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What a shame Oh UP walo !
by Raj rai on Aug 25, 2007 12:22 PM  Permalink 

Its a pity and was disgusting to see that how a bunch of uneducated,uninformed group of buisnessmen involved in shady deals have managed to convince Mayawati to close down the retail outlets of fresh vegetables/fruits and other household items.I wonder when is this state going to wake up to reality of life. As for all us uttar pradesh residents it was a big change that an industrial house has started investing for the goodness of this state which is so backward that till date the education level is just 47%.Pitiable that some totally uneducated buisnessmen collected the goons and started breaking the outlets.I am sure this will send a clkear Red Line signal for other industrial houses that there is no need to invest in this state as the UP wala's are a happy lot living in 18th century.
As it is it is a reveletion that Mulayam singh manged to rope in Reliance to make these investm,ents and make the life better for its suffering public.But these uncooth uneducted lot of buinessmen involved in all kinds of shady deals cannot allow the public to enjoy the fixed price/properly cleaned/weighted/fruits and vegetables as they will loose their mullah which comes in by serving adulterated,low class product sold at higher price.
Only God can save this state.Mayawati is here for few years and she has better things to look after and so whatever her circle of Babus advised her she just did that.DONOT BLAME HER AT ALL. The public is to be blamed.What can a CM do when her public is breakin

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by Hiten Patel on Aug 25, 2007 01:58 AM  Permalink 


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by arbitary on Aug 24, 2007 11:31 PM  Permalink 

I pity people from UP. If their choice is between Mayawati and Mulayam, they are doomed to be uneducated and backward.

Shutting down retail stores is the stupidest thing anyone can do. Don't those stores provide employment to thousands? Indian farmers are a pampered, spolit lot who have never been able to stand on their feet thanks to their dependence on the government. Reliance was giving them a chance to do so by buying their output directly. Now they have lost that chance too.

Orissa is successfully carrying out contract farming. There was no need to withdraw it in UP.

Till UP residents don't look beyond their Yadav, Dalit, Brahmin fixation and get rid of their insecurities, the biggest state in India will continue to be its biggest burden.

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by Chandramouly Vidyashankkar on Aug 24, 2007 07:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

UP is a state which is not got a good CM for some time. These people have no knowledge, and just fit to fight out in the streets. Usless Mayalavathi, as well Mulayam sing.

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by MILIND on Aug 24, 2007 08:02 PM  Permalink
Hey tuklak...
I have 1 ques only...Wich state u belong ?
In ur view all r useless...wat worth u r ? (ha ha ha ha) Silly comment u did.

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by Gabbar Singh on Aug 24, 2007 08:23 PM  Permalink
lado saalon..tum logon ko democracy isi liye mili hay

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''Mulayam revels as Mayawati buckles: TRAINS AT A GLANCE 2007 - 2008''
by alok on Aug 24, 2007 06:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Fresh stores across Uttar Pradesh by Chief Minister Mayawati and her roll-back on a new progressive farm policy " I QOTE here Mulayam please married with mayawati government and their is no crisis with you futures like RABIDI WITH LALOO IN BIHAR"

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RE:''Mulayam revels as Mayawati buckles: TRAINS AT A GLANCE 2007 - 2008''
by on Aug 24, 2007 07:06 PM  Permalink
Marriage will not solve issues , but their ISSUE(S) as a result of such lethal combination will create more chaos for our furure generations .

Anyway , we need to really think the long and the short term benefits of big corporate entries .

We need to ascertain that the benefits of these Big chains do percolate down to the farmer levels rather than filling their own banks .

In absence of clear controls , effective monitoring by competent government authorities , the corporates will ONLY make money with their so called supply chain management

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