I cant understand why the leftest setting in their air conditioned politbeuro comes up with this kind of junk while most of indian homes stay in the dark without electricity due the high power cost. We are developing nation. This is our best oppertunity to tackle our energy needs and further boost our economy. China is so energy savey and going all the world hunting for oil and natural gas...Any thing you buy today has a "made in china" logo. Now it makes me wonder...Is Karat and his bunch of lunatics in the left...."left"over harmful tainted Mattel toys for india dancing to the wishes of china with a "made in china" logo on them.....
Democracy and commnisim don't go together. Its time to decide whether we need democracy and communism. Democracy is where majority rules.. not 10 to 15 % MPs control the policy of the country. If required I believe the Indian Constitution need to be revised with changed senario.
RE:The head line should be : Will the govt pass N-deal and ban communists before going to polls
by Julius on Aug 21, 2007 02:55 AM Permalink
What a stupid uneducated question? While trying to expose someone else, u r exposing u and your religion! :-) This is like asking "Can a Muslim eat while shit*ing?" Of course! It's up to the individual! Where did Hinduism come from in between? What an idi*tic looser u r!