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Who exactly are these Left ?
by Gumpy on Aug 21, 2007 01:09 PM  Permalink 

Friends, who are these left that are opposing the Nuke deal - lets get to some history about them..
1. These left are the same people who had got several Indian freedom fighter arrested during World War 2, 1945-46, at Soviet Russia's instance.

2. these Left are the very same people who had taken China's side when 1967 Indo-Chinese war broke out.

3. Today they want to stop the Nuke deal the the instance of China's Communist party.

Can we Indians trust these very same Left with India's national interest ? Think yourself after carefully going thru history.

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left getting directive from China to oppose the nuke deal ?
by phunu bhattacharjee on Aug 21, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Yes, probably so. Since we know very well that since the begining of the nuke deal, china has been puting its pressure on USA to stop this deal alongside Pakistan. The left are doing to please their bosses in Bejing without caring much for the benifit that India is going to achieve tremendously on energy sector for its all out growth. China thus could achive to have s solid partner in the form of LEFT to oppose the deal in the home front as well. It is the policy of China to dominate SE Asia and never wanated India to become superpower.
The left should consider theselves as true Indian first or else they will be termed as traitor and history will never forgive them.
PP Bhattacharjee

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RE:left getting directive from China to oppose the nuke deal ?
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:22 PM  Permalink
The whole of budget of LEFT parties which is more than 700 million dollars a year is supported by China

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The deal is against the People Of China, Scrap it !!!
by Jaison Augustine on Aug 21, 2007 12:59 PM  Permalink 

CPM should have declared, openly saying, the Deal is against the People of China. Why they are not able to come up with a proper alternative for the Deal if they are patriotic Indians? Actually there is no alternative.
I prefer to have a mid-term election, and the anti-national CPM should have reduced to at least half of the seats from the present tally.

US interest to make a relation with India is none other than China and the Brain power and growth of India.

Most of the Indians are benefiting from the economic policies introduced by Manmohan Singh when he was a finance minister.

Left should concentrate more on how to marginalize the economic difference between poor and rich, not by making rich to poor but by making poor to more rich.

Those who are opposing the deal should be defeated in the mid-term election.

I am standing with Manmohan Singh as a patriot Indian national to make my country the best in the world. My country men should get all the benefit of Life, not poverty.

If Manmohan can%u2019t win the next election as his own, I prefer BJP than a Congress government with CPM support.

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Make hay while the sun shines.....
by E.S.Subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 12:57 PM  Permalink 

Left leaders have no source of extra income in India like the other political leaders..so they are working as Chinese agents to sabotage all vital deals in India which is against Chinese interests to make huge amount of money.

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 12:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

from Sylhet, Bangladesh ----
Once India used to have unanimous line of strategy as far as national interests were concerned. There was a time when Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then leader of the Opposition represented the Government of India in the United Nations General Assembly. Now things are changing quickly. India has become almost a CLONE COMPUTER with Italian monitor, Chinese keyboard, Jaffnese (coming from Jaffna) mouse,American CPU. India must be BRAND COMPUTER SYSTEM if she wants to survive in the desired direction.

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:54 PM  Permalink
Thank you.

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by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 02:03 PM  Permalink
Mihirkanti, we Indians are smart people and we are not brand slaves. We are skilled to assemble robust computers for ourselves by using parts from all over the world. We do not waste time and resources to re-invent the wheel.

In this forum you have seen how we are unanimous in supporting the N-Deal and even if someone has raised concerns it is because that person also loves his motherland (other than the Leftists of course....who are more anxious to see China becoming the world leader). So do not question about our creed.

Please also remember that our assembled Indian computer works under trying conditions. I have not heard of a Bangladeshi computer though....perhaps it does not boot at all and that's why Bangladeshis sneak into West Bengal, Assam and all the NE Indian states for their livelihood. Try to copy the Indian Computer.

