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'Modi accuses Election Commission of double standard'
by Patriot Brothers on Dec 24, 2007 09:36 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

EC is 100% BIASED &under obligation of Congress so he has to dance like a snake charmer.

We can not get fair & free election under such persons but this is Gujarat so every thing was OK for him. Can he do the same in Bihar, J&K, UP etc.,? No, never even whole Military is kept ready for him.

Poll watchdog held that Modi & Sonia Gandhi violated model code of conduct by their remarks but added the chief minister's speech aggravated differences between communities and asked Modi to be more cautious in the future but did not give the warning to Sonia.

On the top of it see the EC clarification.
"However, CEC N.Goapalswami said there was a need for making a distinction between the Congress president and the Gujarat chief minister in the observations on their violation of code of conduct."
Why you know? It is CHAMCHAGIRI because of obligation and No Guts to be fair while sitting on a High Post. It is degrading of High Post also.

Now, all pseudo secularists, HPower hundgry Congress politicians, Anti-BJP elements,Anti-Modi Press and Media, particularly Gujarat Ssmachar, TV Channels & their fool journalists, Human Right activists/NGOs supported by foreign elements/funds has got a clear reply to stay away from Gujarat politics and do not try to aggravated differences between communities.

Gujarat Muslims also voted for Modi.

Narendra Modi is a PM timber & can lead Gujarat & India to highest level & show world a path.
Long Live Naendra Modi
Jai Hind. Jai Gujarat.

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RE:'Modi accuses Election Commission of double standard'
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 10:25 AM  Permalink
We do not sit back, join without cast and religion, otherwise, our country will be in terrorist's hands. Advani will be another Prime Minister, who is the best choice for George Bush to implement globalization. Another India Shining on farmer's death!! I hope Advani should not pardon his things one by one. He should have said that his previous whole works were wrong. Heis a would be 'Chalaki' (crooked) Prime Minister. He believes he can become a PM after cheating people like Modi.

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Election commission beholden to Sonia
by purna on Dec 24, 2007 09:34 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

However, Chief Election Commissioner N Goapalswami said there was a need for making a distinction between the Congress president and the Gujarat chief minister in the observations on their violation of code of conduct. Long live impartial EC and equally impartial CEC. He is slowly evolving into a schemy politician as PM MMS.

This ostatement by the CEC, Goplaswamy, makes it abundantly clear that the EC is biased and not impartial; it is not transparent either, as it refuses to divulge the reasons for the decision.

"We felt there should be a difference. Can't go into the details of the discussions but we felt there was a need for a slight distinction," he said.

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RE:Election commission beholden to Sonia
by Chittur Subbaraman on Dec 24, 2007 09:44 AM  Permalink
The very fact that he does not want to go into details shows that he does not have any details to show; if he is truly accountable to justice and the people of this country, he is duty bound to reveal the details and the reasons for this distinction and differential treatment. Of course, the EC have said that they "expected" that such violations would not occur in future in the order relating to Sonia. It is an admonition, tho veiled.

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What a victory
by raju on Dec 24, 2007 09:31 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What a victory against all odds & opposition I am a bit jealous that we don't have such a leader in my state...
Any how the icinng on the cake for me was when I saw some muslims celebraing his victory on TV in gujarat.
After i saw so many hate mails from muslims this was a shocker to me! it proves that some minorites also like good govenance rather than sops given to them in terms of resevation etc.,

Yah Allah thera lak lak shuker hai..... tu ne meri sun li.

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RE:What a victory
by Meer Ali on Dec 24, 2007 09:46 AM  Permalink

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RE:What a victory
by Sathish N on Dec 24, 2007 09:54 AM  Permalink
Rightly said. With you on that!

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All those MAD FOOLS
by PPP always on Dec 24, 2007 09:30 AM  Permalink 

All those Mad fools who had talked ILL about MODI and his Approach have been given a befitting reply by VOTERS, By the people.

It was heights A Joker, buffon,Crack Pot like Yechury and Kapil Sibal were ridiculing his resounding success and there by insulting VOTERS.

Next it's HIMACHAL PRADESH and KARNATAKA whre U'l find BJP for sure.

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Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Elections are over - you won !!
Show grace...why still the divisive pitch? Italian, Indian...oh please give us a break !! Be inclusive now for Gods sake !

