Only 2 nations in the whole world are opposing this Indo US nuclear deal, China and Pakistan.... China has the Most Favored NAtion status with the US and opposes the same status for India. China has got a similar nuclear deal with the US bt opposes the deal with India... Jyoiti Basu of CPM protested against Indian defence againt chinese invasion of india in 1962 and was jailed by Nehru for anti India activities. Basu went on to become the CM of bengal. Commies never condemn Chinese claim of arunachal Pradesh whn the people themselves want top be part of India.. CPM opposes Indian nuclear progress bt has no problems with Chinas nuclear arming of pakistan whch are targeted towards India and supports iranian nuclear program. The communists oppose ndustrialiazation in India and went on killing 100's of poor farmers in Singur and Nandigram tryin to grab farmers fertile land for setting up industries. Commies are ruling bengal for more than 30 years now and have reduced bengal from being the finest to being the poorest.. Only big industry in commie ruled states bangal and kerala are trade unions and their number one product is strikes and bandh. Commies vociferously opposed introduction of computers by rajiv gandhi, commies cald computers as evil and against national interest. Commies neva condemned chinese invasion of India in 1962. Commies do not recognize aksai chin in kashmir as part of india. And yes the commies got a new name now "Headless Chickens and Spineless Morons".