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:36 PM  Permalink
The Bengalees are living everywhere in the world. Europe, USA, Middle East, India, Bangldesh and where not. The Bengalees have done well in the world. Three Bengalees have Nobel Prize. But we have not heard of any Assamese winning Nobel. Can you name or propose any one?

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:40 PM  Permalink
The Assamese follow the Bengalees in many sectors beginning from the alphabet to Durga Puja.But there was a time when they destroyed Durga Puja pandals. It happened in 1974 in Dibrugarh. Do they remember this?

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:43 PM  Permalink
Anything more?

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by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 10:52 PM  Permalink
I am just wondering if you are condemning the Indian computers or Assamese people? I guess you are a Bangladeshi as you are from Sylhet. If so than how come you claim 3 Nobel Laureates? Rabindranath Tagore and Amartya Sen are Indians and people from West Bengal, Assam and other Indian states are proud of them. I hope you are not trying to fantasize a Pan Bengali state, the way your muslim countrymen in Bangladesh are conjuring up a pan-islamic state including NE India and West Bengal. You will be disappointed coz no Indian citizen from West Bengal or Assam would like to be part of Bangladesh. So you better leave your dirty tricks behind and forget about creating divide between Assamese and Bengalees. They both are Indians. Who are you BAngladeshi? If you are not happy with India signing 123 agreement, ask your military dictators to beg to the US government. Don't you know that your country got independence becoz our country liberated you guys? Also don't forget about all the terrorist camps your country is hosting against India. If you are not happy and proud to be a BAngladeshi why don't you apply for migration to the UK and work there as a cook?

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The day dreaming left
by Drvijai Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:48 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

For the first time during the last 60 yrs of independence, it appears, we are CORRECTLY AND JUSTIFIABLY moving towards a mid term poll. The Indian polity gets rid of these leftist day dreamers. They have been ruining the economy by wilfully confusing the workers by promising them a work schedule of four hours instead of eight if the left would have the power to do so, and at the same time salaries would be so increased that the workers would be able to earn eight loves of bread in place of four. Double the salary half the work.!!
Sooner the better get rid of these day dreamers. Also get rid of big mouthed people like Mr.A.B.BARDHAN.
More over they can never see any nation, may that be India, stronger than CHINA or Russia.

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RE:The day dreaming left
by kapil on Aug 21, 2007 11:52 AM  Permalink
Bardhan, Raja, Gurudas gupta, Prakash Karat, his wife etc. are worst...Seems Seethram Yechoori better than these old beggers...

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Is Left China's Man Friday?
by Praveer Tripathi on Aug 21, 2007 11:35 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Lets analyse the deal in the correct perspective of who gains and who loses. The biggest gainer is of course India, which gains energy security and washes the stains of Post Pokharan-II. USA gains as its civilian nuclear companies get to build plants in India. NSG gains as it gets a permanent market in India.
Now the losers: Pakistan, which will not get any deal akin to this. Iran and its cohorts, who can't threaten pulling the plug on oil again. And the biggest Daddy of them all, CHINA. It just loses a big face in the world, concedes a lot of ground to India strategically and politically as well as economically.
Now the BIG QUESTION is, what can CHINA do about it? Well, the answer is obvious. Since it has no control over USA and Bush, and no control over the UPA and India's foreign policy, the obvious way to block the deal is to use its PALS in CPIM and the entire Left parties.
Lets not forget that these were the same parties who kept mum during Chinese aggression in 1962. Lets also not forget the fact that by doing China's bidding the left is also helping Pakistan.
It would not surprise me at all to know that some discreet China funds are at play here. Well, the Left never had it so good. They can really sell the country to its arch enemies while donning the cap of a Nationalist! LAL SALAAM!!

