CNN IBN says Com. Karat is 24-Carrot Communist. Neither their documentary nor Karat remains 24-carrot, because their aim is to make a breakable person. CNN IBN is a channel shown two programmes like Indian team will bring World Cup and Infosys Chief will be the President Candidate. Both the programmes have gone to dust bin.
Media can only distort common man's interest. They never can change this prevailing system. Those people will change this distorted system, who are committed to people. Media attacks a party and its leaders, because they represent India's 90% people. Media, BJP and Congres save remaining 10%.
Main medias belong to big corporates. They do not like to come here a people's government. They like to let the system prevail here, so that they can earn without any problem.
Air Tel, a big corproate, began to send SMS that the customer will enjoy lifetime incoming call upto October 2008. Nobody is there to ask that if it is lifetime, then what is October 2008.
What does media do today that survey conduct about 1000 people when 120 crores people live in our country. Their aim is to deviate people who attract to the Left, who read the newspaper, channel and e-news.
The Left will get people's presence because government's policy is bleak and what the left says is truth.
Main example is, now political parties and people understand what the Left says against the FDI and Corporates in retail sector... 2 crores poor retailers will be finished and 30-40 corporates will conquer the space. We will not have any control on them. BJP and BSP take the steps what the Left has taken.
The suspicion that they are getting hugely paid is becoming much stronger in the minds of the people to the extent that the media reports suggest the left getting wiped off totally if a snap poll takes place.