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modi performed , congress failed
by atul sangamnerkar on Dec 24, 2007 09:03 AM  Permalink 

try to understand in 2002 there was a wave favoring modi, but in 2007 its was against all odds modi was fighting , still he managed to get 117 its really crditablr victory compared to 2002, look at %voting that has also improoved, the message is clear , if u do all the developments and run the state and be the godfather of commanman , commanman will be always with you

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Modi performed and congress failed the country
by surinder garg on Dec 24, 2007 04:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Any donkey who can reduce taxes, remove sarkari corruption, maintain law and order, make jehadis piss off by bullet for bullet policy, and who can give proper environment for business and commerce is reqd in this country. Mr Modi was that Donkey whom Congress was beating all the way.
I have not been paid 35 design payments by Haryana PWD (B&R), ruled by congress, reason they say is pay bribe or even if you go to Supreme Court, we shall not pay. Who will believe in secularism and socialism of such Gaa*ndues who are so corrupt. Congress should print rates of corruption and hang them outside their CM offices under the Gandhi photo as it is not Gandhi but the Gaan*dhi allow*ance that rules this country.
Sonia , if u have guts , take action against corruption or get off from our lives.

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RE:Modi performed and congress failed the country
by harekrishna sahoo on Dec 24, 2007 06:49 AM  Permalink
still BJP lost 9 seats compared to 2002, why... Congress gained 11 seats...I am not telling that BJP lost some ...but one should ask why...couple of ministers from the MODI Govt. lost the battle ground...

I know people in this forum will react strongly to this statement/question...They are strongly welcomed..

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RE:Modi performed and congress failed the country
by Philo on Dec 24, 2007 08:24 AM  Permalink
yeow sahoo..BJP might have have lost 11 seats. But look at vote %'ges. BJP gained 4% and Congress lost 3%. At this state of affairs. CongI will not go for mid term poll which is what they were eyeing. They will be wiped out. And if you have time, look at the seats lost by BJP. There are 19 seats that BJP lost by 700 votes or less.

Guess what. Even Sonia didn't come out with the questions you asked? You know why. Because its useless. When some one doubles your tally which in this case is 117 to 59, you dont know where to hide your face, and that too when you are a national party and which plays the Seculrism plank for restar ds like you.

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In Rajkot, BJP gets 7 seats, Congress gets 3
by Fried Yakov on Dec 24, 2007 03:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Long live Moditva- I long to see Modi as the PM of undivided India (including the present day Pakistan and Bangladesh). The media may continue to demonise and vilify Modi, but the common man has finally come to realise the truth about who has the benefit of the majority at his heart. I hope there shall come a day when the public can trash the 'sickular' media. I hope and pray the day when Modi becomes PM arrives soon. Long live a resurgent India. I salute my Gujrati brothers and sisters for their remarkable strength and acumen and foresight for choosing the right leader. Jai Hind.

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RE:In Rajkot, BJP gets 7 seats, Congress gets 3
by mohd amul on Dec 24, 2007 04:48 AM  Permalink
Modi is just like Bin Laden, ruthless notorious criminal, supported by hindu fanatics, is supported by a state party like Bjp(taliban in case of Bib Laden) Desiring for Hindutva on the cost of liberty and freedom of other citizen.

He has defined Hindutva as something which want to exist alone without the need of any human, any nation.

Narrow minded criminal concentrating on Gujjarathis. I think world should wake up against this criminal. US refused visa for him. Now gujarathi celebration brought to the world's attention how this Modi is generating the hate and moving the hindu culture into newly found arrogance of Gujarathi pride.

Lets see international isolation should come, any passport with Gujathi state should be identified as a default hindutva destabilizing freedom of the society. Especially Muslim countries and Secular democratic nation should teach them a lesson, if you want isolation and feel the pride by building the walls then face the repercussion.

Gujarathis have attracted the wrath, this is a new lesson for all the people of world that Hindutva is still worser than Bin Laden religion, because it exist in a natural democratic society, much like hitler's re-defining patriotism and pride of being german.

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RE:In Rajkot, BJP gets 7 seats, Congress gets 3
by nikhilhaas on Dec 24, 2007 06:08 AM  Permalink
do u think soudiarabia,pakistan,egypt,afghan,iraq, palesthain shulb be banned 2 enter into other countries bcoz of their terror activities?Don't give speeched here.

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RE:RE:In Rajkot, BJP gets 7 seats, Congress gets 3
by nikhilhaas on Dec 24, 2007 06:09 AM  Permalink
I mean palestina and speech

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Message deleted by moderator
by k Mathew on Dec 23, 2007 09:23 PM  Permalink 

PRAFUL BIDWAI AND YAGNIK SHOULD STOP WRITING POLITICAL COMMENTARIES. THEY ARE LIVING IN THEIR OWN IMAGINARY WORLD. Let such writers at least stop dictating their views/observations to commoners. After all in a democracy, it's votes that matter most, whether . RAMESH MATHEW

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