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by Rajesh Vyas on Aug 24, 2007 11:08 AM  Permalink 


This is indeed a joke. It appears that Senility is catching up not only with Vajpayee and Advani but also with the Second Rung of BJP leadership.

They all appear to have a Death Wish. If the U P results are any indiactions, if the Polls are held in the next few moths, The BJP is going to get A ROYAL KICK IN THEIR ASS. The defeat will remind them of the rout they experience d in 1984 after Indiara Gandhi's assassination

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BJP won't get 10 seats
by Rajeev CP on Aug 21, 2007 01:31 PM  Permalink 

people of india will kick this party from the parliament.

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BJP u r not ready for the mid term poll.
by chinmoy chatterjee on Aug 20, 2007 12:29 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

According to me BJP is not ready for a mid term poll unless and until they declare their leader in the next parliament.

Mr. Vajpayee has done some good but but some bad things also.Now he is also perhaps too old to take any major responsibility.

The failure of Congress mainly is due to Mrs Sonia's adament decission to offer the PM post
to Mr. Manmohan.People did not like this decission and later on it is proved that this govt. is failed majorly in almost every field.

Mr Advani tried to make hindu vote bank by rathyatra,but in Pakistan he started praising Jinnah for attracting muslims towards him,- so his thought process is flactuating from A to Z and it is not dependable.

If BJP does not declare the name of their next leader who is acceptable to common people then its hard to get good result in the election.And even if BJP thinks to do the same what Congress did that after the election the name of the leader will be declared then also there is a chance of same kind of failure like Congress as watched today.

The scinario wld be changed now for Congress if Mrs Sonia Gandhi advise Dr. Singh to resign as PM immediately and took oath herself as PM.I believe she can change the bad conditions of today's India and I am sure she can do it.It is not imp she is an Italy born or India born,-I know one thing clear that she is from a developed country and she will not encourage corruption and dirty things as a PM.

If BJP comes in power I will like to see Mr Jashbant Sing

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RE:BJP u r not ready for the mid term poll.
by chinmoy chatterjee on Aug 20, 2007 12:34 AM  Permalink
Mr. Jashbant Singh or Mr. George Fernandez(I liked his recent statement on Dr.Singh)as the PM.

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RE:BJP u r not ready for the mid term poll.
by alok bhawsinka on Aug 21, 2007 03:01 PM  Permalink
Mr. Jorge Farnandish is grate leader & he is able to become the primeministrial candiadte of NDA.Jaswant Shingh is a fraud man.

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by Vinod Tuli on Aug 20, 2007 12:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Editor
It would be worth resolving the present crisis in OVERALL NATIONAL INTEREST in order to avoid Midterm Elections which may bring in more unscrupulous politicians to take the country to ransom This can perhaps be done If both BJP and Congress forget their personal ego and join hands. They have more commonality as compared to their association with their respective other opportunist bandwagon of fragmented and frustrated %u2018politicians%u2019. If they do so for the moment in country's welfare with a progressive outlook which both has, the crisis could be resolved at least for an year or two for that matter. Vinod Tuli

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by Srinivasan natesan on Aug 20, 2007 07:30 AM  Permalink
There is a point in this suggestion. We know what CPM stands for, in terms of its China leanings. Time, we call their bluff, and keep them out of national interests.

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by Mukund on Aug 19, 2007 11:26 PM  Permalink 

BJP always put cart before horse since they are first gentlemen and then politicians. Over outspoken reactions by leaders has always spoiled the political games. Majority want clean rule of BJP but unwanted reactions, TV interviews at wrong time make feel that BJP is more interested in change of Government.
BJP must stress that they will ensure that UPA govt does not fall but see to it that 123 agreement has to be in country's interest. People will support them and lead automatically what is benifitial to BJP at the end.

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