RE:Victory to our Great Leader Advaniji
by on on Dec 10, 2007 10:32 PM Permalink
why does it always have to be about religion...jeez wake up dude..its 2007...dont vote for someone cause he supports ur religion or is ur caste etc..use ur that too much to ask for?
RE:Victory to our Great Leader Advaniji
by r patil on Dec 10, 2007 10:39 PM Permalink
Say this to christain and muslims of India OK. Let the gandhi voting muslim produce one gandhis among them.No amount of provocation should make muslims terrorists,no amount of riots ,no amout of mosque destruction,no amount of exodus should make them terrorist as they vote for Gandhis.Like our dalai lamas and kashmiri pandits.Congrees seriously needs to promote Gandhinism to them and not to us.
RE:Next PM
by Anurag Shrivastava on Dec 10, 2007 10:54 PM Permalink
Yup - the kind of minorities we want. Not those ugly, demon looking guys throwing stones on the streets at the drop of a cartoon
Its high time that internal democracy is also restored in Congress and a person who has actually contributed to the party and the nation is made its leader. Its high time congress says good bye to dynastic politics.
definately u have to have some medication how can a person live on the earth with this much hatred inside him, sameer when a person speaks it shows his character and manner wht u r trying to proof to use that much bad language
Advani deserves it; despite some vacillations, his contributions are manifold--he is credited with reinventing the party, giving it an ideological direction, attracting an impressive array of second tier of leaders and an accomodative attitude to smaller and regional partners. He combines modernism and tradition; pragmatism and assertiveness.
Much has been read on Advani's comment. I think its time that all the BJP supporters lend their support to Advani.
Also,in the comment all Advani wanted to say was Jinnah perhaps did not wanted to see his country be so bad and so orthodox.He nowhere defended Jinnah.
Nowhere did Advani defend the atrocities of Jinnah on Indians.
RE:Advani's comment
by Pop Head on Dec 10, 2007 10:24 PM Permalink
Maybe when he is lucky to be PM, he will hang a picture of Jinnah in his office. So whenever they telecast from his office we can get to see a smiling Jinnah in our TV screens. How's that for thought???
It is sad to see the same old faces that have failed this nation over and over again.
With BJP it is the OLD Brass and with the Congress it is the Gandhi Clan.
We have build a HUGE bureaucracy within our political system. This bureaucracy acts like a clog for any new, progressive, out of the box approach.
We as citizens are given a choice to choose from BAD and WORSE. Hence no matter who ends up at the top, the nation as a whole does not feel the difference.
The only step we can take is to make sure that the government has a defined role that is measurable. Government needs to get OUT of the appeasement business. They will continue to do it unless we as citizens do not put an end to this BRIBERY.
Government should not be responsible for water/electricity/fuel supplies. Let the free market decide. If we make the government more powerful, that is done at the expense of our own liberties and freedom.
We have to get the government out of our education system with putting an end to reservations.
We need to get the government out of our religion but putting an end to Haj subsidies and ownership of Temples.
We need to get government out of our pockets by eliminating the Income Tax.
We need to put an end to out of control government spending on PET projects that are filled with bribery and corruption. We need to move from a seudo-communist state to a free market society where people earn what they deserve rather than demand what they think they deserve.
RE:RE:RE:System Change - No more PATCH work !!!
by HP on Dec 10, 2007 10:12 PM Permalink
okai u shud take the first u have the guts s*it head
RE:RE:RE:System Change - No more PATCH work !!!
by imran patel on Dec 10, 2007 10:12 PM Permalink
I am with you on that. Muslims need to stop living in GETTOS and start being part of Mainstream India. We need more interaction between the Muslims and Hindus.
Isolation will make things worse.
Our problem is ignorance and intolerance. Interaction will reduce both.
RE:System Change - No more PATCH work !!!
by r patil on Dec 10, 2007 10:07 PM Permalink
by eliminating income tax how do you ecpect government to function on foriegn AID
RE:RE:System Change - No more PATCH work !!!
by imran patel on Dec 10, 2007 10:10 PM Permalink
Income TAX only accounts for 6-8% of the government revenue. If government spending can be reduced by 6-8%, we can eliminate the income tax and you can take home all your salary.
RE:RE:RE:System Change - No more PATCH work !!!
by r patil on Dec 10, 2007 10:20 PM Permalink
Income tax should be spent on the persons social security and old age pension.
RE:RE:RE:System Change - No more PATCH work !!!
by siva kumar on Dec 10, 2007 10:17 PM Permalink
Not only that ..Govt spends lot of amount on collection mechanism thatis Income tax deptt.. :Unneceessary to salary to huge bureuacracy with rampant corruption.. In come tax officials pay large sums to all major political parties for election expenditure, so that they will protect them if future
RE:System Change - No more PATCH work !!!
by siva kumar on Dec 10, 2007 10:14 PM Permalink
This is really a sensible article.It needs serious consideration because it is meaning ful .. Dont give communal cover to this article, please..
What about Jinnah? Does all the BJP and RSS followers who endorse him think that Jinnah was secular and formation of Pakistan was just? What is the difference between a Commies view and BJP view on this issue?
by r patil on Dec 10, 2007 10:23 PM Permalink
Nepal has ruined itself by allowing christain naxalities and islamic terrorist to make a strong foot their.If India was a strong hindu country than the thing would have being different.