RE:RE:Manmohan is CIA agent
by raj kumar on Aug 21, 2007 05:38 AM Permalink
Kerala CPM Secretary's son is studying in Birmingham by paying a fee of 45 lakhs per year.Jyothi basu's son is an industrialist
RE:Manmohan is CIA agent
by swamy on Aug 21, 2007 06:33 AM Permalink
Well Mahatma Gandhi never sent his son abroad inspite of him having got a fellowship. Just mentioning, I have nothing against Mr basu, but a man is supposed to practice what he preaches.
RE:Manmohan is CIA agent
by Sandeep Shrikrishna Prabhu on Aug 21, 2007 05:24 AM Permalink
So what???Is the deal in India's interest?? Can you survive without electricity??? India has been given an opportunity and we should grab it.
CPI(M) works for China. Karat and Yechury are chinese agents.
RE:Manmohan is CIA agent
by Sam on Aug 21, 2007 05:36 AM Permalink
All those who vote for Left are national traitors and dont deserve to get one grain from this land or call themselves Indians.
RE:Manmohan is CIA agent
by Golden on Aug 21, 2007 05:49 AM Permalink
the one who supported britishers while "bharat chhodo andolan" is the biggest traiter, it is pity to see he became PM of india. a nice journey he has led, from traitor to pm of india.
RE:Manmohan is CIA agent
by JM on Aug 21, 2007 06:24 AM Permalink
: Hey Moron Anand Krish, Manmohan Singh's daughter was using Delhi Transport Corporation city-bus to go to college when he was the Finance minister in the Narasimha Rao govt.
I dont like congress myself mainly because of pseudo-secularism and Sonia Gandhi but Manmohan Singh is a very honest person and the Nuclear deal is in the best interest of India.
It is because of moron-personified Indians like you that commies come to power and India is still backward after 60 years of independence.
If anything CPM gets money from Chinese embassy and warms up to China everytime. China and Pak are very happy because of our commies AND ironically, BJP as well.
RE:Manmohan is CIA agent
by andrew smith on Aug 21, 2007 07:19 AM Permalink
Anand are you working in any intelligence agency owned by your own.What burning you mate.
The CPI (M) is pretty well aware and sure that the PM & UPA Chairperson is adamant to give effect to the 123 agreement. They are going to do it with their (CPI M) support, without their support, or inspite of their support of Left. Both these parties (might) have evolved already an understanding "Thum maare waisa karo Mein Roye vaisa Karta Hum". (You act as beating I will act as Crying). So their objection is just an eye wash and trying to get some political mileage for both of them, the Congress & the CPI (M). This is just like our REALTY SHOWs where the Judges quarrel each other, fights, quit the show and then we can see that the same person is there in show again. Our leaders must watching these Shows quite often. Wah-re-wah my leaders, what a POLITICS. May God help these guys. You and me are going to be the silent spectators. Of course, the news hungry media has got sufficient stuff for atleast a week.
RE:RE:Left's Objection to gain Publicity
by joe on Aug 21, 2007 05:24 AM Permalink
Indian COMMUNISTS follow Dead buried and grass grown ideologies and philosophies.... Only (mallu and bonglas) idiots follow them
RE:The Opponents of the deal
by JM on Aug 21, 2007 06:28 AM Permalink
: Sensible Hindus, sensible muslims (sorry, there cannot be sensible commies by the definition of ocmmies) and any sensible person will support the agreement.
But then any sensible person will never vote for commies. So the question is are the sensible people a majority in India or not.
RE:The Opponents of the deal
by Shivakumar on Aug 21, 2007 05:30 AM Permalink
India is neither Hindu nor Muslim country. It is secular. The deal should be studied and evaluated on its merits and demerits. Not on caste or religion basis. That way we are paying a heavy price, do you want to add fuel to fire?
It is obvious that nuclear deal is very good for our country. Left parties are trying to make an issue out of it to gain some importance. This may boomrang and they might be whipped out in next election because of this negative stand. India badly needs energy and it needs to co operate with developed world. It is better to be in co operation with USA, UK, France, Australia rather than China, Pakistan or Iran!
Nuclear power accounts for about 16% of the global electricity supply One tonne of nuclear fuel is equivalent to burning about 120,000 tones of coal Uranium, unlike fossil fuels, can be recycled Source: World Nuclear Transport Institute From BBC Web site
Nuclear electricity has been reported to be cheaper than gas as long as oil is more expensive than $28 a barrel. It's currently above the $50 mark.
