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Don't damage Ram Sethu: SC to Centre
by Vijay Taleppadi on Sep 01, 2007 05:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hats off to Supreme Court

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RE:Don't damage Ram Sethu: SC to Centre
by Shajit Ali on Sep 25, 2007 02:16 PM  Permalink
Dear Sir,
I dont know whether the ramsethu was built by ram or not.
Let us take it was built by ram. What is wrong if it is renovated. Ram built it but could not save it. when people want to renovate it why the ram devotees objecting it? there are lot of temples are renovated. like this let the bridge be renovated and name it ramsethu. this will be somethin good to do for rama

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Advani and Vajpayee must become jihadist to stop the project
by ss on Sep 01, 2007 05:50 AM  Permalink 

Advani and vajpayee must do a jihad to stop it only then they can win the next coming election

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justice never comes to hindus, they have to chase it
by Pradip Parekh on Sep 01, 2007 01:42 AM  Permalink 

yes sir, chase the justice they must - all the way to the supreme court. e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e time. be it his holiness shankaracharya or ram ji's setu or protection from terror. india would appear to be an islamic country to the most careful observer of foreign affairs of any country.

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Until ....
by Pritish Nagaraj on Sep 01, 2007 01:31 AM  Permalink 

With all such people quoting/unqouting all I could say is ...... Unless people understand the real reason for their very existence on earth, they will not understand Sanatana Dharma or its Scriptures .. PERIOD !

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Sonia's ego is reason for this destruction of Ram Setu
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 01, 2007 12:40 AM  Permalink 

Sonia inagurated this work. Her ego is so important for Congress. they cannot change alignment of this canal to protect Ram Setu.

Ego goes before Fall. I am sure, this Xtian lady, will get justice sooner than Congress thought.

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Faith vs science
by veerapandian on Sep 01, 2007 12:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Every individual has his own faith on something. I think that is human nature and it is a right also. But the problem comes when that acts aginst public good. Especially Hinduism has such dubious record.Anyone with little bit of open mindness will accept that our history is one of discrimination againt its own followers. The religion alone played major role in the society till the British weakened it a little bit.After that democracy played its role also.
The messages in these columns on this subject strenthens my view that the problem is far from over.
As long as you keep your faith in your house,it is ok. But,if you bring it to stop the Project, it interfers with people's welfare.That's where the problem starts. What to do? it is a curse on this country and the challenge will be met.

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RE:Faith vs science
by Pritish Nagaraj on Sep 01, 2007 12:46 AM  Permalink

We dont care about what you think, so keep your illogical, irrational, out-dated statements with you.

What I see is that, you have



To put it together, you have NO IDENTITY !

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RE:Faith vs science
by Hardik Mehta on Sep 05, 2007 01:52 PM  Permalink
Dear Veerapandian,

I also have same doubt like u, but I digged the thing and got the information by website http://www.ramsethu.org I think it will also help you to find what's truth.

Don't let other to think behalf of you, u should think urself and find the true thing.

Be proud to be INDIAN, and faith in ourself.

- Hardik Mehta

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RE:Faith vs science
by Vas on Sep 01, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink
"Especially Hinduism has such dubious record"

Really? This coming from a 'dravida' converted christian, whose forefather was kneeling down in front of the white missionary masters, blindly taking in their bible talk without any real understanding of christianity and what it truly represents, simply because the missionary waved a piece of bread before him and promised him instant salvation, and because the white skin looked nice and attractive to him. The same ancestor, of course, was blissfully unaware of the track record of christianity in the world - of the extent to which christianity contributed to the genocide of native cultures throughout the world (in south and north americas, australia, canada, africa, and various parts of asia), colonization of non-white lands to steal the wealth and natural resources from these lands, and slavery, and acute racial discrimination (which continues to this day in many parts of US and Europe, thanks to many churches and christian zealots.)

Who do you think was responsible for the Apartheid in south africa, where the blacks wre NOT allowed to mingle with the whites, and were denied any social, economic or political rights - the Dutch Reformed Church, under the leadership of the white christian religious minister! The extermination of Jews by Hitler! The colloboration of the church with the communists in Eastern Europe in suppressing the common man! All misdeeds of christianity. The list of atrocities committed by christianty is en

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RE:Faith vs science
by Vas on Sep 01, 2007 08:50 PM  Permalink

As for your belief that destruction of the bridge will bring welfare to the people - that is precisely what will not happen. If you have read the multiple reports by international and national scientists not on the payroll of the GOI and DMK, you will find that destroying the bride will result in major ecological disaster, ruining the precious marine life, and bring ruination to many fishing communities in that region who have depended on that ecosystem for centuries.

