ohmigosh! What n article...hope he develops his head and heart as much as his abs. That would aid in proper decision making which would in turn do the world a lot of good...
by ll on Aug 24, 2007 11:30 PM Permalink
Seems you're one of those who compares everything and everyone with Americana, American people and leaders. Are you his childhood friend or a schoolmate who knows how his head and heart are?
by mr on Aug 25, 2007 12:21 AM Permalink
Yes. America is great country, has more values, democratic principles, trust equal justice for all. What do you want to know here.
A good change to read this. A healthy leader can definetely contribute to a healthy nation.
Our PM spoils his health (by having sleepless nights over terrorists/their families) and the country's health thru bumbling and tumbling along like a old sloth bear.
RE:Replacement for Salman
by Diamond Cutter on Aug 25, 2007 12:37 PM Permalink
Yes, Neta Mafia Don out of jail, roaming scot free(should have been lodged in their real home) and Sanjay Salman should be in jail instead of Neta Mafia Don.
Putin is the most admirable president Russia ever had. After all the damages Gorbachov had done to Russia , it is Putin who brought it up and made Russians proud of themselves. He alone did reconstruct the disintegrated country to one of the superpower the world to reckon with.