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Journalism according to Rediff!!!!!
by crazyforsense on Aug 27, 2007 08:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

19 live bombs were defused in Hyderabad meaning for a change the officials are actually working.

Also Muslim leaders have condemned the blasts and lot of ordinary folks across religious lines are holding candlelight vigil.

In general Hyderabad has stayed calm and shown tremendous restraint in the face of disaster. We all know how other states have reacted to other incidents.

Why, Why isn't rediff reporting any of these? Is this responsible journalism? Instead Rediff selectively reports articles that incite hatred and increase there TRP's and the people buy all this.

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RE:Journalism according to Rediff!!!!!
by Karthic GK on Aug 28, 2007 02:50 PM  Permalink
Well said! well said...but the sad part of it is that we still give Rediff our eyeballs by viewing these articles and writing on these message boards.

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Hyderabad: Live bomb recovered, defused
by Don on Aug 27, 2007 03:10 AM  Permalink 

Ya save the nation from the congress. They want there own interests. Have you ever seen a police Department in revenue generation.

Thats what AP police are up to these days.

All The time is spent in arranging Bandoboost to these useless congress leaders,Managing VIP Movements, Creating traffic jams and fleecing people to feed the policitians. Every road-side leaders needs to be patronized, Rajiv Gandhi widow kept engaged and Party fund raised.

How can a congress minister kill a goose that lays golden eggs.

AP is better off without any of you.

10 years of TDP Rule did not have any such instance and its the same Police Department that tackled extrimism.

Its clearly a failure of the government. This government is of no use to any one.

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by MOHAMMED raj on Aug 26, 2007 11:22 PM  Permalink
All the world knows this, everyone have seen.What to do if you are blind.But this doesnot mean I am blaming one community.This had to do with vote bank politics, that is the truth.NO PRACTICING RELIGION CAN TEACH TO BE A TERRORIST.Like it or not these acts of terrorism by foreign guys are undermining our unity.And for GODS SAKE dont bring any religion into this, Everyone know it is the foreign guys mixed with politician.Politician are so nice that we already know them by now.There are all kind of explosives involved in daily basis in all parts of india daily and all are by different religions& sects but still they are not added to theie religions.Now these blasts were done by foreign elements then how can these be related to the religion.The person killed belonged to all races that is indian blood.These foreign elements are here to create the differences between the communities.We should not let these foreign elements win.Please use our brain and try to understand all these.We are all one.I dont know how the victims parents&family are responding, My heart cries for all these innocent brethren.May evil die today after what has happened.Jai hind

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Why Sonia & her party are trying to save Afzal Guru?
by Ram Sharma on Aug 26, 2007 08:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

it is strange that afzal guru, the person found by our supreme court responsible for attacking parliament and ordered to be hanged to death, is being saved by the politicians just to get minority votes. why sonia & her sycophants r doing so? it only encourages terrorists.

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RE:RE:Why Sonia & her party are trying to save Afzal Guru?
by Gopi Menon on Aug 26, 2007 08:59 PM  Permalink
If you are a hindu,remember Gandhiji, ..."eye for an eye" will make the whole world blind.Also, if you claim "life for life" makes the whole world ...,well ..,.full of dead bodies.Do you want that?

Remember Sibi King's story in Maha BHAGAVATHAM ?

If you cant think and act tolerant like a TRUE Hindu,you will panic like the rest of the world and even become a terrorist like the rest of the world.

Dont react.
Remember the dead. Pray for their families.
Live for all those who live,irrespective of religion.

If you do that,that is true hinduism.All the rest are trapped by the western idealisms of "Tit for Tat"..and believe me, they do not deserve to be hindus.

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RE:Why Sonia & her party are trying to save Afzal Guru?
by Ram Sharma on Aug 26, 2007 09:05 PM  Permalink
dear gopi

why u r saying will b meaningful, only is hanging is banned. many persons have been hanged in the past. then why this mercy on this particular person? just bcoz he is a muslim. most of the hindus r secular.

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RE:Why Sonia & her party are trying to save Afzal Guru?
by Gopi Menon on Aug 26, 2007 10:10 PM  Permalink
Without mentioning the names of the politicians,you and I know the wiley ones who have plundered our coffers and murdered many of their "opponents' in cold blood.What clemency they desrve which this lone desperado does not?At least these terrorists are helplessly indoctrinated and never "self seeking " compared with the top "politicos" before whom the whole country genuflects in sheer reverence.Is it that if you have power you dont quarrel about the community and the crimes of these perpetrators who are none other than tigers in the sheep skin.


