by Prem Mohan on Dec 03, 2007 08:13 PM Permalink
There is no reason to think so. In fact, there would only be minor trouble if you burn the Bible, the Gita or the Torah. But try buring the Koran!
by cupid on Dec 03, 2007 08:16 PM Permalink
burn it --dont hesitate ......if muslims dont like ....put it in theirr asssss and set it on fire ...
by prakash on Dec 03, 2007 08:15 PM Permalink
Mr. Cupid, you can please go to burning hell along with Quran and other books, but not Gita. Gita takes you to enlightment.
by cupid on Dec 03, 2007 08:17 PM Permalink
these books ahve turned this beautiful world into hell iam least bothered humanity ... u dont require books to understand ur creator and the purpose of creation it??
by prakash on Dec 03, 2007 08:25 PM Permalink
Okay. start a new religion of your liking. Lalu Prasad, Deve Gouda, Musharraf, Tathagat and I will join you.
by BK on Dec 04, 2007 09:12 AM Permalink
CUPID - Had there not be a religion the rest of the world would be a jerk like you which has no meaning to life. -BK
RE:Imam should be sent out of India.
by Prem Mohan on Dec 03, 2007 08:08 PM Permalink
Why should he be sent out of India? Why should we pass our problems to others? In any case, do you know who would accept him?
In a different but similar context, some one wrote:
Even if she had meant harm, you and all (......) leaders should have been standing up for her. The idea that one may legitimately be imprisoned, or lashed, or even killed for poking fun at someone still remains. Do you understand how this threatens the foundation of free society? Once you declare one group off-limits for critical examination, once you declare that these people -- whoever they may be -- must at all costs not be offended, or if they are they're perfectly within their rights to stone, or lash, or imprison, or kill the offender, then you have destroyed one of the foundations for free inquiry. In a free society, people with differing opinions live together in harmony, agreeing not to kill one another if their neighbor's opinions offend them. If offensive speech had been prohibited in the 1770s, there would be no United States of America, and that is one of the reasons for the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Whenever offensive speech is prohibited, the tyrant's power is solidified. No less in this case, although the tyrant in question is of a different kind.
RE:first imam bukhari should apologise to the nation for killings of Indians at the hand of islamists.........
by prakash on Dec 03, 2007 07:41 PM Permalink
Better we pack him off to Afganisthan, immediately. He is highly poisonous creature.
Every Islam Follower says that Islam stands for truth and now when a lady has the courage to talk the Truth she is being issued Fatwa asking for her Death - Now these Mullah's are showing everyone the Truth about ISLAM ? Mohammed practised similar tactics to rise to fame i.e kill anybody who opposed his barbaric rule.
RE:Shame on ISLAMISTS ? Mullahs show the Real ISLAM
by prakash on Dec 03, 2007 07:43 PM Permalink
Mullah like Shahi Imam is actually representative of Devil, who enjoy death of innocents.