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shame congress and Indian Media
by scorpio on Dec 24, 2007 01:01 PM  Permalink 

shame congress

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Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 12:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.

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RE:Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 12:32 PM  Permalink
>>>Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims >>>and Christians to make
Common mr.Commie!!
There is no fascism in Hindu.If it would be then there would not be great civilisation like Zoarastrian or Jainism or Sikhism or Budhism or Taoism.
Can u give me any example through out the history , In any muslim country or Xian country where another faiths are flourished.

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RE:Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.
by Jay on Dec 24, 2007 12:39 PM  Permalink
Looks as if you have frustrated so much because of BJP's victory, you are loosing mental balance. You don%u2019t know what to do now and simply barking here.

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RE:Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 01:30 PM  Permalink
Terrorist became secularist. It is possible in India in the world.

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RE:Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.
by dhanesh kanetkar on Dec 24, 2007 08:46 PM  Permalink
Its a shame for us ( hindus ) that such fools like you are born hindus , who cant understand the meaning of fascism and deterence . In Indian history always fasism or genocide( or force conversons ) is done by other religions ( Kashmiri Pandits or Nagaland where 90% population is Christian - want to know the reasons ) . And for Your knowledge Bhagat Singh fought for nation and for freedom .Dont take such big names to fight on behalf of other religions . Have some selfpride ( if any thing left )

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EC, Godhra panel all are obnoxious disingenous organisations!
by anir on Dec 24, 2007 12:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mostly filled with congress puppies and commies or Islamists!

Godhra Panel, which congress appointed, consisted of one commie called "Banergee".

No wonder, the as*ole said its not conclusive to say that the fire in the train, that burnt alive 59 hindus (25 women and children), was lit by the Muslims.

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RE:EC, Godhra panel all are obnoxious disingenous organisations!
by Najam Anwer on Dec 24, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink
But they r not Karsevaks certainly. truth lies here. Common man ( may be hindu, muslim etc)

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RE:EC, Godhra panel all are obnoxious disingenous organisations!
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 12:35 PM  Permalink
>>>( may be hindu, muslim etc)
My dear!! how the operation was carried out u can search the back issues of India Today where how the operations were carried out and who were responsible.
Muslims were taken out just before one station of Godhra.

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