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by anand pherwani on Dec 24, 2007 09:34 AM  Permalink
Cynic, as your name rightly suggests, are quite dense - you cannot understand the nuances of politics!

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:36 AM  Permalink
Politics doesn't mean dividing people !! Even a dense person can understand that.

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Sathish N on Dec 24, 2007 09:43 AM  Permalink
The person to head should should play inclusive. Meaning including all Indians and also others if they are ready to be part of India and not a foreigner who wants to divide India. Have a clear understanding about this first.

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RE:RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:44 AM  Permalink
Read the SC judgement on the issue of foreigner vs Indian?

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RE:RE:RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Sathish N on Dec 24, 2007 09:47 AM  Permalink
The problem is not with Sonia. The problem is more with sycophants like you.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:51 AM  Permalink
Ok Satish...if that is the most intelligeble deduction you made !!! Suit yourself !!

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by purna on Dec 24, 2007 09:38 AM  Permalink
You don't want him even to talk about the injustices done; sonia is foreign born; it is absolute truth. India will be a better place, if the dynasties gandhi, nehru, karunanidhi and others choose alternate professions.

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RE:RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:40 AM  Permalink
Thats your opinion...fine !!
She being an Indian is absolute truth as well...as said by SC...unless you do not agree to the laws of the land !!
So get over it. Have a beer...and stop abusing now for gawds sake.

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Chittur Subbaraman on Dec 24, 2007 09:47 AM  Permalink
well, well, cynic, why dont you also give citizenship to Musharraf and Bin Laden? Yes, if Congis and Leftists and Lalus are in power, this will also be done!!

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RE:RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:50 AM  Permalink
CS.....please make a comment that demands a response !!

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RE:RE:RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Sathish N on Dec 24, 2007 09:45 AM  Permalink
Law of the land should conform with the understanding of the majority. If a judgment is passed by someone who is biased, citizens need to step up and make sure that the law is corrected and fair. Law/SC is for the good of the citizens and not the other way around.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:49 AM  Permalink
Understanding of the majority...how do you judge that?
If elections are the will, then 2004 also is the will !!

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by adguru on Dec 24, 2007 09:37 AM  Permalink
IMO Modi is just doing Ti for Tat to whatever ill doing by Miss. Mano and the so called panel...

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:38 AM  Permalink
For an adguru your sentence formation is incredibly incomprehensible :P

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by adguru on Dec 24, 2007 09:41 AM  Permalink
@cynic looks like u were taught in Italy? Did some slavery there?

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Cynic on Dec 24, 2007 09:42 AM  Permalink
Why dont you just savour the victory....why so much negativity even after the win...relax !!!

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 10:17 AM  Permalink
We do not sit back, join without cast and religion, otherwise, our country will be in terrorist's hands. Advani will be another Prime Minister, who is the best choice for George Bush to implement globalization. Another India Shining on farmer's death!!

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RE:Show some grace Modi !!
by stav on Dec 24, 2007 09:45 AM  Permalink
A sensible comment after a long time. You should call yourself "Sensible" instead of Cynic. Division is the hardest hurdle between India a third world and India a first world. Indian nationalism as given by Aurobindo and Gandhi have always been expansive as well as inclusive. The nationalism we see today is no better than Nazism.

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by D C Shaikh on Dec 24, 2007 09:29 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

"Allah is with Modi. It is Allah's wish that he wins and rules Gujarat and we have to obey it."

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by Vishnu somayaji on Dec 24, 2007 09:36 AM  Permalink
Alla's wish! You are mad. It is decided by HINDUS.

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by kumar saha on Dec 24, 2007 09:33 AM  Permalink
People's wish brings Modi Back. Dont be confused with Allah.

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by D C Shaikh on Dec 24, 2007 09:40 AM  Permalink
People's Wish....?
Uski marzi ke bagair patta bhi nahi hil sakta..!!!

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by Sathish N on Dec 24, 2007 09:51 AM  Permalink
All gods are the same. So, yes it is Allah's wish and every other god's wishes (as each one wants to call him).

