Friends, who are these left that are opposing the Nuke deal - lets get to some history about them.. 1. These left are the same people who had got several Indian freedom fighter arrested during World War 2, 1945-46, at Soviet Russia's instance.
2. these Left are the very same people who has taken China's side when 1967 Indo-Chinese war broke out.
3. Today they want to stop the Nuke deal the the instance of China's Communist party.
Can we Indians trust these very same Left with India's national interest ? Think yourself after carefully going thru history.
US' interest in India's well-being.... by udayakumar on Aug 21, 2007 08:48 AM | Hide replies
I am astonished at the comments by those educated persons that US is doing a great favour to India by 123 agreement. You can see from the past, whenever US has done something, it has done it only for its selfish motive. Just because India happened to be a place of cheap international coolies for IT professional, US preferred them. I am at a loss to understand how people react to it. As if they have done a great favour. If they get cheaper coolies elsewhere, they will ditch all Indians... All those people, who work in US on behalf of IT industry, do you know what is the standard billing rate? What is billing your company charges? What is the portion you are getting? Just you live in a poor country, those money means a lot for you. But for US, they are not able to find such cheap coolies elsewhere. Once they find it, you will be ditched. This is cut and paste fm reader on other related article"US says it hopes to see N-agreement to fruitation". Now U all guys, N-Deal opposition is not only for testing,Foreign policy etc.What about cost benifit?They say with this deal nuclear energy contribution will be only 3% to 7% of total generating capacity.Also they say(only scientist & God knows the truth)FBR is on tract.But we can trust these old-gaurd scentists.Pl refer to Mr KAlam and other scientist's photo where they carried their launching rockets on bycycles in 1968 to the launching
RE:N(pl pronounce yen deal-mathmatical n)-Deal
by Baalu Radhakrishna on Aug 21, 2007 10:07 AM Permalink
this Mr Uday Kumar is a CONGRESS tout,onle few who watch his program on TV's could realise the fact
But congress government can rule till 2009because congress having experience of purchasing the MP form different political parties MP like SP, TDP BSP, BJP etc%u2026.
I think Manmohan and company should seek a fresh mandate so as to get free of Communists. His popularity as a PM is at the highest and people will vote for congress in large numbers and bring them close to 200 seats for party alone. The opposition is in complete disarray - NDA, UNP , left front etc etc with leaders who are pygmies compared to Manmohan , Chidambram, Kamalnath and not to forget the Italian born Sonia Gandhi.
RE:Time for fresh mandate
by Rajendra Gupta on Aug 21, 2007 11:28 AM Permalink
He is biggest failure and most weak PM india ever saw.He is not even a PM being a dummy. He is a baby planted on PM chair by Sonia till she returns.Never in history so much mismanagement ,price rise and loot and plunder was carried on in India.Unempoloyment is at highest.This guy is asking industry to give reservation.Who the hell they are to interfere in private business? Not even fraction of backwards can be accomodated in such stupid arrangements of giving jobs.You cant give jobs to 8 crore youth waiting for jobs. Indians should be cautious in use of nuclear power, Russia,Japan,USA all have seen nuclear leakage.It is dangerous.India should never rely of capitalists for protection.We must have our own full array of nuclear weapons and ICBMs that can take bomb to USA if needed.The only war fought on US soil was on 9/11 when WTC was blown off by aircrfats.USA has been killing people around the globe.
I am very happy that PM is going ahead firmly to operationalize the deal.
I was a supporter of BJP...but now wanna shit on them coz the way they r opposing the deal is not seems they have become pro-pakistani via china.
If Govt falls, people will not appologise the 'LEFT HARAMZADAs'and BJP.
I think BJP has lost all its credibility opposing the deal
by surinder pal on Aug 21, 2007 10:06 AM Permalink
Yes Dear, I too was a spporter of BJP, but now I'm fully with an honest PM who is trying to improve lives of our country.
Our country will teach a lesson to these parties if the election are held.
by Vijay Kumar on Aug 21, 2007 10:12 AM Permalink
Yes, PM is trying to improve life of rich men, so that more farmers may do suicide and thus reduce population.
by Hemant on Aug 21, 2007 10:13 AM Permalink
Tinku Baidya, I agree with your sentiment. The deal itself is a brainchild of BJP, so should not have opposed the deal. But do you know that the Congress, which is claiming the credit now, had opposed the same deal, while it was sitting in the opposition
by SAM KIM on Aug 21, 2007 10:01 AM Permalink
Dear sir, It is BJP which initiated the deal with US. NDA govt led by then NSA mr.misra was negotiating very hard US to agree for not to bind indias nuclear test with this civil nuclear co-operation.
But this MM singh govt. just to claim some cheap publicity they played in to US hand. this is what BJP is oppsing. Dont be blind, try to analyse what BJP is saying....dear
With half the brains an average human has, and assuming they are as power hungry as they seem to be, there is an extremely remote chance that the left will withdraw support.
Never before and hopefuly never again, will the communists have this golden chance of having the central government by the balls and twist the country's policy the way they want.
I think the commies are smart enough to know that if there were to be re-elections, it is possible that:- - they may not have as many seats, or - that the congress may have enough seats to not need the left's support, or - the NDA may form the govt. and not need them.
In all of the above cases, the CPM will no longer have the balls-twisting power. Being as power hungry as they seem (as is every politician in this country), there is a little chance of the country having a say on this important issue.