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A very mature politician
by sanjay kumar on Dec 11, 2007 03:31 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Advani is perhaps the most mature leader among current politicians. If BJP wins thenext election , people will feel the grace of Advani's leadership.

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RE:A very mature politician
by Val Usa on Dec 11, 2007 08:23 AM  Permalink
He is not mature but rotten...fire instigator...we don't need him...he is on the way to his destination...death...

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Advani a loser
by Patriot on Dec 11, 2007 02:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Advani is a big bore now in Indian Politics.
He should have retired gracefully like Vajpayee.
On other hand its time for him to go to Jinnah memmorial to get some inspiration from his ideal leader.

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RE:Advani a loser
by on Dec 11, 2007 02:58 AM  Permalink
You should not say like this otherwise, we hard die bjp supporters will be ashamed of Advani.

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RE:Advani a loser
by sumangali pukku on Dec 11, 2007 03:18 AM  Permalink
we dont need secular guys we need hardcore RSS hindu guys ...we welcome young lad join in ur local city and villages we have RSS camps we will train how to cope up with the terrorist and save humans...We teach them how to lead a good and clean life..Jai RSS Jai VHP Jai Bajrang Dal...we support BJP our political friends..one day our RSS leader will become PM of INDIA and we know people of india will support us in all ways..
we need a vibrant, full of life PRaveen Thogadia or any young multi talented RSS young lad or an experienced RSS leaders should become indian Prime minister..we will lead the entire world soon. we will have our cadres everywhere in the world and the world will be full of our RSS sevaks..doing a lot of good things...in the world..we will remove vulgarity, and all stuff..India will be superpower if RSS Comes to power..Lets and hope and wish the same...Jai Hind Jai RSS sevaks...

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RE:Advani a loser
by Swami Aravind on Dec 11, 2007 03:51 AM  Permalink
sumangali pukku , it is like muslim dream. Dream it for ever.

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RE:Advani a loser
by sumangali pukku on Dec 11, 2007 04:20 AM  Permalink
yes secularist like u will also be thrown out or wiped out ...dont dare to talk about our RSS ideology....Jai RSS

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RSS should lead INDIA
by sumangali pukku on Dec 11, 2007 02:42 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

we need a vibrant, full of life PRaveen Thogadia or any young multi talented RSS young lad or an experienced RSS leaders should become indian Prime minister..we will lead the entire world soon. we will have our cadres everywhere in the world and the world will be full of our RSS sevaks..doing a lot of good things...in the world..we will remove vulgarity, and all stuff..India will be superpower if RSS Comes to power..Lets and hope and wish the same...Jai Hind Jai RSS sevaks...

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RE:RSS should lead INDIA
by on Dec 11, 2007 02:47 AM  Permalink
But why do you guys fight with shivsena, bajrang?

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RE:RSS should lead INDIA
by Val Usa on Dec 11, 2007 08:25 AM  Permalink
You are offshoot of RSS breed..What they can generate...klling non-hindues..that's what you want...you will get it in your next life....

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BJP's Gift to Advani.
by geetanjli on Dec 11, 2007 01:39 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Wonderfull gift to Advani.... who saluted Jinah's..... so called rashtriyata......

"majhare Jinah pe jane ka Inam ...... ha ha ha...

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RE:gr8 modi
by on Dec 11, 2007 02:37 AM  Permalink
Your name looks like a italian. hahahaaaaaaa

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RE:Why don't muslims convert to Hinduism?
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 01:00 AM  Permalink
You must be kidding right ?

You do not have to convert to any particular religion to be an Indian. Read the constitution.

I think we must add "The Indian Constitution" as part of our curriculum. People on this forum are talking such rubbish without even the slightest knowledge of our constitution.

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by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:55 AM  Permalink
hey eelam tigers.. where were you so far..
Hats off. Bye.

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by Om Shanti Om on Dec 11, 2007 12:56 AM  Permalink
jai hindu thats why u kill the hindu politicians of india, huh? u terrorist bas*ard.

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Is it possible??
by Gowdas Rule on Dec 11, 2007 12:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Can UP, Bihar & Gujrat be merged and made United States of Gujrat and Advani or Modi be made PM of USG???

Guys give it a serious thought. It wud be an sexellent idea

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RE:Is it possible??
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:53 AM  Permalink
as it is late time ur still sticking to computers,,, u get ideas like this..
hope its time for u to take rest and go to bed..
otherwise only God can save you..

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RE:Is it possible??
by DM on Dec 11, 2007 07:21 AM  Permalink
I have never said anything which would indicate that I am against a section of the Indian people. But when you raised this I thought why not respond back. From an economic sense, taking out UP ,Bihar and Gujrat from India would actually be a favour to the real India. UP and Bihar, India's most and unproductive and populous state does not add any value to India. I do agree Gujrat is a good state economically but it doesn't matter if we lose that because atleast we can get rid of UP and Bihar in process. Yes your idea is great and take the Modi with you as your PM.

Finally this is for you,don't just say for the sake of saying. Think and then say.UP and Bihar is surviving because of other states for the past 50 years and it is a fact which even a naive child can't deny.

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Response to OM on Hinduism being an INDIAN religion.
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hinduism is NOT an Indian religion. Just as Islam is NOT an ARAB religion. These are universal faith that people can follow irrespective of where they live or where they were born or in which family they were born.

No one should change/alter their religion based on location/nationality.

So why should an Indian not be a Muslim or follow any other belief other than Hinduism. Indians can be Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Atheist, etc.

I never said that ADVANI should not be the PM because he was born in what is today's PAKISTAN. Then our current PM is in the same boat.

Any person who is a citizen of India can run for public office. Read the constitution

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RE:Response to OM on Hinduism being an INDIAN religion.
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:50 AM  Permalink
Well Said Imran..
As I said India is the Land of Gods..
All the Gods want all the religions to be practised in India..
Only here Hinduism, Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikh gurus have lived and living.

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RE:Response to OM on Hinduism being an INDIAN religion.
by Sami on Dec 11, 2007 02:02 PM  Permalink

your advice may be correct.
But you should say them after reverting back what they should do.
Whom should they pray?
to the one whom the court is searching?
to the one who grabs the dress of the bating girls and enjoy the beauti of their bare body hiding from the tree branches?
to the one who steals butter from poor farmers houses?
to the one who can not save his bhakt?
to the one who ran to save his life from asura?

And also you should say which scripture they should follw.
Vedhic principle which has been forgotton by all?
or the present culture.

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