Are u CCNA or any other certified network professional.? Are u security expert with BS 7799 or ISO 27001 kind of certification. Do y you the difference between IP address and MAC address? IP spoofing and MAC spoofing etc? Do u know what IPV4 and IPV6? If not , then why r discussing all these in this forum? Do u think all these topics are Child Game?
Do u consider yourself TV news channel person who have ever right to talk on any subject? If so then go to TV channel and vomit your semi-skilled knowledge there. In this forum, just confined to subject.
Why are the citizens of India so timid, they tolerate, disgusting conduct of the Politicans, police, the bureacrats and the judiciary ... NOW the confidence being felt within Indians, due to rapid economic progress, should also be felt in other confidence to usher in change ...
A NGO ...People for Legal and Emotional Assistance to the Deserving... "PLEAD" has been formed in Bombay to organise people to combat corruption.... I would very much like this group to have as many Citizens as possible... Citizen' who can give suggestions & provide moral Support. ----------------------------------------------
RE:Criminals in BPO
by Sheetal Kaur on Aug 22, 2007 04:42 AM Permalink
There is alway an idiot somewhere trying to take out his/her frustration on others, BPO has no connection or meaning with this article yet this Puran Tiwari is trying to relate the two. WHY haven't you got any other place to let of the steam.
while she is still changing the title. Are you kidding me.Have they heard about ip address. You can subpoena Orkut for the ip addy and get the address directly from the ip. India might be IT hub, but Indian govt is as low tech as any other banana republic.
RE:Can't find the girl???
by Sheetal Kaur on Aug 22, 2007 04:44 AM Permalink
What girl what has she got to do here. She is waiting for you in the park.
RE:Can't find the girl???
by sheela mathew mathews on Aug 22, 2007 07:27 AM Permalink
Tam Jhaam, you are so low tech, almost on the moronic scale, you don't know IP addresses are changeable...
RE:RE:RE:Can't find the girl???
by Sushant Mathur on Aug 22, 2007 08:09 AM Permalink
Sheela i think your are not so high-tech because you have only heard about Dynamic IP address,you don't know about it completely because Tam Jhaam is right It is possible to determine your country, city, internet provider and even physical address. RFC 1876 is the standard that outlines "A Means for Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System." Specifically, this is done by placing the location information of a server on the DNS registration page. Now if you want to check your location check ""
RE:Can't find the girl???
by arunim devroy on Aug 22, 2007 09:06 AM Permalink
People i don't know about how much u know about the IP ... but i can assure u that u can tract down any body in this whole wide world on dynamic ip's ....ISP has all the routing table and the time stamp of the change... to be more brief... IP's definately change... but as soon as they do change, all it's recoreded with time stamp and the physical address (mac of the router... which can be further accesesd when u get to that router) dear sushant let me know in whih grade r u ? go read some books ....
RE:RE:Can't find the girl???
by arunim devroy on Aug 22, 2007 09:10 AM Permalink
by the way @the way u said so ... if i release a virus on the web people should be able to find me (go and read the case study of "I LOVE YOU" virus ).. since i am on dynamic IP !! :) ... it also means no one in this world is traceable !!
RE:Can't find the girl???
by Pune Java on Aug 22, 2007 10:08 AM Permalink
Are u CCNA or any other certified network professional.? Are u security expert with BS 7799 or ISO 27001 kind of certification. Do y you the difference between IP address and MAC address? IP spoofing and MAC spoofing etc? Do u know what IPV4 and IPV6? If not , then why r discussing all these in this forum? Do u think all these topics are Child Game?
Do u consider yourself TV news channel person who have ever right to talk on any subject? If so then go to TV channel and vomit your semi-skilled knowledge there.
RE:Social Networking
by Srinivasa Ramanujam on Aug 22, 2007 08:51 AM Permalink
All these ideas has been told umpteen number of times. But the parents tends to believe on their kids that they hardly implement it.
RE:Social Networking
by payal iyer on Aug 22, 2007 02:30 AM Permalink
good suggestions. Also, keep a tab on how much money is given to them every week.
RE:Social Networking
by BalaSingh on Aug 22, 2007 03:55 AM Permalink
Good Suggestions...Definitely PC in living area should be MUST. Also Parents should visit their kid's friends parents too so that they would know more about what their kids are upto!!
RE:India is a paradise for child abductors/child abusers!!
by zind on Aug 22, 2007 05:28 AM Permalink
Child abuse by sex offenders is really a serious problem in india. there are several poor kids in the streets, who are abused sexually. I recently read an article about such incidents in pondicherry/ near coastal areas of TN. Many children are forced in to this for money from foreigners. Recently, a sex offender who was hiding in TN was deported to US to face charges. Media has to highlight this issue and make govt to take steps. We in the name of great culture, prefer not to discuss this. Very few good movies like Page 3 provide hint on such crimes....
RE:India is a paradise for child abductors/child abusers!!
by Sridhar Raman on Aug 22, 2007 09:21 AM Permalink
Govt to take steps. Indian Govt MPs are themselves human traffickers. All parties have Criminal Mps and all parties have atleast 50% MPs who indulge in Child Porn, Human Trafficking etc Police Personnal less said the better.
RE:Nothing is enough!
by Sheetal Kaur on Aug 22, 2007 04:46 AM Permalink