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by BALAN on Dec 24, 2007 09:50 AM  Permalink
For God's sake, why you people want to vitiate the atmosphere. Allah, Jesus, Krishna, Rama all are one. Only the Secular fundamentalists like Congress and Left want divide them. We are one. Yes, it is Allah's wish, it is Lord Rama's wish, for haven't those Secular Fundamentalists file an affidavit stating that Lord Ram and Ramayana are myths. Gods (let it be Allah, Rama, or Kirshna) have given them a fitting reply. Those rascals. I have no words to describe them.

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''Allah is with Modi.''
by D C Shaikh on Dec 24, 2007 09:28 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

"Allah is with Modi. It is Allah's wish that he wins and rules Gujarat and we have to obey it."

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RE:''Allah is with Modi.''
by anand pherwani on Dec 24, 2007 09:37 AM  Permalink
Show some grace Shaikh Saab, why are you so reluctant to accept the majority wishes - If I were you, I would gracefully accept and flow with the stream rather than denying the obvious. The only way you will be accepted by he majority is when you become part of them - Don't resist , move with the flow!

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RE:''Allah is with Modi.''
by BALAN on Dec 24, 2007 09:58 AM  Permalink
Let it be Allah's wish. After all it is the wish of the God whether it is Allah, Rama, Krishna or Jesus. All are one. "Isavasyam Idam Sarvam". It is only the so called Secular Fundamentalist rascals like Congress, the left who want to divide us. Haven't they filed an affidavit stating Lord Rama and Ramayana are myths. That old man Karunanidhi did not show any Karuna while denigrating Lord Rama. Neither the bunch of Anti-national left who think ideologically superior by licking the boots of Chinese who too abused Hindus/hinduism. At last Lord Rama or Allah or any other God has given them a fitting reply by through the people of Gujarat. Those stupid fools that they can get away with anything. They have prostituted the word "secularism", rascals.

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RE:''Allah is with Modi.''
by Sathish N on Dec 24, 2007 09:49 AM  Permalink
Well said Shaikh!

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RE:''Allah is with Modi.''
by adguru on Dec 24, 2007 09:39 AM  Permalink
There ARE higher entities like GODs who have asserted their will and this is nothing to do with a Mob's prophet...

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Modi and Sonia before EC
by ramachandran nair on Dec 24, 2007 09:28 AM  Permalink 

Narendra Modi is absolutely right when he said EC has made double standards. When CEC says there is need for distinction what he means. Where is the socalled transcparency in EC action.

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Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Reality is that even today muslims don't feel comfortable in gujarat and are discriminated at every level.

Hindus must realize that this is not the path of dharma and should recognize modi for what he is. A power hungry criminal who will do anything to stay in power including play dangerous communal politics.

Some will argue that congress is also communal and I agree but my criticism is directed at Modi expecially for the Godhra carnage.

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RE:RE:Reality of Gujarat
by BALAN on Dec 24, 2007 10:04 AM  Permalink
Mr. V.S. What you know about Gujarat. Do you know it all started with the burning of the comaprtments from bolting it from outside and roasting alive 59 persons.

Nobody is insecure in Gujarat. Go to Gujarat and see for yourself. It is the only state you can travel without fear even in the dead of night. It is the only state I can allow my wife to travel when she reaches any railway station at the dead of night. Don't be carried away by the rascals who are bent upon tarnishing the name of Gujarat and Narendra Modi.

2002 is not the only riot year. In 1969 when congress was ruling there was a greater riot. Then Congress engineered the anti-sikh riots in 1984. Are you not moved by the ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir. The actual power hungry criminals are the congress and their strange bedfellows who always look towards china for inspiration and instruction.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:29 AM  Permalink
The progress of Gujarat is nothing special and has more to do with the entreprenurial spirit of gujarati people and little to do with communal politics of Modi.

People of India must awaken to the dangerous trend of communalism.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by raju on Dec 24, 2007 09:39 AM  Permalink
What do you mean by trend of communalism ?
If the so called secular parties polarise the minorites & get them to vote for them in blocks it is not cummunal but if on the same if the majority is made to vote in block it is cummunal.
come on V S for your information modi has won fair & square & I did see some muslims openly celebrating on TV in gujrat.
What is that Godhra carnage people in gujrat itself have forgoten it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:RE:Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:52 AM  Permalink

Trend of communalism are incidences like gohdra and post godhra violence and the justification people giving to killing each other.

