Left have no confidence after the mid term election result if support withdraw.so Left will do everything but will not withdraw the support that means they will not do anything which disturbes the process of nuclear deal.They are trying mentain there strength in W.B.,Kerala.Their real policy seen in Singur,Nandigram etc.So Left are real freind of Grg. Bush/USA.
The Marxists are going to make profit by creating such a situation. They are deviated largly from the poor men's party to the beaurocrats'party. They are aiming only profit. It is a fact that in kerala the party owns crores of rupees, which we cant even imagine.
RE:RE:CPM India Pvt Ltd
by SubrahmanyeswaraRao Voleti on Aug 18, 2007 02:51 PM Permalink
You want to start a Public Limited company in kerala where you defeated by this Pvt Ltd. comapny ??? bulshit, if you have proof, come out.
RE:CPM India Pvt Ltd
by vinu manijose on Aug 18, 2007 03:16 PM Permalink
seriosly subru you need to get back to school. if you have proof give it...i dont really understand what proof he's asking. but these sort of arguments we used to do in school. grow up dude. fight on intellect.
Left parties have now tasted power and would loath to contradict the government. They will make the usual noise and then fall in line. Probably the entire drama is scripted ahead and then played out for the benefit of the educated and the uneducated masses of India. A small piece of advise-%u201CDo not do it too often-you are almost exposed%u201D.
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by hiren patel on Aug 18, 2007 02:39 PM Permalink
Common minimum program prepared in last one day? Why they are barking before? They dont know about common minimum program ? Or congress offer big thing ?
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by on Aug 18, 2007 02:50 PM Permalink
Sahadevan,people like you deserve lot of sympathy.Please open your eyes, one ideology cannot be applied in different fashions in different countries. What is happening in China , for Maxists need not be same in India, what is happening in WB need not be the case in Kerala. Please throw away the 'pesudo common man' appesaement and understand ground relaities
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by on Aug 18, 2007 02:50 PM Permalink
Sahadevan,people like you deserve lot of sympathy.Please open your eyes, one ideology cannot be applied in different fashions in different countries. What is happening in China , for Maxists need not be same in India, what is happening in WB need not be the case in Kerala. Please throw away the 'pesudo common man' appesaement and understand ground relaities
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by hiren patel on Aug 18, 2007 02:46 PM Permalink
This deal clearly indicate that your left is corrupted. Left compromise for contry to implement common minimum program?
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by bvvp prasad on Aug 18, 2007 02:44 PM Permalink
The present Common Minmum Programme it to perform YAGAS to kill BJP leaders. Shame Mr.PM for your beliefs. Shame.
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by bahmophet on Aug 18, 2007 03:12 PM Permalink
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by debasi bhattacharyya on Aug 18, 2007 02:38 PM Permalink
Agar Congrees ne CPIM ko Guh chatne ke liye bole to Karat , Budhha, Jyoti, Abani, Basu wahi karenge Mr. Sahadevan
RE:Support to implement common minimum programme.
by kalki on Aug 19, 2007 10:06 AM Permalink
y so many recalls from ur china ??? wat u say now..if u have nething to say...hang that guy who sent these toys..always looking for some scapegoat...i think u have not been out of india...to c what is life
RE:Nuke deal
by bvvp prasad on Aug 18, 2007 02:43 PM Permalink
Left is not DMK/AIDMK/PMK. Manmohan definately rely on Left. They are barking dogs. Thewy donot bite. manmohan go ahead with your agenda. Do some yagas to kill BJP leaders too.
RE:Nuke deal
by bahmophet on Aug 18, 2007 03:07 PM Permalink
u mean they dont bite? how wil they, sir, come elections again, they will get only seats in west bengal. maybe 40 or so. so better to bark and enjoy the fruits of power without any care or concern. of course after all this left ka tamasha is over, the DMK WILL SCREW MANMOHAN FOR A CABINET POST FOR KANIMOLI!
Left will do everything but will not withdraw the support that means they will not do anything which disturbes the process of nuclear deal.Left are real freind of Grg. Bush/USA. Cheers.........