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What the heck
by Vaibhav Pradhan on Dec 24, 2007 06:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

"We felt there should be a difference. Can't go into the details of the discussions but we felt there was a need for a slight distinction,"

I think Indian people deserve to know this so called "distinction". We need to know. We are a democracy and EC needs to be more transperant. Not sure if someone can use RTI to know why different treatment is given to Modi and Sonia.

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RE:What the heck
by Pradip Parekh on Dec 24, 2007 11:54 PM  Permalink
quite right. the fact is the soniadas congressis can't answer simple questions. their drive-by leader sonia too runs away from simple queries - even the queries from the sympatheic media.

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RE:What the heck
by Indian Taurus on Dec 25, 2007 11:48 AM  Permalink
Quite right.

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Jaane dijiye na Modiji.
by Pat Thakur on Dec 24, 2007 04:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Jis desh ka poora kendriya system Videshi Taqato ke haath bika ho us se kya khaak ummid rakhenge? Khaas kar ke jab poora Media aise Videshi Dalalo ki besharmi se chatata ho?

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RE:Jaane dijiye na Modiji.
by deshbhakth on Dec 24, 2007 05:22 PM  Permalink
How does the killing of a terrorist (Sohrabuddin) aggravate differences between communities?

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RE:Jaane dijiye na Modiji.
by Pat Thakur on Dec 24, 2007 05:42 PM  Permalink
Just like killing of Sikh Community cleanses the Society (Iti Kangress)...

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by wani bhardwaj on Dec 24, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Time is running out for Congress to become a true national political party and their present condition due to mainly the two reasons: 1) Dyanstic Politics (if you are supporting a dyanstic politics, there cannot be a good democracy and you cannot be told and convince the public that you are living in a true democratic country). Dynastic politics has to stop and then only Congress can get any life and future in the Indian Politics. 2) Religious Appeasement and divde and rule politics: This is the major weapon of the Indian National Congress from 1947 onwards and that is why India did not see any true opposition party till 1972. However, Indira Gandhi helped divided opposition parties to come together and helped to creat a strong opposition in the emergency period. That is the turning point of India's democratic history. However, congress did not learn and they are till continuing the same policies, divide and rule, as well as the RELIGIOUS appeasement (which is most dangerous for a country, who recognized a true secular constitution). If congress change their attitudes on the above two issues, they have the chances to come back into the national main stream as a true national political party, otherwsie THERE IS A BIG NO is my answer.

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Why blame only Modi
by sg sg on Dec 24, 2007 01:41 PM  Permalink 

If you see the clip Sonia's words were directed directly on Modi and his team, is that not enough for the EC to come down hard on her. But no with Chawla in the seat she could not even get a slap on the wrist. The so called seculerists and their supporters in Gujarat are so blinded that they cannot see beyond their nose and have no self respect by choosing a non Indian to lead them. What moral standing does a political party have that they had to import their leader and has a history of questionalble acts and deeds.

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by ankit on Dec 24, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Only 49.4% Fundamentalist Gujarati supported Modi which help him to win election. The Modi's Supporter is very

happy by encouraging communalism. They are really dangerous for Indian Democracy. They are pulling our Nation

toward wrong direction. Caution! Caution!

Vote share of BJP- 49.4 %
Vote share of Congress- 39.6 %
Vote share of others- 11 %

Jai hind....Jai hind....Jai hind....

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by abhinav on Dec 24, 2007 02:03 PM  Permalink
sore loser.........now ask u r teesta setalvvad khan to put a case in SC against majority of hindus for voting to Modi.............go do that.......

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