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by damodaran mohan on Sep 01, 2007 05:38 PM  Permalink 

the deal has been debated suffuciently in all the forums and in parliament and now people are having fairly good idea about the importance of the deal for the country. easily the deal scores 10/10. the only negative point that has crept in is that it is not having majority support in parliament due to the unreasonable stand the left has taken against the national interest. so, if the left were to act responsibly it should support the deal in the parliament. enough of semantics.

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Sardar Bhagat Singh fought against Imperialism and become martyr.
by Sahadevan KK on Sep 01, 2007 01:41 PM  Permalink 

Sardar Bhagat Singh fought against Imperialism and become martyr.
Sardar Manmohan Singh embraced Imperialism and ready to make the Congress a martyr.

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Perfectly Right
by Lalatendu Deo on Aug 31, 2007 11:46 PM  Permalink 

Well said. The ego should not come in between the Right and the Wrong.

Though the way the Left Parties had been talking in these days, was not the right one, as it had put the entire country at stake, I think the good sense has prevailed. May be it is the reasoning in defence of the Deal have prevailed on the leaders of the Left Parties. Or the realisation of the stakes involved in their impending decision.

Whatever. I think that the best thing that has happened is that there would be more clarifications and possibly, some re-negotiations on at least a part of the proposed Deal. That is good for our country. After all they have raised a valid point, which seems to be weakest proposition in the proposed Deal, as far as India is concerned.

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Dog under a bullockcart thinks he is running it!
by desss on Aug 31, 2007 10:02 PM  Permalink 

Mr. Karat, you talk of sides? You easily forget that presently you are in the government. But your position is like a dog walking under a bullock cart and feeling as if he is running the cart! Remember, you are a non entity and your value reaches only as far as few trade unions. don't feel important. You are not!

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Left has been bribed by Kerala gulf money by Pakistan
by India on Aug 31, 2007 08:48 PM  Permalink 

We have credible evidence...
Muslim Keralites in gulf on the instructions of Pakistan have transferred massive amount money from Dubai to the accounts of left parties. Left has been bribed into opposing India's national interests. Pakistan wants to sabotage India's friendship with America.

We have solid proof and this sting operation proof will be released to media in a day or two.

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Left has been bribed by Kerala gulf money by Pakistan
by India on Aug 31, 2007 08:47 PM  Permalink 

We have credible evidence...
Muslim Keralites in gulf on the instructions of Pakistan have transferred massive amount money from Dubai to the accounts of left parties. Left has been bribed into opposing India's national interests. Pakistan wants to sabotage India's friendship with America.

We have solid proof and this sting operation proof will be released to media in a day or two.

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Not victory - Karat
by Bodh Ramdeo on Aug 31, 2007 08:46 PM  Permalink 

It'a an open secrte that the Commie traiors like Karat et al take thier orders directly from their masters in Beijing, yet the brainless idiots who support these traitors cannot or will not see them for wat they are - treacherous villains acting against the best interests of India, especially closer Indo-US relations - that's the biggest no-no of their Madarin masters.
Yessirree, these comrades have gone on the offensive with a vengeance, moving heaven and earth to shove a stick in the spokes of this wheel of the Indo-US friendship. But try as they may, they'll come a cropper, as most Indians even uneducated dimwits have realized the aim of these Commie traitors - to keep India a backward, balkanized, underdeveloped, poverty-stricken land of filth and squalor.

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Please send Prakash Karat to Hell to meet his fathers Mao & Stalin
by A P on Aug 31, 2007 07:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Prakash Karat his fellow commie snakes are trying to make a hue & cry abt the nuclear deal coz their parents in Beijing want India to be a second class power & not try to challenge Chinese hegemony. Its a proven fact communism globally is a failed ideology & that commies are evil people who send people to the gulag or shoot them. The time has come to give these commie snakes a taste of their own medicine & have them shot for their anti-India activities. Commies had better take note of the majority of Indians sentiments which are for the nuke deal. The Indian people realise that national interest requires us to follow the Saam, Daam, Dhand, Bhed policy & ally with whichever country proves beneficial to India at a given point. India has no permanent friends only permanent interests. Today if it requires that getting closer to US will advance our interests then so be it. Tomorrow if our interests require us to dump US, then that can also be done. But since commie snakes are Chinese agents & owe alleigance to Beijing they cannot stand the fact that India is trying to advance its interests. They want India to be subordinate to China. Its high time we sent Prakash Karat, Sitaram Yechury, A.B. Bardhan, D. Raja & the rest of the commie snakes to meet their parents Mao & Stalin in Hell. At least that will spare the Indian people from this bull shit these asseholes dish out masquerading as pseudo-intellectual arguments.

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RE:Please send Prakash Karat to Hell to meet his fathers Mao & Stalin
by Vishnu Sharma on Sep 01, 2007 03:57 AM  Permalink
We need a "Night of the Long Knives" in India which clear India of all Communists and left sympathizers at every level.
There could be 400,000 casualties. But when you perform surgery and removing the tumor,
then you are saving the body.

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Why not BJP!!!
by halloindia on Aug 31, 2007 05:41 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why in the proposed committee noone is there from main opposition party? Government should always discuss with the opposition and should include their members to sort out this issue. They have formed acommittee with members from congress and left but what about the opposition!! They two have the right to support or oppose!! I think Dr. Singh should think about it and don't forget Vajpayeeji personally asked Congress members to head a delegation in Pakistan when he initiated a peace movement!This gestures made him a stalwart in Indian politics. I hope Dr. Singh will also follow such example and will invite BJP in the discussion process

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RE:Why not BJP!!!
by on Aug 31, 2007 05:45 PM  Permalink
You are correct brother!! Opposition should be welcome and respected

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RE:Why not BJP!!!
by Kiran More on Aug 31, 2007 06:37 PM  Permalink
Opposition was bit confused on this issue - they neither opposed it nor supported. Probably that's why none from it is included.

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by american on Aug 31, 2007 05:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Problem in our country is that we are divided in all issues!!
If we say you are pro nuclear deal then your American!!! If you reject it then you are Chineese!!
Problem is that really don't know what d%uFFFDte means and what is a democracy.
Right wrong whatever may be Nuclear deal should have been debated in parliament. Orelse there is noneed to have elected members and spending money in elections. We can follow Pakistan and impose aone party system where one party (army) will decide everything!!

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by Lalatendu Deo on Aug 31, 2007 11:31 PM  Permalink
Hi American!! Which country are you talking about? If you are talking on our behalf, I would like to know from you as to whether there are any debate taking place in the Parliament. Is it the right forum?

It is not important as to whether it is discussed in one forum or other, the question is as to whether it is right to go for the Nuclear Energy and secondly, if we have to, as to whether we can have any other better way than the 123 route to achieve our goal to energise our country in 2020.

If our constitution allows the government to take a particular route, it is perfectly right for it to take that course. I can always say that Parliament is not the one, a referendum on each and every issue is the most logical course for our country to take. Will it be OK?
According to me-

No, there are not many options left with us other than to go for nuclear energy to part fulfil our requirement of energy in 2017 and beyond. And yes, there are scopes for improvement in the 123 Deal.

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