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Most people in this forum are BIASED
by Indian on Aug 22, 2007 06:22 AM  Permalink 

Most people in this forum are BIASED.

unfortunately people in our country take always POLITICAL stands rather than independant positions.

Most of them either support, Congress or BJP or left.Do not weigh the value of each issue sepratly.

In my opinion this deal is very good one for India. Left and BJP opposing it can not be justified. They will be rejected by people.

I like policies of Left parties on issues, but I cant support this one.Left parties are always against changes, which will make their image diminish in society.

its because of the power without responsibilty they have now. they are not accountable to people. same with any oppostion parties in india (both center, state)

I am more dissapoited with BJP (atleast Left parties are oppsing because they ahve a different policy). how about BJP ?

They are oppsing just coz they r in oppsition. They started all the initiative first, really hypocratic, am surpired LEFT AND BJP are together on this issue

Hope things will be settled soon

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who exactly are these Left ?
by Gumpy on Aug 21, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink 

Friends, who are these left that are opposing the Nuke deal - lets get to some history about them..
1. These left are the same people who had got several Indian freedom fighter arrested during World War 2, 1945-46, at Soviet Russia's instance.

2. these Left are the very same people who had taken China's side when 1967 Indo-Chinese war broke out.

3. Today they want to stop the Nuke deal the the instance of China's Communist party.

Can we Indians trust these very same Left with India's national interest ? Think yourself after carefully going thru history.

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Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 01:17 PM  Permalink 

Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.

Left only creates problems, when ruling UPA and opposition NDA go against people.

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Are our top brass under threat of brain drain?
by Gautam nil on Aug 21, 2007 02:51 AM  Permalink 

While setting up priorities between two almost identical issues of importance to the Nation, well, any simple wisdom will give a priority to National Security over an energy issue! If Nation is lost, what do we do with enormous energy? Further, the quantum of energy that is likely to be obtained, if at all we succeed amidst several risks in addition to the one of National security, is very meager and that too without any assurance of sustained supply of energy for ever!
Under the circumstances, it does not warrant much thoughts to decide in favour of National security above all!
How national security is in peril can be inferred from the sustained arrogant and dominant behaviours of US to annexe any nation for its own benefits at any cost by using its might as the world history reflects! Its illegitimate, unauthorized and illegal interference in internal affairs of Afghanisthan, Iraq, India-Pakistan and Israel-Palestinian and also the threatened interference in the matters of North and South Korea and Iran etc., are concrete evidences of its wickedness without any valued high moralistic principles! The entire world inclusive of a majority of population of U.S. itself opposed to its such activities of vandalism!

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Are our top brass under threat of brain drain?
by Gautam nil on Aug 21, 2007 02:50 AM  Permalink 

Result is sufferings, miseries and gruesome deaths of millions of innocent and along with rapid growth of terrorist network every where now all over the world! The people all over, suffer due to such terrorist activities! Neither the world benefited, nor our nation! U.S. is certainly benefited by oil and other expansion of business in rehabilitations in the affected countries, taking all necessary precautions against terrorism in their own country!
Thus U.S. is most untrustworthy nation and we have to stand losing all as a silent spectator, when they turn against our interests to fetch all the fruits of such Nuke agreement, either by playing cunning tactics by the unknown catches in the agreement or by arrogantly and boldly violating the terms and conditions of the agreement, as I said earlier, U.S. is a cunning wolf, as is evident from the world history! Its part in the world is blood stained!
There is no necessity to be a communist to see this simple fact of danger to our nation! Perhaps, our top brains are under threats of brain drains as seen in other vital issues too!

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News: Mammohan Singh says Bush is doing very much for India.
by antiCongress antiBJP on Aug 20, 2007 02:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

News: Mammohan Singh says Bush is doing very much for India.
Comment: He did a lot in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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RE:News: Mammohan Singh says Bush is doing very much for India.
by Mikkey Moouse on Aug 20, 2007 02:42 PM  Permalink

Why are u bothered about Afghanistan & Iraq ? Are u an Arab or your father-in-law lives there ?

Worry about China & Pakistan who are still officially at war with you.

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long live the sonia ji,,,
by Bhupinder Singh on Aug 20, 2007 12:59 PM  Permalink 

we are misfired cortridge of indian corrupt system have full faith on sonia ji chrisma,, becuase whole careers of old family friends depends upon sonia ji, no other indian is so intelligent, popular and belong to esteemed family as sonia ji, last vestige of goldren goose family of nehru,,, forget meneka gandhi,,,
we are always with you,, n k tiwari govenerof andhra in dying years,, just of faithfull

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the deal is bad for us
by on Aug 20, 2007 12:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A few friends of mine has a very compelling discussion[1] about how evil the deal is. The summary of the problems with the deal:

>>>> Quote > End Quote

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RE:the deal is bad for us
by on Aug 20, 2007 12:53 PM  Permalink
A few friends of mine has a very compelling discussion[1] about how evil the deal is. The summary of the problems with the deal:

>>>> Quote > End Quote

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RE:the deal is bad for us
by on Aug 20, 2007 12:56 PM  Permalink
Sorry for the bad messages, rediff is removing part of my message when I am trying to post. Just read http://somepickle.in/article.pl?sid=07/08/18/1212207&mode=nested&threshold=-1

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sahadevan the hypoocritic commie bas*ard
by raju on Aug 20, 2007 11:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

lets all kick him out of this forum. he is an enemy of congress as well as BJP. he shld be kicked to commie china. even here he will be kicked out as chinese are pro-US investment. LOL.

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RE:sahadevan the hypoocritic commie bas*ard
by Nanchil on Aug 20, 2007 11:59 AM  Permalink
Everyone has the right to post messages. If you do not agree with the views of sahadevan you are free to reply. But do not abuse personally.

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RE:sahadevan the hypoocritic commie bas*ard
by raju on Aug 20, 2007 12:07 PM  Permalink
i don't need to reply to a bas*ard who addresses PM as sardar. he is an idiot who abuses all the politicians apart from his commie dears. he knows zilch abt indian politics.

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RE:sahadevan the hypoocritic commie bas*ard
by Prem Prakash on Aug 20, 2007 12:36 PM  Permalink
Calm down Raju. I already told so many people in this forum that Sahadeven KK is mad person. He is here only to comment illogically. Dogs are every where and barking every time without sense. Why you are bothering. Mikkey Moouse is another person in the same series. You read or overlook their comments and just ignore & forget. Let them bark continuously. Who cares?

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RE:RE:RE:sahadevan the hypoocritic commie bas*ard
by antiCongress antiBJP on Aug 20, 2007 12:18 PM  Permalink
Nanchil, let them say.

People know why they write malicious things against the Left.. Their leaders could not work as Left leaders.

They had 145 seats in Parliament. 15 caught red-handed for corruption. Others are roaming to collect money. Why do they do for people?

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RE:sahadevan the hypoocritic commie bas*ard
by raju on Aug 20, 2007 12:26 PM  Permalink
now u have to poast from an anonymous ID too u coward. don't have the guts to take me on? Cmon show ur commie mazdoor fighting power. LOL.
commies don't have the guts to take away their 59 seats. if there is a mid term electionb today commies will be wiped out of the remaining seats that they have got mainly due to two backward commie states of kerala and WB. u don't represent india but just 2 backward states of india.

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RE:sahadevan the hypoocritic commie bas*ard
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 01:17 PM  Permalink
Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.

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