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by Krish Koundy on Dec 23, 2007 09:17 PM  Permalink 

Congress reaction lines are always ready
Congress unleashed brazen Sonia in to Gujarat polls. After her miserable failure, Sibals & Singhvis are now in Save Sonia mission. They will now say that Sonia is national leader and a state election results are not testimony to her popularity. It is like saying you made me bite the dust, but Im. still the winner!
Sonia bought and used the media to fight Modi. NOw she is hiding from the same media.

It is sure that Gujarat Elections have reduced Sonia to be a losing regional satrap and Narendra Modi to be a triumphant national leader, who will be out future prime minister.

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Modi's Victory is India's Victory
by Closo on Dec 23, 2007 07:12 PM  Permalink 

And I feel sorry for Achyut yagnik. Don't cry, Sonia Gandhi is still living, just hide your face in her lap.

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by Suresh Pillai on Dec 23, 2007 06:58 PM  Permalink 

MODIs WIN is a tremendous achievement and people%u2019s endorsement of his government. The so-called secular media themselves were doing campaign against Modi during the recent months heavily. All the national leaders of Congress including Sonia Gandhi made trips to Gujarat and yet they were clueless on what the voters were thinking.
Within BJP itself, Keshubai Patel and other factions were working against Modi. Vajpayee despite his generous stature, took sides and delayed in voicing for Modi. After all of this he has won! He should very well be congratulated for his one man show!
Election after election, the media have to wipe the shame on their face for not representing and communicating the reality - sentiments of the people. The same story has happened, once again in Gujarat election
Look at the way the media projects Modi and BJP continuously every now and then - as communalists, fascists and hate-mongers etc%u2026 etc.. After the clear mandate for BJP from the people, they lick their own wounds by again coming up with umpteen reasons that include saying people have made a mistake - communalism has won and so on.

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What about the Suicide Candidate of Congress ???
by naresh kaushik on Dec 23, 2007 06:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hello !!
Can any body from Gujrath tell me what happened to one of the Gujrath Congress candidate who declared she will end up her life if she does not win ?? any news

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RE:What about the Suicide Candidate of Congress ???
by Mahesh Patel on Dec 23, 2007 06:28 PM  Permalink
she lost

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Our country is goind to the dogs
by Love on Dec 23, 2007 06:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Modi....Rahul....Advani....Mulayam....Mayawati....Sonia.....Atal.....and the Whole series.....Just want to cook their bread of Politics on our bodies....Bodies of all Indians.....what a shame......All the efforts of Mahatma Gandhi and all the freedom fighters are going waste......our country is going to the Dogs....what a shame!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by naresh kaushik on Dec 23, 2007 06:17 PM  Permalink
Hi Love !!
Get loved by Modi !!!!
Cheers !!!! Majama !!! ???

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RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by Love on Dec 23, 2007 06:37 PM  Permalink

My dear fellow Indian....Stop your hatred for fellow Indians...Love India....Stop the hate campaign.

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RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by Raj Bhardwaj on Dec 23, 2007 06:18 PM  Permalink
You should emigrate to Pakistan. Or to Saudi Arabia. You won't find people like Modi, Advani, Atal. Not so sure about Rahul, Mulayam, Mayawati, Sonia.

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RE:RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by Love on Dec 23, 2007 06:38 PM  Permalink
My dear fellow Indian,
Dont be ignorent.....All of them will not hesitate to cross the border on our bodies....My dear fellow Indian....Stop your hatred for fellow Indians...

Love India....Stop the hate campaign.

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RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by SANJAY RAO on Dec 23, 2007 07:03 PM  Permalink
who told you that we do not love our fellow indians. we LOVE THEM and also love our MOTHER LAND but our socalled fellow indians DO THEY LOVE US OR OUR MOTHERLAND???

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