Yet you say that destroying will be beneficial for the people. Which people? The already rich politicians, and LTTE crooks like yourself who will it easier to engage in anti-social behavior in both countries.

Bah! So much for your christian hypocricy, and fake concern for people. Your true color comes out, and it ain't pretty at all. And yet, YOU talk about the 'dubious' track record of Hindus. The 'perfect' example of a christian convert hypocrite.

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RE:Faith vs science
by Vas on Sep 01, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink
"Especially Hinduism has such dubious record"

Really? This coming from a 'dravida' converted christian, whose forefather was kneeling down in front of the white missionary masters, blindly taking in their bible talk without any real understanding of christianity and what it truly represents, simply because the missionary waved a piece of bread before him and promised him instant salvation, and because the white skin looked nice and attractive to him. The same ancestor, of course, was blissfully unaware of the track record of christianity in the world - of the extent to which christianity contributed to the genocide of native cultures throughout the world (in south and north americas, australia, canada, africa, and various parts of asia), colonization of non-white lands to steal the wealth and natural resources from these lands, and slavery, and acute racial discrimination (which continues to this day in many parts of US and Europe, thanks to many churches and christian zealots.)

Who do you think was responsible for the Apartheid in south africa, where the blacks wre NOT allowed to mingle with the whites, and were denied any social, economic or political rights - the Dutch Reformed Church, under the leadership of the white christian religious minister! The extermination of Jews by Hitler! The colloboration of the church with the communists in Eastern Europe in suppressing the common man! All misdeeds of christianity. The list of atrocities committed by christianty is en

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RE:Faith vs science
by Vas on Sep 01, 2007 08:55 PM  Permalink

Who do you think was responsible for the Apartheid in south africa, where the blacks wre NOT allowed to mingle with the whites, and were denied any social, economic or political rights - the Dutch Reformed Church, under the leadership of the white christian religious minister! The extermination of Jews by Hitler! The colloboration of the church with the communists in Eastern Europe in suppressing the common man! All misdeeds of christianity. The list of atrocities committed by christianty is endless. Yet, you talk of 'dubious'record of the Hindus! Thats a big-big, very big laugh!

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RE:Faith vs science
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 01, 2007 12:29 AM  Permalink



Govt of India suppressed it. Let me find an article on this published by the Telegraph.

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RE:Faith vs science
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 01, 2007 12:32 AM  Permalink


Government scientists have suggested that an islet chain in the Palk Strait is man-made, triggering claims that it is the remnant of the bridge Ram%u2019s mythological monkey army built to Lanka.

The Centre%u2019s department of earth sciences has given an %u201Copinion%u201D to the government that the islets are probably a result of human activity.

The department, under the ministry of science and technology, says the sand dunes have a base of coral and sandstone that seem to have been %u201Ctransported%u201D from elsewhere.

Its unpublished report, of which The Telegraph has a copy, says the naturally formed corals in Lakshadweep, the Andamans or the nearby Gulf of Mannar grow vertically from a hard-rock base. But the Adam%u2019s Bridge coral doesn%u2019t grow vertically and appears to %u201Crest%u201D loosely on the seabed.

%u201CThe coral formations hardly occur 1 m to 2.5 m in length and rest on loose marine sands. Most%u2026 seem to be rounded pebbles of corals. These things appear to point that these%u2026 have been transported and placed in these areas,%u201D the department%u2019s note says.

%u201CSince the calcareous sand stones and corals are less dense (and therefore lighter) than the normal hard rock and quite compact, probably these were used by (the) ancients to form a connecting link to Sri Lanka on the higher elevations of the Adam%u2019s Bridge ridge and this is analogous to (a) modern-day causeway.%u201D

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RE:Faith vs science
by veerapandian on Sep 01, 2007 01:01 AM  Permalink
Thank you for the link and i have gone through that. It is a claim by Telegraph that it is an unpublished 'opinion'.Its basis seems to rest on thin ice like 'loose corals'. In this modern era, it is very easy to determine whether a structure is natural or man made. If we can send probes to Mars and other planets to search for life, determining the so called 'RamSethu'is kid's job.
The same Telegraph published a news item later about the message from NASA that it is a natural formation.
May this be of some interest to you . Old Tamil Literatures speak of a great land mass submerged by ocean which included present day SriLanka.They speak of the divisions in that land, a River and a mountain chain in it.
'Silapathikaram' and 'Manimekalai' , two of the great epics written some 2000 years in Tamil speak of an island by name'ManiPallavam'which existed between India and SriLanka in the same vicinity of this contraversial bridge.

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