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by Ram Sharma on Aug 26, 2007 08:45 PM  Permalink
dear don

in this age of science do not talk of religious chauvinism. why should anyone follow each and every thing of what was written in a book thousands of years ago? learn to love all people and animals in the world. do not talk abusively about others. do not talk about slaughtering non-muslims. be secular like most of the hindus. learn to live in peace with others. u seem to b a misguided religious person. has allah taught u to kill peace loving people? if yes, then live that religion.

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by Ram Sharma on Aug 26, 2007 08:47 PM  Permalink
in above message 'live' should b read as 'leave'.

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by sandeepan Basu on Aug 26, 2007 08:14 PM  Permalink 

bangladesh, which was saved from the butchery of its west by India, the country which was born at the cost of Indian blood, is now paying back its debts.

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Moslems In hyderabad are the the Best Like The Rest
by Gopi Menon on Aug 26, 2007 06:26 PM  Permalink 

I am a Proclaimed hindu.

But I should say that Moslems are really a great lot.Many are great entrepreneurs,Artists and so on.
I was living in Hyderabad for sometime earlier.I was always touched by their care and concern for others.And the "Nizam' style food can cause mouth water!

These series of explosions have to be looked as a politically (internal or external) motivated acts for selfish gains.

Those of us who do not know the entire story BLAME EACH RELIGION LIKE FOOLS.

This is STRICTLY Not warranted.One day it will appear that THESE BLASTS ARE NOT PROPAGATED BY MOSLEMS OR HINDUS.SO WHAT IS THE REASON FOR BIG WAR OF WORDS.Among the dead there are people of all religions.WILLTHEY COME BACK IF WE FIGHT?But if we are united,we can atleat save the lives of the grievously injured and prevent future tragedies.

The ONLY reason why terrorism still continues in our country is that ,apart from (a divisive)Government,there is no Hindu-Moslem-Christian Anti terrorism Group.

Let us prove to the World that this Holy land Bharath is different from the rest of the world

Jai Hind!
Insha alla!

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Please dont be so narrow minded to blame any religion into this
by MOHAMMED raj on Aug 26, 2007 04:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

All the world knows this, everyone have seen.What to do if you are blind.But this doesnot mean I am blaming one community.This had to do with vote bank politics, that is the truth.NO PRACTICING RELIGION CAN TEACH TO BE A TERRORIST.Like it or not these acts of terrorism by foreign guys are undermining our unity.And for GODS SAKE dont bring any religion into this, Everyone know it is the foreign guys mixed with politician.Politician are so nice that we already know them by now.There are all kind of explosives involved in daily basis in all parts of india daily and all are by different religions& sects but still they are not added to theie religions.Now these blasts were done by foreign elements then how can these be related to the religion.The person killed belonged to all races that is indian blood.These foreign elements are here to create the differences between the communities.We should not let these foreign elements win.Please use our brain and try to understand all these.We are all one.I dont know how the victims parents&family are responding, My heart cries for all these innocent brethren.May evil die today after what has happened.Jai hind

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RE:Please dont be so narrow minded to blame any religion into this
by everist john peris on Aug 26, 2007 04:19 PM  Permalink
Hi there ,
i totally agree with your say, infact well said buddy.I belive itz tie now that we the public stand up and share the differences between each other.
well i even dont belive in saying jai hind coz i dont feel it makes me a true indian if i am not a very good brother to any people from any sect.
.... think about unity without the assistance of the politicians.

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AP Congress Govt is worst
by Indian on Aug 26, 2007 03:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why there is no such incidents in CBN time and why all the mess is happening in Hyd after Cong govt got the power..main reason is this govt admin capabilities are such a low and all the resources are looted by leaders and all the police force is abused by political guys.....regardless of many incidents our CM always reactive and lack of strategist in his administration....this is not the way one CM should work and unfortunately he is not at all good administrator and just mass managed person this is where Hyd traffic, Hyd roads and many issues and so much damage to home mistry due to very week Home minister etc...overall things are not going well in AP ...unless AP Cong Govt acts tuff with MIM in old city Hyd and ISI...Situation will be same. this is proved when we compare TDP administration of the state and Cong administration...Cong is more concerned to loot the state and do nothing for real other than so much interest on own vote bank politics

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