They are comparing India with the countries dont have even those many people as many as India has newspapers forget about the other comparisons Its a rediculous comparison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE:Bull shit
by Rajeev Kumar on Dec 20, 2007 05:21 AM Permalink
Very valid point! They must have some normalizing parameter otherwise it is just comparing apples and oranges.
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, and Guatemala... small African countries.. what is the base of comparing these contries with India???? India has a large area and hundreds of times more journalists than these countries...This study is absolutely baseless.. they might have considered so many other factors.. not just number of journalists killed...
RE:Study is absolutely baseless
by gradybush on Dec 20, 2007 05:25 AM Permalink
in china...journalists r killed but no one knows abt thr is no such thing as a journalist in china.....its just the good ol' commies running around recklessly...
India must top the list, Because the level of journalists are so low in india that they work for political party and biased at every stages. These are the indian journalists who enjoy the killing news and sting operation. I love to show dead bodies. If two people die they will show 10 died. I think if some one want to make a hit list, Mr. Rajdeep must top it followed by Tejpal.
They are the worst, they are worse than prostitutes, who are forced to sell their bodies. These people sell their souls and write false stories and propaganda.
by harish singh mehta on Dec 19, 2007 05:20 PM Permalink
U r right journalists,police , advocate, and many other like these people take advantage what they are hardly 1% are good upto some extent. Inke to kaya bolu khud samaj jao
Journalista are totally biased in India.The owners of these media are indirect promoters of their company and their brand.I have seen many reporters who take money for not reporting any adverse report about an individual.
People take law into their own hands when they feel journalist have not been fair to them