RE:No to paki
by prakash on Dec 03, 2007 08:22 PM Permalink
But we can sanction visa to Benazir for 7 days. She is after all fighting against man's domination there, nearly like Taslima.
democracy is a joke in pakistan. in india, democracy is not perfect, there are many defects, but at least, when losing, the outgoing government has left peacefully.
there are some times charges of rigging, but rigging is never serious enough to change the whole verdict.
in pakistan, it does not exist.
one reason may be that democracy requires tolerance which is low in muslim society. i do not mean it as an insult, but i have many muslim friends and colleagues and have found them to be wary of disagreement.
disagreeing peacefully with muslims is difficult, they start getting aggressive easily.
on political front in pakistan also, there is less rational thinking and more of aggressive behaviour.
RE:nothing surprising
by Sriram Rags on Dec 03, 2007 09:05 PM Permalink
its sudden death in pakistan and slow death in India. You know which is painful right
Indian government should take an initiative to offer (NOT GIVE AS A POLITICAL AND DIPLOMATIC STUNT) Indian Citizenship or Political Asylum to Nawaz Sharif. Since Sharif is very popluar in Muslim extremist in Pakistan, India will have a great chance to win the heart of billion muslim extremists in Pakistan and all over the world, which inturn could help to stop terrorism to some extent. Please give your views on it and please talk on topic, not off topic and dont come up with stupid ideas of Hinduism and anti Muslim. Think it as a political stunt.
RE:Give Indian Citizenship to Sharif
by Just Like That on Dec 03, 2007 08:23 PM Permalink
Amit, if Indian government grants citizenship to Sharif, entire common Pakistanis will queue up behind him. None of them wants to be in Pakistan. Where do we keep all of them?
RE:Give Indian Citizenship to Sharif
by S on Dec 03, 2007 11:00 PM Permalink
We should not accept ANY pakistani leaders, none of them championed the human cause they always instigated common Pakis against India or groomed terrorists against India and made thier living...including the Brat Imran Khan. I was excited to see the democracy movement in Pakistan which is now fissiled by their so called leaders for their own advantage. These power brokers have toned down and willing to share power with Mushi at the cost of true democracy.
RE:Give Indian Citizenship to Sharif
by prakash on Dec 03, 2007 08:08 PM Permalink
But Sharif have developed acute constipation by long staying in Saudi Arab. We all ready have enough constipition patients like you in India. Sorry, we can't effort another beef eater in India.
RE:Give Indian Citizenship to Sharif
by chandrasekaran on Dec 03, 2007 08:35 PM Permalink
i am reading rediff for a long time. this is the best humourous reply for a stupid idea.
Dear Sharif, please contact our Lalu Prasad. He will tell you a way out. If he is not available please contact Deve Gouda, strictly between 3 to 3.30 PM.
by mohit gupta on Dec 03, 2007 07:50 PM Permalink
then hindus would have been fighting amound themselves along the caste lines. my dear, ppl who have to fight will fight. either for religion or for caste or for other things. c the condition of pakistan. its a muslim country, but then also ppl are fighting among themselves. so, we should learn to co-exist and respect each other's religion. i assure u my dear most of the muslims are as patriotic indian as u r . so they have same right for their motherland as u.
Read Musharraf has rejected Sharif's papers. Musharraf wants only Benazir to be PM. As I already told, the deal is struck and finished. Musharaf bartered peace with Sharif on his Saudi mission only to hoodwink him to come to Pakistan and get snubbed like this. Musharraf has only one person Mind. Benazir who will toe up his line and give India sleepless nights - K.S.Balajee, Political Analyst
This is the true face of Pakistan free and fair election under the cover of:Military coated civil Law:If Mrs Benazir Bhutto takes part in this pre organised election then she too will be considered to have conived with the unlawful people and will be discarded by the popular view
Mr.Sharif, I am sure you will be regretting for being a Pakistani and worse, being treated so shabbily by your ex-subordinate!! What voice do you guys have? You look at our country. Don't be jealous, ok..
RE:Where is the Imam
by premjith on Dec 03, 2007 07:05 PM Permalink
It is the matter of pak politics. We are least bothering about the democracy in pak.
RE:Where is the Imam
by saa taa on Dec 03, 2007 06:56 PM Permalink
badboo Pavithran,,,,(funny name)why are u getting religion in between... because of YEH LOG ur country is progressing... keep that in ur dumb mind!
RE:Where is the Imam
by Natural Stone Pavings on Dec 03, 2007 07:24 PM Permalink
yes 1/3 rd of prepartition Indians who are unfortunate Pakistanis now are being denied democratic rights because Jinnah told them to be Islamists and not Democrats
RE:Where is the Imam
by saa taa on Dec 03, 2007 07:10 PM Permalink
My facts are right.. people like u just have one thing in mind and that is to attack muslims.... and then when they retaliate u run for cover and label them as terrorists....
terrorists exist becoz of existence of people like u who are illiterate and dumb..
RE:Where is the Imam
by arijit banerjee on Dec 03, 2007 07:28 PM Permalink
Why every body in the world has problems with Muslims?? Why?? You are fighting with all Christians, Hindu's, Jews ....The basic problem is you are muslims first and then a human being. Change the order, things will improve.
RE:Where is the Imam
by Indian on Dec 03, 2007 07:01 PM Permalink
Dont take every incident happening elsewhere to take chance to attack on muslims. Pakistan may be a self declared Muslim country. Doesnt mean whatever they do represent muslims.