the present government is the result of opportunistic post poll alliance. congress got only 145/545 seats in lok sabha. but in the name of secularism, parties fighting against each other formed the government.
this has given us a puppet pm and a puppet president of dubious background. now sonia is all powerful, governing through remote control, which has resulted in the release of quatrochi from argentina. earlier the govt defrozed his bank account.
left and congress can again find some way out of the present 123 nuclear agreement dispute and continue the show.
Manmohan Singh did a lot for the US; but not India.
On the first day Dr. Manmohan Singh started to work against Indian people. How?
On Sept. 30, 2004, The Planning Commission dissolved all the 19 consultative committees in a bid to end the controversy over the presence of foreign experts from World Bank and Mc Cancy as business consultants, when the Left parties taken a stern stand.
Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Minister signed a defense agreement with the US on July 2005.
July 18 2005 Held India-US Joint Press Conference.
U.S.-India Agricultural Knowledge Initiative Board included retail giant Wal-Mart and Monsanto members India-US agreed on agricultural collaborative research projects which is against Indian farmers.
Signed in crores of arms deals.
UPA government left their free foreign policy and voted two times in IAEA against Iran, even they have mentioned a free foreign policy in Common Minimum Programme.
Manmohan Singh accepted Condalesa Rice's warning on review non-aligned treaty and implement globalization.
Four Left parties suspended the UPA-Left coordination committee on share selling of Navratna PSUs. Then Sonia Gandhi made it cleared that it is halted.
Even then they have started to sell the shares of Nalco, Orissa and Lignite Corporation, Tamilnadu. Left and DMK's massive strikes were fruitful. DMK was ready to recall their ministers from Union Cabinet.
After Left's opposition in Pension Fund privatisation and 49% FDI in insurance s
by on Aug 21, 2007 09:33 PM Permalink
really you are typical indian polititican. You want to oppose anything and everything. that is it. Mutual cooperation with financially and technically leading contries can be beneficial to our nation. You look at china man. They signed the nuclear deal with china more than 20 years back and what happend to the soverignity of that nation. Chinese products are overwhelmingly supplied in U.S market. you are a typical indian commmunist
Only 2 nations in the whole world are opposing this deal, China and Pakistan.... China has the Most Favored NAtion status with the US and opposes the same status for India. China has got a similar nuclear deal with the US bt opposes the deal with India... Jyoiti Basu of CPM protested against Indian defence againt chinese invasion of india in 1962 and was jailed by Nehru for anti India activities. Basu went on to become the CM of bengal. Commies never condemn Chinese claim of arunachal Pradesh whn the people themselves want top be part of India.. CPM opposes Indian nuclear progress bt has no problems with Chinas nuclear arming of pakistan whch are targeted towards India and supports iranian nuclear program. The communists oppose industrialiazation in India and went on killing 100's of poor farmers in Singur and Nandigram tryin to grab farmers fertile land for setting up industries. Commies are ruling bengal for more than 30 years now and have reduced bengal from being the finest to being the poorest.. Only big industry in commie ruled states bangal and kerala are trade unions and their number one product is strikes and bandh. Commies vociferously opposed introduction of computers by rajiv gandhi, commies cald computers as evil and against national interest. Commies neva condemned chinese invasion of India in 1962. Commies do not recognize aksai chin in kashmir as part of india. Use your logic now...
All those opposing 123 agreement plase go through the details of it before commenting. because if you get to the details you will never oppose and thats the beauty of LEFT that they are NON CONFIRMIST..... there job is just to oppose. They have never done or will ever do any thnig constructive for this country
RE:RE:All those ....
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 04:16 PM Permalink
Could you explain why the Chinese signed 123 agreement with the US and oppose India doing it? Our Leftists are also doing the same - trying to protect Chinese interests at any cost.
RE:All those ....
by Kajolika on Aug 21, 2007 04:05 PM Permalink
Yes, if u want refer to the historian's wrting during the World War I period and also newspaper reports during the very same period.
it is dangerous to go ahead at present the 123 agreement without the parliament's majority and as a Soverign Nation, next Govt. can cancell the entire agreement signed and prosecute the signatories if it is violated the principles of soverginity and integrity of India. We expect that at least good sense will prevail in the UPA and Congress leadership before it go ahead for the 123 agreement as it is, without the sanction of Indian Parliament. It is also dangerous to continue even a day, any minority govt. and the decisions taken / taking by these minority govt. CAN always be re-considered and can take APPROPRIATE CORRECTIVE MEASURES in the next Govt. when it is formed with the majority of the Lok Sabha Members.
by Batman on Aug 21, 2007 04:26 PM Permalink
Only 2 nations in the whole world are opposing this deal, China and Pakistan.... China has the Most Favored NAtion status with the US and opposes the same status for India. China has got a similar nuclear deal with the US bt opposes the deal with India... Jyoiti Basu of CPM protested against Indian defence againt chinese invasion of india in 1962 and was jailed by Nehru for anti India activities. Basu went on to become the CM of bengal. Commies never condemn Chinese claim of arunachal Pradesh whn the people themselves want top be part of India.. CPM opposes Indian nuclear progress bt has no problems with Chinas nuclear arming of pakistan whch are targeted towards India and supports iranian nuclear program. The communists oppose industrialiazation in India and went on killing 100's of poor farmers in Singur and Nandigram tryin to grab farmers fertile land for setting up industries. Commies are ruling bengal for more than 30 years now and have reduced bengal from being the finest to being the poorest.. Only big industry in commie ruled states bangal and kerala are trade unions and their number one product is strikes and bandh. Commies vociferously opposed introduction of computers by rajiv gandhi, commies cald computers as evil and against national interest. Commies neva condemned chinese invasion of India in 1962. Commies do not recognize aksai chin in kashmir as part of india. Use your logic now...