This is a serious problem and India is getting affected by this virus.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by kumar saha on Dec 24, 2007 09:38 AM  Permalink
then why they selected Modi? There was anti incumbency factor. Better to accept Mandate. Be scular not pseudo secular, otherwise such a power will always rise

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RE:RE:Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:50 AM  Permalink
Kumar Saha

The fact that a significant proportion of our population is illiterate and prone to voting on religion is unfortunate.

The mandate reflects the growing communal politics in India and it is not good for the future of the country.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by Oye on Dec 24, 2007 09:35 AM  Permalink
Dude if you now the facts... the Train in Godhra was burnt by muslims under Congress leaders Direction.... which started the riots.
And for Congress it has been communal... they play this Dirty tricks... its time to recognise it & throw them out
Jai Hind

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RE:RE:Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:48 AM  Permalink
yes congess plays communal politics but currently I am focussing on Gujarat politics and Modi.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by Srinivas on Dec 24, 2007 09:33 AM  Permalink
U must be V S Khan, typical vote banks

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RE:RE:Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:48 AM  Permalink
Srinivas , Address the issue. Stop cribbing about vote banks.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by purna on Dec 24, 2007 09:43 AM  Permalink
You misinformed soul; godhra carnage was committed by muslims.

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RE:RE:Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:47 AM  Permalink
post godhra violence.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by Alpha System on Dec 24, 2007 09:41 AM  Permalink
What was before godhra everybody knows,
Why people don,t argue about sabarmati train mishap,nandigram, kashmiri hindus, instead starts braking like so called secular dogs, this was an red handed slap on congress & their pet dogs like english media, javed akthar, sitaram, sabana azmi & we the people of gujarat dont have to bother about the barking, let them bral like the mad dogs

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by purna on Dec 24, 2007 09:41 AM  Permalink
Uncomfortable muslims can emigrate to pakistan if pakistan accepts them.

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RE:RE:Reality of Gujarat
by V S on Dec 24, 2007 09:47 AM  Permalink
because of liberalization. Modi is merely taking credit for it.

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RE:Reality of Gujarat
by anand pherwani on Dec 24, 2007 09:39 AM  Permalink
Come off it VS - this just plain old rhetoric ans started to go stale and smell!!

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Congratulations Modi.
by in arni on Dec 24, 2007 09:21 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I see Modi as a modern day Sivaji. He will save people from all extremists and everybody will live peacefully under him. We need someone with strong will like him at the centre. Enough with dynasty politics, regional bullies. Modi save India.

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RE:Congratulations Modi.
by Mahesh on Dec 24, 2007 09:32 AM  Permalink
They never had any leader worth their fathers and mothers name since independence - not even Vallabhai. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the only name worth mentioning among the Gujju lot. Wow, it is incredible to note that Gujarat has come a long way from producing a non-violent son like Gandhi and a barbarian like Modi . That is truly an enterprising Gujju evolution over the years. Cant beat them at this game!!!!! So Gujju bhais - you have not done the nation any proud - on the contrary - just bought in shame on yourself. The world is laughing at you guys. The NRI Gujjus are the ones to be blamed for all what is happening in Gujarat. So Gujjus keep sucking to the so-called protoganists of the Hindu culture with the parties like - BJP, VHP, Bajrang Dal etc. The only Hindu outfit that I praise in our country is the RSS %u2013 a truly disciplined force. Gujju bhais your nightmare has just begun. Happy days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:Congratulations Modi.
by Alpha System on Dec 24, 2007 09:49 AM  Permalink
Another congress dog barked, but in vain U useless The tail want remain straight after so called slauter of Sonia in gujarat.
Good Luck for Your comment,
Waiting more for your barking

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RE:Congratulations Modi.
by Mahesh on Dec 24, 2007 09:55 AM  Permalink
Mr.Alpha System - what a ridiculous name. Why cant you own up with the right name. As for the barking dog - only one can recognise another. Welcome to the clan.

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RE:Congratulations Modi.
by Alpha System on Dec 24, 2007 09:58 AM  Permalink
So u barked again , Well done Tomy

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RE:Congratulations Modi.
by BALAN on Dec 24, 2007 10:09 AM  Permalink
Mr. Mahesh, please try to be civilised. We are one. No Gujju, Mallu etc. etc. Don't play the game of Congress and left by dividing people. It is awful for us common folk dividing ourselves. We all are good, one way or other.

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