Dr Keith Melton, at the New & Renewable Energy Centre, believes the CO2 advantages of nuclear energy outweigh any cost-effectiveness issues, but dismisses claims that the atomic option is a cheaper one.
"I think the cost of nuclear will be higher than for fossil fuels. If oil goes up to $100 a barrel and drags up gas and electricity with it, that could be different. But at the moment, the argument is CO2s," Dr Melton says.
Nuclear form of power is "carbon neutral", meaning it does not contribute to global warming; nor does it spew out the sulphurous chemicals that cause acid rain.
Fear factor
Opponents to the use of nuclear fuel often brandish three haunting reminders of nuclear power's fallibility: Sellafield, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
No new nuclear power stations have been both planned and built in either the US and Britain since these incidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE:Some facts
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 05:06 AM Permalink
Dont Misinform readers Andrews: It has been decided in the treaty that India will have the right to reprocess fuel under safeguards, but at a seperately built reactor for that purpose.
RE:Some facts
by Sreekanth Nemani on Aug 21, 2007 05:19 AM Permalink
India recycles uranium and if they are not allowed to recycle it, then they won't sign the deal.
So, it is a choice between relatively less business or none at all for US/UK.
RE:Some facts
by joe on Aug 21, 2007 05:33 AM Permalink
U seems to be a communist from Kerala, 91% literacy state but what literacy definition in kerala means writing their name and organize bandhs (renamed as harthal).
Read the agreement properly , dont mislead people with your interpretation of the deal
for most of his innings he has been working under the shadow of Corrupt congress leaders like arjun singh and company.... he didnt raise his voice when caste basedreservations were implemented.
But this time.. he has publicly challenged left to withdraw support on the nuclear issue. It seems that success of nuclear deal is close to his dream of making India BIG. A dream that only an educated politician can see.
I dont suspect his understanding since he is the most qualified person to forsee Indias needs vis-a-vis economic and energy security.
Opponents to the use of nuclear fuel often brandish three haunting reminders of nuclear power's fallibility: Sellafield, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
No new nuclear power stations have been both planned and built in either the US and Britain since these incidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE:RE:I back our PM
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 05:25 AM Permalink
Here is another misinformation by Andrews: Three Mile Island happened in 1979, and Chernobyl in 1986...What happened after this... South Texas Project reactors went on line in 1988 in new Reactor constructed at Palo Verde the largest (as of July 31, 2005) in operation now. Chooz B1 (with a net capacity of 1,455 megawatts/electric) , was the first of the four to be completed. It went into service in the Ardennes in August 1996. Chooz B2 reactor is now also in service, went critical in 1997 in Vermont and Rhode Island USA, Japan's Toshiba Corporation has offered to build a 10 MWe reactor to provide light and heat to Galena, a remote Alaskan village on the Yukon River in USA, to be completed in 2008. Russia has planned Two nuclear floating power stations each anticipated to cost $100 to $120 million. The first one will supply power to the city of Severodvinsk, approximately 50 miles west of Archangel. 20% of USA electricity is generated by nuclear power plants. So Mr. Andrew, you may be an agent in disguise who doesnt want India to have cheap and efficient power option. Only Chinese, Pakistanis and Communists are against this deal as they dont want India to attain the Superpower status, but in case elections are held tommorow, people will vote massively for Congress Government as it is the only Government which has done India a great honour.People cannot be fooled by this new found patriotism of the left. We know who is their master.
RE:RE:I back our PM
by andrew smith on Aug 21, 2007 06:02 AM Permalink
Do you have any idea the electricity you are using is from a thermal power plant, nuclear power plant or hydro electric.
RE:RE:Those Oposing parties are realy Literate ?
by Thirumal Bhat on Aug 21, 2007 06:01 AM Permalink
As of July 2007, US has 104 nuclear reactors which ia about 25% of the total operating in the world, two are supposed to go on stream this year, 21 more under planning. 19% of US power required is from the nuclear technology, most of the reactors set up in the 70's and eighties and a few in the nineties.
Lavneet, Our PM is not just the most qualified our country has ever got but most qualified any country has ever got. His resume speaks for himself. We always crib about having illiterate politicians but now that we have a really credible man at the helm who is doing all he can for the betterment of india's future, these commi jerks and their supporters are opposing it. If this is not a betrayal to the country then what is?
Opponents to the use of nuclear fuel often brandish three haunting reminders of nuclear power's fallibility: Sellafield, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
No new nuclear power stations have been both planned and built in either the US and Britain since these incidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!