evangelization or spreading of the church's message is "n inalienable right and duty. Respect for religious freedom and its promotion must not in any way make us indifferent towards truth and goodness. Indeed love impels the followers of Christ to proclaim to all the truth which saves document said. Similar proclamations by the Vatican that the Roman Catholic Church believes its message to be the truth and that its mission is to make converts, has angered leaders of other Christian and non- Christian faiths. ut the Vatican's top Indian-born cleric, Cardinal Ivan Dias said he believed vast majority of Hindus would welcome the document.
Further more there should be any confusion that the peace phinominon is merely goes upto belly filling. In Kerala this peace and faith is an open book. xian priests are now removed the seath of goats and they are before the people as wiled animals. In Irack and many other countries are before the Wold and in those countries xians are flowering with peace.
RE:unity needed for progress
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 11:31 AM Permalink
>>>>Mr. John Thomas Till now around 120 crore people had been died because of religion. In which 78 crore people had been died by xian. Xian has never argued against the hinduism. They have translated the vedas from sanskrit to english to malign hinduism. It was done and required from 17th centry to 20 th century in order to propogate Xian.
Common Xian!! You have liberty to use your brain before convert your self.
RE:unity needed for progress
by Jayesh Jani on Dec 24, 2007 11:34 AM Permalink
Christians have a sea of blood on their hands since medieval ages under name of crusade, guilt for which ur pop has already admitted, u nitwit. It is not the religion, it is the inner spirituality of the person that matters. Christian missionaries are not making people any more spiritual, they are just indulging in petty activity of trying to increase their head-count by conversion. But in the process, they are making one brother an enemy of the other. This is a religion? This is surreptitious demonism
RE:unity needed for progress
by jai k on Dec 24, 2007 11:33 AM Permalink
the reason the world is full of wars is because of this mentality of converting through manipulation and propanda..christianity is responsible for most killings in this world like iraq! and christmas is responsible for making western nations like US go in DEBT AND RECESSION since 70% of population (99% christian) are in credit card debt and on bringe of filing bankrupcy....US and EU is values except propaganda mentaily . before u spread negative proapganda...pls stop preists from molesting boys...its crazy...5 cases a day!
RE:unity needed for progress
by Saagar Bhatia on Dec 24, 2007 11:32 AM Permalink
spread of christianity happens through bribery of the male adult usually through disgusting means such as promoting alcoholism and gambling, such as witnessed in the North East. Almost all converts in India were once Hindus, they know that and with Christianity came oppression, colonialism and slavery. It is sad that the christians of India fail to see this and fail to return to their Hindu roots.
RE:unity needed for progress
by Najam Anwer on Dec 24, 2007 12:01 PM Permalink
Please think why people from Hinduism is getting converted to ISLAM, Christanity or Budhuism. Faith conversion cannot be done by money or sward. If conversion is done by money/ sword then they will come again in old fold. but it is not happening in INDIA or any part of world. Think twice and reply please
RE:unity needed for progress
by dev on Dec 24, 2007 11:32 AM Permalink
you christians are unwanted your mother merry was not married still she given birth to jesus.thats why you christians don't mind if you guys have no father as yours mother don't know with whom she had forget love find out your real father first bcoz every church has father who is real father of you christians
RE:unity needed for progress
by Sridhar on Dec 24, 2007 11:34 AM Permalink
Hey John,What are you expecting from here?just disturbing the forum,why are you starting your crap conversion,one church,one god what is this all about?if you are converted for something keep it with church,one god whats these all crap?
Some Great Leaders are Born,some achieve graetness and on some Greatness is thrust. The Leaders who are thrust on people cannot be a match to those who are born Leaders. It is a bitter truth but an Absolute truth.