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Opportunistic alliance
by Ram Sharma on Aug 22, 2007 12:55 PM  Permalink 

the present government is the result of opportunistic post poll alliance. congress got only 145/545 seats in lok sabha. but in the name of secularism, parties fighting against each other formed the government.

this has given us a puppet pm and a puppet president of dubious background. now sonia is all powerful, which has resulted in the release of quatrochi from argentina. earlier the govt defrozed his bank account.

left and congress can again find some way out of the present 123 nuclear agreement dispute and continue the show.

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Kick CPI-M
by Rahul Saurav on Aug 22, 2007 12:22 PM  Permalink 

Kick CPI-M, kick Manmohan, Kick Sonia at first.

Sen has stupid comments and try to favour ruling party for his position.

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CPI-M, BJP move privilege motion
by babu on Aug 22, 2007 06:36 AM  Permalink 

I am not a supporter of any Political Party. But in my opinion only one guy can save India.

Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee : Lotus of Indian Politics

Mr Vajpayee where are you give some common sense to your party members.

Mr Vajpayee where are you come back to Politics India need you.

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123 Bill
by san k on Aug 22, 2007 06:31 AM  Permalink 


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Those who treat media as headless chickens, their brains have become a vegetable
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Aug 22, 2007 04:21 AM  Permalink 

Later, I&B Minister Priyaranjan Dasmunshi also joined issue and commented on Sen%u2019s clarification that the reference to %u201Cheadless chickens%u201D was directed at the media by saying: %u201CThose who treat media as headless chickens, their brains have become a vegetable.%u201D

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RE:Left is doing a good job!
by Milind on Aug 22, 2007 04:59 AM  Permalink
Mohamed Anawar,

You are opposing the India-US deal only because of America's war on terror. Though I personaly feel that War in Iraq was unwaranted, I put India's interests before anything else. You can and should debate the technicalities of the agreement. But dont be biased because of American policy. That is none of our business and have no control over it.

Your "Muslims still facing discrimination' story is rubbish. Especially after successful people like Kalam, Azaruddin, Shah Ruk Khan, Amir Khan etc. A very senior technical post in one electricy board was held by a Muslim. If Muslims have fewer kids, they can go to school/coaching classes instead of Madarrsa. Instead of bashing Hindus, be a role model for Muslims and guide them. Hindu-Muslim riots is a another subject altogether and we could start by Godhra carnage if you wish.

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RE:Left is doing a good job!
by us on Aug 22, 2007 09:03 AM  Permalink

Hey Moollaa,
You must support communists, they are not doing anything good for you but appease you.
You are fool and coward, do not have brain, only look for the appeasement so that
you can continue all terrorists, criminal and anti-social activities.
I fully hate Communists, but here I support them for the N-deal since
Manmahan Singh is a TRUE SLAVE of America. India can take nuclear technology,
but it must be clear from the point of NPT and foreign policy so that
in all cases USA can not put its nose in all India's matter.

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There were people in India in mid/late 19th Century, who though by mimicking Western Toilet, Food Habit, they will become Brown Sahibs
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Aug 22, 2007 02:57 AM  Permalink 

There were people in India in mid/late 19th Century, who though by mimicking Western Toilet, Food Habit, they will become Brown Sahibs.

Its a shame, few guys now still pursue the same stuff. Licking west, showing no self respect for India.

I feel ashamed as an Indian today.

(by the way, I am not a commie, I am a bjp supporter)

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Commie traitors
by Batman on Aug 22, 2007 02:44 AM  Permalink 

If we do not get this deal we ll spend another 10 years in the dark without electricity till we have the technology to generate power by using Thorium. We still do not have the final tech to generate power through these Fast Breeder Reactors. We should take this deal to generate power and speed up the research on fast breeder reactors so that as soon as we have the production capabalities using thorium based technology we can just stop importing uranium. But right now we need Uranium based tech so that we get power and we are nt left behind and go back to the dark ages... and yah this deal is only civilian so no need to worry abt military nuclear instalations. n we are free to test nuclear weapons. the Hyde Act is just a cosmetic effect by the US government to shut the mouths of the Non proliferation hawks in washington who are opposing this deal tooth n nail... The US understand it has no leverage to stop India from testing weapons and it dosnt want to risk billions of dollars of investment by imposing nay sanctions. remember 1998 aftre the tests the imposed sanctions but had to bite the dust and remove sanctions after realizing it was their industries that were suffering.. so be cool and just use this deal to the maximum and do not let the commies Headless Chickens take India back to the dark ages.

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Commie traitors
by Batman on Aug 22, 2007 02:43 AM  Permalink 

Only 2 nations in the whole world are opposing this Indo US nuclear deal, China and Pakistan.... China has the Most Favored NAtion status with the US and opposes the same status for India. China has got a similar nuclear deal with the US bt opposes the deal with India... Jyoiti Basu of CPM protested against Indian defence againt chinese invasion of india in 1962 and was jailed by Nehru for anti India activities. Basu went on to become the CM of bengal. Commies never condemn Chinese claim of arunachal Pradesh whn the people themselves want top be part of India.. CPM opposes Indian nuclear progress bt has no problems with Chinas nuclear arming of pakistan whch are targeted towards India and supports iranian nuclear program. The communists oppose ndustrialiazation in India and went on killing 100's of poor farmers in Singur and Nandigram tryin to grab farmers fertile land for setting up industries. Commies are ruling bengal for more than 30 years now and have reduced bengal from being the finest to being the poorest.. Only big industry in commie ruled states bangal and kerala are trade unions and their number one product is strikes and bandh. Commies vociferously opposed introduction of computers by rajiv gandhi, commies cald computers as evil and against national interest. Commies neva condemned chinese invasion of India in 1962. Commies do not recognize aksai chin in kashmir as part of india. And yes the commies got a new name now "Headless Chickens and Spineless Morons".

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terrorizing tactics
by Frankly Speaking on Aug 22, 2007 01:56 AM  Permalink 

These are terrorizing tactics to intimidate officers by honourable by designation parliamentarian. The other day I read in newspaper Arun Jaitley was intimidating the entire government departments. I feel pity for government and their officers.

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