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RE:Is Left China's Man Friday?
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:13 PM  Permalink
Right said Praveer....LEFT will be left out the day Indians understand wat traitors they are...AB Bardhan ,Yachuri and Kaart have almost got around 500 million dollars frm China...Its good money for them, but a very small amount for China to get rid of this irritant called N-Deal with USA

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RE:Is Left China's Man Friday?
by karthik iyer on Aug 21, 2007 11:42 AM  Permalink
Left are anti-indian the EC should ban this idiots and they should tried for treason as it is these chinese agents ahave outlived their expiry date.

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Our aim should be towards energy independence and indigenous technology
by Amrit Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:25 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Our aim should be to achieve energy independence and indigenous technology. People are discusing what has been written in the deal. Wat hasnt been written has not been discussed. The kind of concessions that have been given to India might have been given to US's Staunchest allies only. then y they are giving so much of concessions to us. Because they want to have a kind of alliance with us. Where India will be seen in the US camp. Not only will it affect ties with Russia but it will invite hostility from China also. We want to remain competetive to china but not at the goodwill and mercy of others. I want to see India a technologically independent country.

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RE:Our aim should be towards energy independence and indigenous technology
by SLVP on Aug 21, 2007 11:32 AM  Permalink

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RE:RE:Our aim should be towards energy independence and indigenous technology
by Amrit Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:35 AM  Permalink
good one. We should be energy independent.

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RE:Our aim should be towards energy independence and indigenous technology
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 11:55 AM  Permalink
We will be self reliant only once our Thorium reactors come in force which is some yrs away.But even this technology would require some (nominal) use of Plutonium for the initial cycle.The idea is to generate this from the reproceesed fuel & use it in Thorium reactors. Hence, in Ndeal we insisted on reprocessing rights over the spent nuclear fuel so that we have enough Plutonium to run our Thorium reactors.Our own meager Uranium reserves will then be purely for military use.We have only 0.8% of world reserves that cannot last long & serve both civilian & defence purpose. What do u propose to do once our Uranium reserves r exhausted???

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RE:Our aim should be towards energy independence and indigenous technology
by bhaskar datta on Aug 21, 2007 01:27 PM  Permalink
Enery Independant?Are we energy independent?What about the Petroleum we import at a huge cost???If your logic----taking fule from US makes us dependant on them----is true, then we have already abdicated our independence to the Gulf countries

Technology independant?Which part of the computer or the Operating system u are using were made in India?

Wake up, ppl.But then, U havent yet evolved to the Adam Smioth era

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RE:Our aim should be towards energy independence and indigenous technology
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:16 PM  Permalink
SLVP.....are we expert at Thorium technology? Are we yet? Are we successful in it?? tell me?
Its still a long way to go...lets use N-Fuel and save our money on producing electricity. we will save in the range of 50 billion dollars by the time we deveop thorium based fast breeder reactors.

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RE:RE:Our aim should be towards energy independence and indigenous technology
by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 12:17 PM  Permalink
What has Indian gained by being in the so called "USSR Camp" during the cold war era? And also what India gained by being in the Non-Aligned Movement? Today you have access to the Internet and writing in this forum because India took the path of liberalisation of its economy much against the opposition of leftists. Most of today Indians have the guts to dare and have big dreams in their eyes after we became part of the globalised world. If we remain insulated and isolated with a big fat ego and a holier than thou attitude, we will remain in the dark ages. Whether we like it or not we are going to gain much by associating ourselves with the world leaders. We cannot ourselves become a global leader by staying away from the rest of the world. If we sign the N-Deal, we get access to the N-supplies from 45 countries of the NSG, that includes Russia and France who strongly wants India to sign the N-Deal and rise as a Nuclear power. In fact it is by signing the 123 agreement, India can check the rise of US as the super power. We will not become a part of so called 'US Camp' but we will be equal to them. Only China, Pakistan and our very own Leftists do not want India to be a global leader.

If we have to re-invent the wheel and do all by ourselves - as the Leftists want - we will always remain behind the developed countries in terms of technology and energy security. That would keep us always begging to the West. And being poor means more people voting for the Left.

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