RE:Con gress(opposite of progress) plz answer
by Kolarramamurthy Sripathy on Dec 10, 2007 08:59 PM Permalink
The answer to your questions is with Congress. Go ask Sonia Gandhi personally. Yo will reach heaven if you get answers to all your questions.
RE:advani feeling insecure because of Modi
by PKN on Dec 10, 2007 08:57 PM Permalink
Just read your little note and try and see if at least you can make any sense of it . Nobody can! Remember the famous rule " Let the world think you are a fool but dont open you mouth and prove it" Applies to blogging also. Give you proper e-mail ID . NTDV would like to employ you. Your logic beats that of Barka Dutta's atleast whenit comes to predicting Modi's losing and Gujarat going back to normalcy .
RE:Advani the PM
by poda mayira on Dec 10, 2007 08:53 PM Permalink
MR, why do you want convert others, It's depends the individuals. Why can't u understand these politician's (any party). They are making use of people like you. Idiot
RE:RE:Advani the PM
by Preeti S on Dec 10, 2007 08:52 PM Permalink
Does BJP have the copyright of Hinduism???? By not supporting Advani, does that make one a non hindu??? Who stopped the NDA government from making the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya??? Both the congress and the BJP are just playing with the sentiments of people, dividing them, creating hatred, for their own vested interests....
RE:Advani the PM
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 08:46 PM Permalink
Tell me how someone can convert to Hindu? If someone converts, then which cast he will be?
RE:RE:RE:Advani the PM
by Nageswara Rao on Dec 10, 2007 09:10 PM Permalink
I put you the same question to you Mr Indian - If any african or asian converts to Christianity, will he be treated equally by European/American christians ? Why there are so many branches/sects/subsects among Christians
Similarly if any person coverts into Islam will he be treated same with Arab Muslims? Why Ahmedis are not accepted as Muslims even though they believe in Allah ? Why there are so many sects/subsects among Muslims and why they fight among themseves.
So you need not heckle about the caste system of Hinduism. Better know about the loopwholes of other communities
RE:Advani the PM
by Nageswara Rao on Dec 10, 2007 09:13 PM Permalink
I put you the same question to you Mr Indian - If any african or asian converts to Christianity, will he be treated equally by European/American christians ? Why there are so many branches/sects/subsects among Christians
Similarly if any person coverts into Islam will he be treated same with Arab Muslims? Why Ahmedis are not accepted as Muslims even though they believe in Allah ? Why there are so many sects/subsects among Muslims and why they fight among themseves.
So you need not heckle about the caste system of Hinduism. Better know about the loopwholes of other communities
Advani shud retire and allow a better and younger leader to lead the nation. If BJP sticks to Advani, it will be a big loss for BJP. Isse acha to Modiji ko PM project karo.
RE:Advani is unfit
by Nilesh on Dec 10, 2007 08:55 PM Permalink
Mr. Modi will be a PM but his turn comes after Mr. Advani. They both are the same - same ideologies.
RE:Advani is unfit
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 08:43 PM Permalink
Poor Modi. US will not give even a Visa to him. India is already too much depending on US and Europe. How will he run his government?
RE:Advani is unfit
by PKN on Dec 10, 2007 09:21 PM Permalink
Modi will after becoming the PM join hands with the Osam Bin laden and the Taliban and fight the US. Enemy of my enemy is my friend Hate Modi if you feel so but dont say that he needs to get 'Green Signal' from US and the West to become the PM of India.
We are a free country and let us decide who our PM should be . Did you have a say on the election of George Bush , then why should a damn white man in the US chose who should be our PM.
RE:Advani is unfit
by Another Indian on Dec 10, 2007 08:50 PM Permalink
US would fall in line once Modi is elected as PM. They can't afford to lose India.
