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Carte Blanche
by Jehan Mir on Aug 30, 2007 10:14 PM  Permalink 

The President can remit sentence or a conviction after one is convicted and sentenced.

President does not have authority to issue carte blanch to any person who has not gone through the process and has committed series of crimes of unknown seriousness.

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PPP ! Get a New Leader
by Jehan Mir on Aug 30, 2007 09:51 PM  Permalink 

Bhutto and Musharraf are not going to get
along,particular after Musharraf doffs off
his uniform.

Pakistan's Peoples Party should appoint another
person to head the party or to contest the election,who can work with Musharraf.

General amnesty to members of a future coalition does not fare well.It would affect the integrity of the political process.

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