The Maut ka Saudagar is laughing today. Let the pakis celebrate in their Islamic way. I hope the Congress can support the pakis demanding Shariat. It is necessary in India also, not just in paki occupied Afghanistan called NWFP.
RE:The real Islam visible
by prakash on Dec 23, 2007 09:52 PM Permalink
very true!! Here DHONGI CONGI ( including sardar MMSing) will go sleepless ,as he was when some terrorist Gafil/Hanif etc were arrested !! Go congis, go!! Your Motherly LAND ,the holy Pakistan, created by you, is calling you all!! Let this Hindusthan live a peaceful life here!!
RE:The real Islam visible
by apurva singh on Dec 23, 2007 10:02 PM Permalink
good news. more good news: modi has won. some more: hanif is going back to australia. we seem to have a safe future.