RE:Advani is unfit
by abcd efg on Dec 10, 2007 08:56 PM Permalink
True..we need a leader and if we r talking of BJP it is not a person oriented party. India needs good and young leaders and the next generation should be projected to lead by a nationalist party like BJP. Advaniji, at best can be a consultant but surely, we can have better leaders as PM. Already we are kaam chalaoing with Dr. Singh.
In my view, the way Mr. Rajnath, being the president of BJP has handled the pressure & overcome with lots of success for NDA is superb. Lots of Kudos to him........
He will be right canditate for the PM post, who cxan handle pressure & can continue to take our country on the top of the world as superpower.
RE:Rajnath Singh will be the right canditate for the post of PM.
by Sathish N on Dec 10, 2007 08:39 PM Permalink
Congress me Abhijit ko PM project karo.
The BJP has spoken, come what may, Modi has to be marginalized. The Jinnah is secular Admirer, Advani beat Modi as BJP's national preference!! So Jinnah is preferable to Modi. BJP is showing signs of maturity
RE:Advani Zindabad
by Vinod Tripathi on Dec 10, 2007 08:58 PM Permalink
Advani ji- PM Advani ji can finalize the rest after polls. Kudos to the party with a difference.
How can you have such a joker as PM? No way he can be compared to Atal Bihari Vajpayee. It is a fact that there is no suitably capable person with a clean uncriminal image in BJP for the post of PM.
by Nilesh on Dec 10, 2007 08:57 PM Permalink
Mr. Advani is a very good diplomat and he'll certainly be good for India. Am sure if BJP is given 20 years, things can change a lot for India.
I dont care who is projected at as the PM from BJP. Its time they are voted with genuine majority. we need to have 5 years of pure BJP at the center and see, If the hindus have any hope. All matters is protection of Hindutva. Hope they get full fledged support from all the sangh constituents and Hindus at large.
RE:Hindutva needs to be protected
by sunny on Dec 10, 2007 08:35 PM Permalink
WHat hope did u have? was it fulfilled? Look at the past and talk. U are being used by the BJP as just the minorities are being used by the Congress. Grow up
RE:Hindutva needs to be protected
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 08:39 PM Permalink
BJP cannot protect Hindutva. It is upto the Hindus to keep their religion up. I dont mean the Hindutva gimmicks being played on political level. Hindus need to relook at how they really practice the Hinduism. It is then Hindutva can survive. Religion should not become a means for living or getting worldly benefits. That is when it deteriorates.
RE:Hindutva needs to be protected
by Nilesh on Dec 10, 2007 09:03 PM Permalink
BJP is not only for the protection of hindutva but for over all administration. Congress is not able to protect the interests of India as it is openly protecting terrorists.
RE:Hindutva needs to be protected
by mahendra nayak on Dec 10, 2007 08:40 PM Permalink
Are you dreaming of a temple at Ayodhya. No!!. BJP wants to keep the issue un-resolved to win the next election. Asking for pardon with lame excuses.
RE:RE:Hindutva needs to be protected
by Nilesh on Dec 10, 2007 09:04 PM Permalink
Boss do you think mandir is a bigger issue than Afzal guru and sanjay dutt aquitals ? I dont care about the mandir, but i want to see sanjay dutt in the jail and afzal guru hanged. Am hopeful taht BJP will do something there.
RE:Hindutva needs to be protected
by Janavi Sundaresan on Dec 10, 2007 09:07 PM Permalink
Yes. I had a great opinion of BJP when they came to power. But during the hijak of the INdian airlines plane by taliban militants it seems these guys ( Advani and others) were indecisive and had were clueless and were only interested in ordering chicken from the best restaurants during their meetings to take action. They were giving a lot of trouble to the employees who were to attend to them 24 hours and asking for fresh milk in the middle of the night and creating a great fracas when it was not available. It looked like they forgot what they were meeting for while the hijackers gained time and made their demands bigger.May be this is the way all politicians act ma be except Modi.They have no idea how to act under crisis and nor will they learn.